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  • I love milk and sugar, so that'll be acceptable! :D

    ...What should we talk about now? I don't want to stop talking to you everrrrrr. D:
    Don't you become an adrenaline junkie now too...x3

    When I first joined an RP the one name I used a lot was...Bubble.

    And do you think you'll get into ASB again when you get back for good?
    8D!!! By the way, it coincides with my cousin moving near me!! :D June will be a HAPPY MONTH~!

    ...That sounds absolutely heavenly. I need to ask my parents if I can have some one day! We have french vanilla coffe in our house, but I doubt they'd let a twelve-year-old girl like me drink some. :U
    OH MY GOSH are you serious? :D It's so nearby!

    That's true. Like, um, I'm supposed to be doing extra work right now but I'm too busy procrastinating XD
    Maybe you loe it there since you get a break from your family? I need a break from my family o.o

    ....he is the most creative person /evar/. XD
    Oh, that's great! I don't drink coffee on a daily basis, but I've had a cup of coffee in the morning a few times. It was filled with a lot of milk, though. Ahaha. Oh, I can understand that. Younger children shouldn't be drinking coffee. :O
    Wow o: I'm actually in 7th grade currently. DX But it's a better academic environment, what with the lack of distractions/bullies.


    (Oh, and do you know the date that you're coming home? o:)
    ...that's one of the last things I expected xD I think I'M going crazy I just saw a wizard on TV playing gutair o.o

    And I have the same generic name xD Liza FTW
    Yessss I got to see friends :3 I'm homeschooled, so I usually don't see many other kids D:

    It's not that confusing o: Click here to join.
    ...That's amazing. <3

    I say so and it's the truth~ <3 How's everything going with you?
    By god, that's hilarious. I'm not sure how funny that could get. But at the moment, it seems, very.
    Whaaaaaaaat? What do you mean by that? By just being you, you've made the world a better place. :D <3 Everybody should and does love you, and don't you ever forget that. Ever.

    I love you mooooooooore. <3

    Hmm... Let me think of a word... How about... Melancholy?
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