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  • I never read that one.

    Nooooope! That's a spelling that appears in the early books, but the later ones spell it correctly as "Squornshellous".

    Honestly, I've read the first four about a million times, I'd have noticed if I had it wrong :3
    Yeah...pretty much in the USA, if you haven't heard the city name before it's not as interesting as Europe. That's cool that you were born in Germany though.
    Yes. Yes I am.

    When Fenchurch wriggles against some pillows, the narrative mentions Squornshellous Beta, a world inhabited by pillows, as opposed to Squornshellous Zeta, inhabited by mattresses.
    And you never hear anything about Germany having teen drinking problems. Or Italy, where they can have wine coolers and such at 12.

    I take it you've missed it for reasons non-alcoholic?
    I never took a stand on alcohol use either way, but it's not something I'm planning on doing until I'm of legal age. Or at least eighteen, but probably legal age.

    Conversely, I am supposed to be creating a PowerPoint about how the drinking age should be lowered to 18. >.>
    That's the best kind of fanfiction there is 8D

    That pony overlap video thing almost killed me. Thank God my laptop buffers like a snail.
    Hah happy birthday kid. In case you didn't see it, I offered you an anything $11 or under in ASB money, but now that I'm a ref I should be able to owe you something more than that.

    What sort of fanfiction?
    You should stop doing things that make you sad. Like I stopped listening to Evanescence or watching Cake Boss. But that made me more hungry than sad.

    What sort of projects?
    I moved in with my dad finally so I'm a lot less mad. But I was really only ever mad at my mom. Which still happens from time to time. But life, other than homework, is fricking great. How have you been?
    God damnit you are correct. I apologize.

    Rarity is also a favorite of mine. I used to think she was a bitch but the Diamond Dogs episode made me fall in love with her.

    Err, I only have 7$ right now, and I don't plan reffing anything soon (homework D:) so either you choose something really cheap or you wait for me to finish a battle.

    cough cough
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