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  • Your new RP looks kinda cool. I'm probably gonna have a charachter form finished at some point today. (not quite sure of a few things with plot, though.)

    Sure thing!

    ARADIA MEGIDO is/was a TROLL from ALTERNIA. She can HEAR THE VOICES OF THE DEAD, and is often MANIPULATED by them to DO THINGS. She was KILLED by VRISKA SERKET in revenge for SUMMONING THE SPIRITS OF THE DEAD TO TAUNT HER, which was revenge in itself for VRISKA PARALYZING TAVROS. VRISKA KILLED HER by mind controlling SOLLUX (who was her MATESPRIT/BOYFRIEND at the time) into killing her with EYEBEAMS.

    She is VERY UNEMOTIONAL, and often does things simply because they have to be done in the timeline. She is very knowledgeable about SGRUB (a game which makes universes) because she DISCOVERED the TECHNOLOGY needed to MAKE IT. She used to be very OPTIMISTIC and CHEERFUL, but AFTER HER DEATH she lost interest in EVERYTHING SHE CARED ABOUT and simply became pretting BORED with everything. She is often 0kay with things. She is the MAID OF TIME in SGRUB, and once she gets god tier (got tiger) she will be able to FREEZE PEOPLE IN TIME.

    That's her beginning ghost form. I suggest you look at her WIKI PAGE to understand more.

    ... I could've been Derpy Hooves or Gaz or even Zim, couldn't I. ANICHOICE MAFIA THREE???

    EDIT: Eh, might as well exposit on her soulbot form. WOULD YOU BE 0KAY WITH THAT? G00D.

    She's become somewhat PSYCHOTIC after entering her soulbot (built for her by EQUIUS, who had a CRUSH ON HER), and BEAT VRISKA TO DEATH shortly after meeting her as revenge. Earlier she had said she was 0kay with her death, for COMPARISON. SHE'S VIOLENT AND POWERFUL, and still believes entirely in INEVITABLITY. Her TELEKINESIS has become significantly more powerful, as shown in MAKE HER PAY.

    He's basically this nearly omniscient cue ball (yes from billiards) being that is also very proper and immortal. He's a very good host, and can tolerate quite a bit. He does have a revolver, but he has never been seen using it.

    Other than that, he is a bit of a creeper, taking interest in young ladies, specifically around the age of thirteen. Though this is mostly irrelevant due to his age, as any lady could be considered young next to him.

    And that's pretty much it.
    He's a kickass spikyshades sword-weilding brother od Dave strider that can slash a meteor in half.

    He's good-alligned
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