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  • Most people your age would adapt your style if they were able.

    ...so is tat why you stay up till midnight...
    Thanks! I made it myself years ago, when I still knew how to use Photoshop. I like ghostly Pokemon too.
    ...Wow. Really? Not even one other? That is very strange...

    Yeah, yours is... sort of scrollbarish.

    Oh, I used to have GIMP before I got Photoshop! The interface was sort of... not userfriendly... but it's still pretty good anyways in spite of that.

    :P (Nice singing.)






    Goodnight, my friend. Have a pleasant sleep.

    :P (Tralala)




    Damn, It's quite a skill to have.

    A bit of practise helps.

    :D (1T 8URN5)


    |:] (:P)


    I cannot sing at all, it sounds like a broken toybox.

    8 .
    :[ (||] ]



    BC '(*_*)'


    *pets kitty*

    I concur.
    Ah yes, the random must've not loaded for you yet. XD I would have all those displaying, but, if I did it would make my signature far too large and create a scrollbar. And scrollbars are quite unfavourable.

    Yes, Photoshop! I quite like it.
    I thought it said in my signature... unless you have those turned off. Ah well, I'll tell you anyone. My avatar is basically me, as one of my Creations, monsters I invent. This Creation is a doglike creature called a Messenger. So it's me as a Messenger. And I used Photoshop.
    I used to go on a rather childish forum for a 2 dimensional building game. There was a text game where we had to make the previous person's request using one line of text. I loved it.

    5M34R613 (BODYAH!)


    :B (:P)


    D2: I N0 SP34KY

    Never heard of it. What's it like?

    >,,< (You know, you're right. BOOYAH!!!)

    O.o (X#3)

    :K (This statement is false.)

    But... you're not even supposed to know what porn is D:

    Anyways, Silver replied to your thread. See if you can apply what Karmat taught you. Go forth, make him proud XD *shot for extreme corniness*

    >..< (Boohyah?)

    O] (CX)

    :J (Only now, when summer comes around you'll be better off.)

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