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  • Yeah,I understand,I know what they are,but wow. That's ridiculous. o.O
    I'm homeschooled,but even when I went to private school we never had anything like that,No name tags or anything either,so I can't really relate to your frustration,but I do understand that would be dreadfully annoying >.>...

    I know. Exactly. It's just beyond ridiculous and unnecessary. o_O Over the top,uh...The epitome of frustrating. Yeah. :3

    Yeah. I'm probably gonna get black when I finally do save up and have enough. xP
    Yes. xD But still,I dunno why they haven't thought about that. o.O Who knows.
    Anyways. Uh...I dunno. xD Whats something that infuriates you?

    Yes,I know right? Ugh. xD Even though,texting,I still don't exactly get the point of all the replacing letters with symbols? Wouldn't that just take longer? I dunno.

    I know..D: I want one. xD & Ooh. x3 That's fun. I really should get my own pokemon game eventually. My sister has platinum but she doesn't even let me use it anymore,so. But if I'm gonna start playing I should probably buy my own game already :3
    Since someone seems to have to volley the first strike,
    And I already have the metaphorical mike,
    I'll go ahead and start the fight;
    A shouting voice above the light.
    It's playing into your "style,"
    But either way I'll slam you into the tile.

    You see, you started a SICK FIRE
    When you started to desire
    A battle with me.
    You see,
    I'm very experienced at the art of rhyme.
    I've been doing it for quite a long time.
    And you're a liar
    If you think you can sire
    From me a defeat.
    Now take your seat
    Because you're about to meet
    The pyromaniac beat.

    I'm warning you, bro.
    Now you know
    About the punishment you'll face
    If you continue in this race.
    You could quit
    And save some semblance of wit
    But if you feel that you're fine
    Then take me on and you're mine.
    After all, I'm going to win
    And this is where I call, "fin."

    (I know, it gets really bad
    And while it can be mad
    I have no idea where Butterfree should/can host.
    Therefore the chance of moving is a ghost.)
    Yes :3

    What I'd like to know is how exactly,one would be a sir AND a madam? Last I checked you could only..uh...be one or the other. Uhm. o.o So lost. XD Oh well. /thesefailureissuesIhave. >.> Nevermind that ridiculous comment. xD YAAAY. xD

    I know! OR whats really ridiculous is,the $tupid n33d ppl gt 2 type lyk di$. Dont even get me started on that one...xD...But that's the beyond ridiculous typing. I know what you mean,the kind people tend to not REALIZE they do,so it'd probably be out of line to comment on. It drvies me mad though. Even though,I have no room to talk,cause I tend to do little bothersome things like that without realizing. Oh well xD..

    Yeah,I suppose thats not too bad. x3
    Same here. >.> It would be a miracle if just one movie went so closely to the book it was almost mind blowing,to where they didn't add or leave out a single thing. If the movie just..reflected the way it played out in the mind of the producer,you know what I mean? Just as far as graphics and visual effects and such? That would by amazing. Wonder why no one has thought to do that yet. It's well worth a try,anyway,IMO. But oh well. xP Not all movies are as irrelevant as Percy Jackson was,thankfully. xD Some are fairly close,not as many changes so.

    Shall we though? Like a new sort of debate where you just go on about the stupidity in things. >:D SEEMS A FINE IDEA TO ME :3

    I think the same of you though,cause good God,Its infuriating,people who talk so confusing or type like spazzes for no reason. o.0 I just dont understand D: xD

    I've never celebrated halloween,anywho,so I guess that wouldn't mean as much to me. xD Just saying,but I'm sorry about that if its something you do enjoy D: I wasn't aloud to when I was younger,and so it's never really seemed that interesting. Guess I'm just weird like that,oh well x3 But anyways..I need to buy a new DS. It's just near impossible I save up so long. xD..But oh well. :3 As long as mine doesnt fall apart any time soon,I guess its good xD
    I know,right..
    Yeah. :3

    Yes,thats exactly how I am,sooo. XD Yaaaay for...rambling rants caused by extreme frustration...o.0 Idek. xD muaha.

