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  • Hi Mini! are you back for a bit? Anyway, great news to tell you that I will be sending in a PM due to it's nature.
    she's an evil ENCHANTRESS
    and she does evil DANCES
    if you look deep in her eyes she'll put you in TRANCES
    and what could you DO
    she'd mix up her evil BREW
    and gobble you UP in a BIG TASTY STEW




    that is all :3
    :D (Hhehe, she told me only watch it when she's not around xD I found the TV channel its on too! :D) It's fine! I don't mind waiting!

    I'm sorry I took so long to reply D: And I have purple in my hair now! :D
    Thank you.

    ... Okay, now that just scares me even more due to your current avatar. (WHY, YES. YES IT WAS.)

    I'm angry at my best friend.
    We've been friends and now she just ignores me as if I'm a sock.
    Sorry for the rant.~_~
    I just need to.
    Oh, and what's happening on your side?

    *eternal hug forever back*


    Yes. And that's how my mom found out who she was. it ended up all right, but it scared me for about a week.

    I hope so. I didn't have much luck on valentine's, but I think I'm improving overall.

    *hug* I'm okay with it, I just don't like it that much. *hug*

    yep. </IForgotAboutItOnceForThreeMonthsAndGotKickedOff.>
    Ah, we're nuts.

    Hmm... a ponderance indeed.

    Oh, I meant rockstar in an awesome epic dancing way, not... any specific rockstars! Ah, I've seen 11 year olds wear makeup. That's just the world we live in. But it does make sense, ahaha. Oh, my parents just aren't normal or something. That's my favourite title of yours. :3 I think. I can't decide.

    (It got plugged! It needs a plumber; ASAP.)

    Gasp, you need to find the Giggleroids CURE! Before you outgiggle your Giggle Box! I mean, that's how Giggleroids (the robot) giggle! With their Giggle Boxes! If they get Giggleroids (the disease), then the giggles are DEAD. (How many times have I said "giggle" in this paragraph?)

    Ah, that and computers! We spend time on screens. Aha, that's good. But I don't blame ya about the sticking things into your eyes. It is highly unpleasant. >: No infections for you! You like accénts, éh? Wéll, héré's a féw! How do ya like THÉM APPLES? (...No pun intended.) ACOMNESS is totally a word now. And I don't actually EV train regularly, that was just an exception. It was a very interesting challengez. Z abuse, yez~

    Fuckblast? MOONCHEETAH used FUCKBLAST! It caused SUPER FUCKTASTIC DAMAGE! ...Hehe. Ah, you're not! The internet is making kids far younger than you learn these words. :3 Corruption, yaaaay~ I've known these words since I was like 10. And said them when I was 11. But only a few months until you can be "offically" cursing! Not too long now.

    ...It makes my mind hurt. A lot.

    Oh, well, I'm 18... and it's kinda expected of me to do a lot of things on my own. Since I'm an "adult." (Burahahaha, I'm the FARTHEST thing from an adult that you'll find.) Also, she tends to snatch things away from me when I try to do them and in turn snatches away the satisfaction of doing it myself and feeling competent.


    Oh! I'm glad you liked it! But now I changed it again. Because I'm still a loser who took FOREVER to try to replicate some semblance of the MLP style. Aah, I just consider my name really important, and wouldn't want anyone to call me anything else. And yeah, Tailsy's Applejack. Most of the main gang is taken!
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