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  • I must draw a comic. It shall be an epic tale of several young boys who see Blazaria, and thinking that she is a 'wierdo dressing like a vulpix,' they invite her to a game of tag, in which one of them decides it is funny to pull on her 'fake tails.'

    They pull the tail. Blazaria freezes. Mitch is magically behind the kid looking all pissed and extraordinarily taller than normal. Last panel, Mitch is carrying Blazy piggy-back style, she talks, Mitch just answering with, "Yup. Uh-huh. Yeah."

    *Grabs Sketchbook*
    I would, but... I am not very active right now at all. So. I'm not entirely sure that it would be a good thing for your Rp if I did, you see. Otherwise I would join it in a second.
    Is she even going to let go to eat? Or will she cling to him even then? She seems pretty determined to stay wrapped around his neck.
    INDEED. I may draw that at some point. Give him stiching along his body. AND HE SHALL BE THE MITCH-TEDDY. Thing.
    Nope. I basically thought, Wouldn't it be cool if there was a roleplay about Pokemon turned into humans instead of humans turned into Pokemon for once... hey... I could do that! It'll be set in a Crapsaccharine World ruled by scientists... no, Scientists, and the human - Pokemon will be their experiments! And now what to call them... something in Latin...

    And after a quick search, Huh, Maeror Astrorum means The Sorrow of the Stars... and the experiments can be called the Tristicula Astra, which means the Sorrowful Stars, to fit the little theme. And now we have a roleplay that no one will like. Well done, Audrey.

    I supposed I was wrong about the no one liking it thing. And it did involve a lot more writing stuff down than that, but you get the picture.
    I'm glad you like it. To be honest, I was worried no one would. It was just a random idea I had one day.

    ...Actually, this is the first RP I've been active in too. I was in this one in which I posted about twice, and there's one that never even started.
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