    Yes,me too >.> Lol..confusing mess.

    Oh,thats fun. :o The fair doesn't get here til around October. xD But yeah. /besidethepoint Thats pretty sweet o.o I fear my ds will give in pretty soon...Its already got parts chipping off on the sides xD and Its got a crack in the screen. xD I've had it since I was 10,though,sooo. It's had nice four years :') *tear tear* xD But that sounds really awesome o.O I'm envious...xD That's really cool. x3 HAVE FUNNN WITH YOURS :D x3
    I know,exactly. It's ridiculous,like,why? Go and ruin it for themselves,I dont even know xD But well then,I've got hope for The Hunger Games x] I can't wait til they at least give us a trailer or something for that one o_o

    Okay xD I feel as if I go on too much with rants *and other things* sometimes. I tend to..ramble. x3

    Yes,same here. >.> It's a pain..to both people conversating XD D: But yeah. Happens,I suppose.

    Ooh...D:..Yeah,that's annoying...Im sorrry...D: But wow. xD I still have a ds lite.../sobehind xD Thats fun though. :o I didn't really get the whole concept..but then again I never really looked as to what the actual point of them is? Uhm...like..how they work or whatever. I mean,obviously,its got 3D features,but what else is different about it from the other versions? And how exactly does the whole 3D thing work out? xD Oh well,I guess I'll go look it up. xD Im such a noob,its been out forever but I've never really taken the time to read about it or look at it much at all xD Anyways! Rambling again! xD Hope you have fun with that :D xD
    Sure, I will.
    Although I'll deny your accusation of skill,
    (I almost certainly have nil.)
    (And for more I might kill.)
    I'll participate in your spar
    Until you say you're up to par.
    Although I'm sorry if I don't quickly respond-
    Please don't think I'm about to abscond!
    I'm not the most fleet
    Of the typing elite.

    But like I said, I'll play.
    What reason do I have to reply nay?
    None, I say.
    So if it's okay,
    I think I'll take you on.
    I won't be as far gone
    To say I will win,
    And because my creativity is running thin
    I believe I'll make this short.
    However, I do quite like this sport.

    (Hrng... my poem got partially deleted twice.
    Stupid closing tabs, I have no dice.)
    I suppose not...D:..Tis a shame,if they'd just gone by the books....>.< CURSES. That was an awesome series they went and screwed up xD And why? I mean,as far as money goes,if THAT was the main concern,you know they'd make a load if they went by the book,at least more than they did,and made the sequels? Who knows. >.>
    At least we still have the hunger games to look forward to. *fingers crossed* the producers won't do the same with that. xD

    But anyways. xD Nevermind that rant,oh well,yano. xD..

    Yes! It is...Stuff like that frustrates me...Confusing to explain so I end up sounding not how I mean to...? I have alot of those moments,it seems. xD..>.>
    But yes..
    If you say so. xD
    Yes. <3

    I have read them all,and yeah D: It was incredibly stupid. xD...If they do make movies out of the other books,I hope its closer to the books way,than that first one. Though,I doubt it,cuz with that stunt,its always gonna be way off,just the fact they went and ALREADY killed him off. >.> People.

    I know..I understand..I sometimes do the same thing? I mean...I dunno how to explain it,its quite confusing I suppose,but you just...feel..? That a certain color would blend with the beat or even the lyrics I suppose? I think it depends,though,sometimes Ill listen to a song and no actual color really just hits you as going with the song,but,yeah. I know...I make no sense I guess xD..I ramble and say things that make sense to me but then I read over it from a different perspective,in a way? *making less and less sense,the more I speak.* And I worry Ill make no sense*just proved such things*,so,uh. Sorry bout that. :3
    And awh...Sorry about Sarah D:..
    But that is a bit ironic. xD
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