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  • Yesh, but I gotta look up your code and add you really quick~ My code's in the wifi profile link in my siggy xD
    Um er um. Are you aware there is a Pokémon waiting for you in the Pal Park? Because there is a Pokémon waiting for you in the Pal Park.
    Just so you know, I reffed round 2 and am waiting for your commands, then Steele's. Dokon's not looking in too good of a position...
    EXACTLY. I am Moogbreon. :D
    And that's the second time someone used print screen on one of my posts/online activity.

    ...oh. Your grammer-nerdiness has helped Silver discover the error of her ways.
    For irony's sake, you double posted in a thread about avoiding double posting. xD
    Yesterday - when the forums exploded (and members online was reduced to 0-6 at any time), I did some investigation. Apparently the host site - eeveeshq (now route50.net) was overloaded.
    I'm saying that healing moves take 1/2 the energy of the damage they heal. Subs take 1/2 energy of the damage they take. Also, iirc you killed yourself with rest once before. 32- 10% is 22% energy. Then you spend 28% energy healing.

    With your 15% sub, 32-8 is 24, then you spend 20% energy healing. You'll live, but you're cutting it /this close/, so I still may consider changing it up.
    I was reading your battle with Chaon, and Sub~Rest kills you from lack of energy before you can chill. you /may/ want to edit that.
    I got it to work (Triumphant exclamation point!) right now I have a baltoy, a gligar, and a shroomish =3
    *fist pumping like a CHAMP!* just found it .... here.

    I merely think I was confused, but I don't know.
    well, I can't find it. sucks, though, 'cuz I have $3 left. and I think I bought a nidoran M, a shroomish, a cleffa, and maybe something else... but I can't remember.
    I think it was just too much to absorb at one time. I'll go look at it and ask you anything that dumbfounds me.
    Heyy... I'mah makin a safari zone account. I have and ASB, but I didn't get how it is set up, so I never go so far as to... pick it up.
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