She looked kinda shocked, if I remember her facial expression. Maybe she felt his greas all over her. Oh my God, I KNOW. This guy is like... you kill him a bajillion times and he just WON'T GO until the fourth time, I think. His boss fights, back when I was younger, were always frustrating. And even one of them caught me up right now, he kept killing my party until I figured out a strategy. Seymour is horrid. And I think they thought it was amazing because... it was saving Luca from the fiends, about the Aeon. Yeah, that's how I got tons too. In the desert before the Al Bhed's Home.
Apparently, the explanation for Blitzball is that they were trained at holding their breath for a really long time.
Apparently, the explanation for Blitzball is that they were trained at holding their breath for a really long time.