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  • Oh.

    ... You must have had a ton of posts in the thread(s?) that were deleted. My bet is that it was from forum games.
    It... went down?

    Must have deleted some forum game threads or something. Mine seems to be about the same, but I don't pay attention much.
    I promised her I wouldn't tell... unless she actually did die. And she isn't okay; she's still pretty suicidal, but she's alive at the very least.
    But im glad you enjoyed it at least XD <3
    Whats it feel like though D: It allll being over now D: -heart shatters- XD
    Yes D: I saw the trailer today for the first time. Total distress. DX Hope they put it out on DVD soon..xD
    xD Oh well. Have fun :O x3
    Yeah,loads of fun. :3 AREN'T YOU JUST DYING TO GET THEM NOW x) <3
    Its okay,though,there's always the good stuff too,like...Colorful rubberbands. :O And...well...I s'pose thats about it. xD But they really arent that bad xP
    They arent that horrid,really xD The only part I really hate is the pokey wires that cut little holes in your mouth if you dont use the wax. Which,is a pain to use,cuz you cant eat or drink with it on,and taking it off requires the frustration of getting it to fit just so when you DO put it back again. xD Other than that,the rest isnt so bad,as far as pain goes xD But you're gonna get sick of soup. Believe me. :3 Just saying. xD
    Ooh '.'...hmm...well, chu just gotta try. She may just have butterflies fluttering round in her tummeh and iz too nervous to declare her undying adoration of you :D?
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