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  • EB: it is
    EB: it is
    EB: but, while it is not underwater basket weaving, we were having a debate
    EB: based on what made the image funny
    EB: and i do believe i have won it
    EB: either way
    EB: it just has to be the bellsprout
    EB: would you like to know why?
    EB: because even in the most seizure-inducing pattern and repitition
    EB: the phrase "party hard" isn't all that funny or ironic by itself
    EB: the insertion of a bellsprout dancing a dirty dance makes it funny
    EB: mostly because a bellsprout doesn't really party to any degree, let alone hard
    EB: which also makes it ironic
    EB: your move, dave
    EB: whatever you say
    EB: i think its the bellsprout
    EB: but you are the cool one
    EB:the master of cool
    EB: who knows everything there is to know about cool
    EB: who is not me
    EB: so what would i know about being cool
    EB: oh wait
    EB: that would be everything because of nic cage
    EB: and i'm certain that's all there is to say on the matter


    EB: i know right?
    EB: it's like, nic cage and liv tyler had a beautiful child
    EB:... that happens to be a bellsprout
    Thank you very much, Blade. I hope you enjoy the 3DS.

    Ah, ah. So I was mistaken on that part. I do have to agree that homework does indeed take a bit of time.

    You're welcome.
    It's nothing too complicated, thankfully. Audio and video aren't available, however, so that's a minor setback. Anyway, after purchasing your 3DS, would you please be so kind as to tell me how it is? I've seen a few commercials, but I'd much rather hear a real opinion on it.

    Oh, that's a shame. Homework is much easier if you enjoy it, but I suppose that everything becomes boring and tedious at one point. And I'm relieved to hear that. I feel a bit calmer,thank you. Anyway, good night, and have a nice rest. I'm not sure wheather I'll be on or not, but if I am, it probably won't be for long. I've been working all summer and I still have a few things to finish.
    I received it. It came up in a notice, just like usual, thankfully.

    Ah, I see. I'm not exactly upset, as I love school and homework and such, but I'm nervous because I heard that seventh grade is a lot less... enjoyable than sixth grade. And my school hands out schedules for seventh and eighth graders the day school begins, so I have to find all of my classes in a few minutes, unless I arrive early.
    You start to get less impressed with the overall sounds of songs once you've listened to a lot of classical music and have had some harmony and counterpoint lessons. It seems a lot less impressive when most modern songs reduce to I-IV-I-V-I or i-VII-VI-V-i-iv-i, while I could spend hours poring over classical music going i-IIIx6-ii6-viio6-v4/3-VI or I/VI-V/VI-vi/VI-V4-3/VI-vi/VI or iv/I-V8/6/4-7/5/3-I#3. Classical music, though, tends to be intimidating and without beat to those who have not spent a long time listening to it, and it does get boring for most people after a while.

    I think I can already predict what the next songs will be:

    "Dance, Dance": Ice-type moves deal 3% extra damage, after all modifiers are accounted for.

    "Sugar, We're Going Down": Ice-type moves deal 3% extra damage, after all modifiers are accounted for.

    "This ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race": Ice-type moves deal 3% extra damage, after all modifiers are accounted for.

    "West Coast Smoker": Ice-type moves deal 3% extra damage, after all modifiers are accounted for.


    Ooh. Fun fact about Liszt: At one point in time, nearly all of Europe was affected by Lisztomania: women would try to get locks of his hair, and whenever he broke a piano string, admirers would try to obtain it in order to make a bracelet. Some female admirers would even carry glass phials into which they poured his coffee dregs. According to one report," Liszt once threw away an old cigar stump in the street under the watchful eyes of an infatuated lady-in-waiting, who reverently picked the offensive weed out of the gutter, had it encased in a locket and surrounded with the monogram "F.L." in diamonds, and went about her courtly duties unaware of the sickly odour it gave forth."
    All right. Well, hopefully I'll be able to receive the PM. I'm using my DSi, so I'm not perfectly sure.

    In a week? It's two weeks for me, but. I'll admit that I'm rather nervous.
    Oh. How is everything between you and Silvy, if I may ask?

    It's certainly nice to speak to you again, as well. I've always enjoyed our conversations. They're... enjoyable. Ha ha.
    Oh, hello, Blade. It's been quite a while since we last spoke to each other. Everything is well with me. How about you?
    I killed it already when I unblocked TCoDf. Not a fan, really, just something I want to listen to obsessively for about 4-5 days, then drop in favour of something else; my favorite, which I come back to will always be Beethoven. His Opus 13 is amazing <3. Also, Liszt's Transcendental Etudes! But I guess there's always a spot in my heart for contemporary music, which Fall-out Boy does well. I just don't like their repetition - about 75% of each of their songs are just re-iterations of the first 25%.

    Also, is there a reason why "From now on we are Enemies" would cause Ice-type moves would deal an extra 3% damage?
    I just spent the last few hours listening to Fall-out Boy, after you used their music for our tournament battle.

    There goes my productivity.
    Well, the nickname is usually where you get to make your statement, so I'm not going to rob you of that opportunity. Why don't you nickname her whatever you would if it were to be kept on your team?
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