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  • Hi. Question: are you going to add the B/W sprites sometime? And the HG/SS as well, although I haven't tested those...
    Umm I wanna ask a question about posting new threads: I don't know which thread to put this in so I was wondering: is there a limit to as how many new threads I can post, or is it unlimited?
    Well hi. So it's early in GMT, I think. 7:45-ish? Well, just dropping in.EDIT: Sorry about the last post. Like I said, I get kind of tongue tied when typing to you, though I keep reminding myself that you're just a person that is the same. Only runs a big site. Uh, that's it. Bye!
    Hahaha. I just got back from a chat with Terezi. How have you been doing since I thought you were a prank on the other thread?
    I want to say congrats on 4 million + hits. That's awesome! Can't wait til you can make the new splash.
    Yeah, I just checked and it is. :O Supposedly it has a bunch of new jobs opening up, but nothing I'd be especially good at atm (and apparently they don't hire people our age...?). Guess it's a moot point for now, even though the thought of a place like that being so close to home is kind of cool.

    If Negrek PMs you and asks you to talk to your dad about getting one of us an internship then that was all her idea and I had nothing to do with it.
    One of my parents left a newspaper article on the table about some Icelandic gaming company moving its North American headquarters to my city. It reminded me of whatever I'd read and I thought I'd ask.
    Out-of-left-field question: I remember someone mentioning somewhere that you'd been offered a job by a gaming company. What was the name of that company, out of curiosity?
    Hi. I saw the reply and thought it was a prank 'til I saw the age and location. Then I went "o.O" and all that. I noticed: it was your birthday a week ago. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Hell yeah it does. I love diverse actors. And cool people. :D I'll tell you if the movie in its entirety is as good!

    Oh wow, I actually saw Cool Runnings like, forever ago. I can't remember him though, I saw it so long ago, all I remember is... the bob-sledding. I might let my sister force me to rewatch it now, haha. Also terrible German accents are awesome. Terrible accents tend to be awesome in general. But terrible German accents are the best. :D
    IT WAS?! Oh my god. I so didn't. (I am really bad with facial recognition.) That is like. Wow. Ahaha. So good.
    Ah well, I had made it watch Dexter long ago, and there's lots of sex there. Lots of blood too though so it compensates.

    I hadn't seen that and oh my god it's so awesome I'm downloading the movie now ahaha. I think I'm gonna sing that as my next performance, just switching the genders. Oh god. xD
    [00:19] Kusari: awkward moment: realising I probably know David Sandstrom's butt better than my own.

    you ruined its innocence
    What the fuck Mayko had a daughter with David

    Explosions, unheard-of diseases, sudden empathic abilities, violent psychosis, three month amnesia, virologists dying/sleeping with David, terrorist crows, I can handle with just a blink, but that somehow felt completely out of the blue. >:| At least Lilith came back in spirit.

    Um. Yes. That was 4.10. I should be at the finale before I go to sleep again. :D And possibly more coherent about plot points that matter.
    What D:

    For the entirety of the first episode (well, after seeing the thing with Caroline), I thought Jill was among those who died. And then she wasn't. Also I thought Wes stole some of David's hair, but they murdered my pet theory in the flashbacks.

    The whole thing was ... wow. Exploding people, infection of two main characters who could go off at any spark, and a threat to the entire planet, all caused by slight negligence, interspersed with traumatic flashbacks and hallucinations and a huge personal failure? How did they fit all of this into one episode.

    It also took me this long to realise the scar on David's temple was not a hair (my eyes b gud) and, wow, is that from the S1 finale? And then tons more scars (Bob's eyes were easily noticeable, but I didn't think until the reveal that Mayko actually lost her leg) that are not totally mental. Aha.

    I don't think I've ever disliked a ReGenesis character as quickly as I did Riddlemeyer. Impressive, really.

    And pff. Of course there's another government cover-up. Well, on the US government's part, anyway. Even in Toronto, the Canadian government barely exists.
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