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  • ^ ^, I love Scootaloo, mom says she fits me to, cause while I don't scooter, I skate board, and I dance. Plus I have short hair that I like to dye colors, and when I die it red it likes to fade to pink, so to me Scootaloo is awesome.

    I should be hugging you cause you made me one. ^ ^ *hug*
    They're not that bad!

    They're just too big to be avatars. Mine is the maxium size, actually.
    As do I. I made a whole folder of them :D. The only person who I remember using them is ILS.
    I think that defines the differences between Leo and Jin. Leo tries to do what he can to help the group as a whole, but in the end all he wants is for his personal goals to be achieved (namely keeping Emile safe and getting the data disk.) Jin on the other hand always struck me as the fellow that puts the team ahead of himself, and that might be why I could see him battling it out with Leo later down the road.
    His reaction would probably have been a complete shock at first, followed by a turmoil of some kind. Leo definitely would have capitalized that to try and turn Emile away from killing his mother.

    So if Jin felt responsible for the group, how do you think he'd have reacted to Arylett's current scenario?
    Here Emile's been put in a group with a bunch of pokemon that he hates, and they all hate him in return. The only one that doesn't (Leo), Emile thinks is trying to take advantage of him. For someone to actually genuinely like Emile, I think would have thrown him for a loop, especially since he's right now on the verge of getting what he wants.

    That being said, I've put Leo through quite a few twists and turns as well. Do you think you would have tried to get Jin to keep prying further, possibly exposing Leo's secret before he impulsively blurted it out?
    Now that would have caused a shocking turn in the development of Emile, especially at this point. How do you think Jin would have reacted to all of this?
    I honestly don't understand. What's the Rave? And what's wrong with taking pony names...? *feels awkward*
    Sounds ominous. Is that where the evil villain man is?

    (I can understand that. It was only an experimental idea that I never want to replicate again.)
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