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  • JEEZ THOUGH REALLY COULD THAT TIMING BE ANY WORSE. Same time my internet goes out inexplicably. Don't you know I love you and can't stand to part from you for one second?!

    In a totally manly and not-gay way of course.
    Wow, it is just like you to anticipate something for ages only to sign off before the real fun begins.

    In short: you suck and I hate you. :( Just kidding man, we're cool. I'm cool! When aren't I, really.
    ok, do you know who faust is? it is driving me simply mad! I thought they were an ED troll at first until they sent me a PM.
    Listen, uh. Thank you for supporting me, I suppose. No thanks for being extremely antisocial while telling someone they shouldn't be rude. Especially when I consider that someone to be my friend. (sort of. I don't really know at this point.)

    Look, this is TCoD. That means don't act like a jerk or you will be flamed to death. Just look at me!
    You know, you really shouldn't make posts like that. You don't know what affect it will have on people and no reason to insult someone for, "being rude." I'm sure they thought you were being pretty rude too, so, I would be careful if I were you.
    ...You're really not very fun or interesting to talk to.

    This is the last you'll see of me in this conversation.
    the amount of obnoxious on this page man i can't even handle gotta freshen this place up with something totally awesome and witty
    Uh huh.

    For your information, there's a stickied thread that tells you not to post in a Coughing Cupboard thread if you're not going to offer advice or consolation.

    Enough said.
    Have your opinion.

    ...Uh, hey, I said in the thread that I've tried to tell people.

    Did you read through the entire post.
    That was a mistake, and I'm unsure why I'm responding to this.

    The apology felt insincere, and while I'm not ~eternally mad~ at him, it's still irrelevant.

    Who said depressed people aren't rude?

    Well. Good for you, then :P
    Because I really don't want a big part of this, I'll just say this.

    He was going completely off track, and seriously there was no reason why you list fast suicide methods in a thread about someone trying to stay alive.


    Have a nice day.
    can i comment on my own profile? not that i would that's totally vain!
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