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  • You do know Twister hits flying targets at double the damage...right?

    Alright Emp, use another Twister on Swift.

    Volcana, Acrobatics on Joltik!

    Empress: 67/100
    Volcana: 57/100
    Weather: Sunny
    Alright Empress, let go of Swift, dodge the Thunderbolt and use Twister on Swift!

    Volcana, I want you to use Overheat.

    Empress: 70/100
    Volcana: 68/100
    Weather: Sunny
    I've played it somewhat :3 I'm not very good at judging but I'll try! (did you see the mafia I won where I was the only one left alive and I had killed everyone :3)
    Alright Emp, intercept Swift's tackle with an Aerial Ace, then Wrap her!
    Volcana, Flamethrower on Joltik!

    Empress: 70/100, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1
    Volcana: 74/100, Speed +1
    Weather: Sunny
    Yeah, Snivy and its line can learn Aerial Ace by TM.
    Ooh, opting to get rid of Emp, eh? Well, Emp, what do you have to say to that?

    Snivy: I have 2 words. Sayonara sucker! *Uses Protect*

    Volcana, since they wasted a turn attacking Empress, use that time to heal, Morning Sun!

    Larvesta: I wondering when you'd command me to use that... *glows softly, healing herself with the sun from her earlier Sunny Day attack*

    Empress: 75/100, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1
    Volcana: 80/100, Speed +1
    Defensive: Light Screen (1 turns)
    Weather: Sunny
    Empress, take that Thunder, then use Aerial Ace on Joltik!

    Snivy: *Empress narrows her eyes and takes the Thunder attack head on, her feet slipping backwards slightly. Then she sped forward, jumping at Joltik with her leafy tail aglow*

    Volcana, use Acrobatics to counter!

    Larvesta: Aye aye, Sylva. *Volcana meets Swift in the middle of her attack with an attack of her own*

    Empress: 75/100, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1
    Volcana: 50/100, Speed +1
    Defensive: Light Screen (2 turns)
    Weather: Sunny

    (So...^_^ Having fun yet?)
    (I'm not calculating at all....it's just numbers. ah well, your choice....are any of my attacks even hitting? lol)

    Empress, Light Screen!

    Snivy: Alrighty! *Erects a pink barrier around herself and Volcana, blocking half the brunt of the Thunderbolt aimed at her partner*

    Volcana, use Foresight, then Flame Charge Swift!

    Larvesta: Affirmative, mistress! *Eyes glow, identifying the real Swift, then charges at her, flames around her*

    Empress: 84/100, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1
    Volcana: 65/100, Speed +1
    Defensive: Light Screen (3 turns)
    Weather: Sunny

    (^_^ fwee, talking to you is fun, as is this! ^_^)
    (Like I said, they're just off the top of my head...you can put yours up, if you want, other wise I'm gonna get pretty confused. Now if this were, say, a reffing, I'd try much harder, but since it's not...)

    Empress: 92/100
    Volcana: 79/100

    Snivy: Argh! *Hit by Quick Attack* Mm... *Closes eyes and concentrates her power. [Calm Mind]*

    Larvesta: Gr. These electric attacks are getting a bit bothersome... ah well *Uses Sunny Day*

    Empress: 84/100, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1
    Volcana: 70/100
    Weather: Sunny

    How's it lookin'?
    No, I never really got into it. I don't get it either. It confuses me.
    Hmm...Take Swift's attack, Empress!

    Snivy: *Intercepts Swift, taking the Flying type's attack. She retaliates with an Iron Tail* Take that!
    Larvesta: *Is fried, once again, this time by Thunder. Lands hard* Grr...wow...that was hard... *Launches herself forward with a Flame Charge, at Joltik*

    ((Adding health values, I suppose. These are just random values, though))

    Empress: 92/100
    Volcana: 79/100
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