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  • Maeror Astrorum is yours? I shall consider your offer. Actually I've roleplayed before. Just don't expect me to be active on weekdays.
    Oh, I have no doubt that's what transpired. That's partly why it's funny. Randomness like that makes me giggle.
    Real life tends to help the creative process. :D

    Phil Collins for example!(Because that totally relates to everything we've been discussing!)
    I'm finding the story of Blazaria very interesting, so keep it geared to RP. X3

    Oddly enough, I cannot draw things as simple as the Powerpuff girls. :/ It's really wierd, to. I can't draw too simple or too complex. Everyone's got their own unique style, I decided, and while branching out is great, constraining tends to help with consistency. So Powerpuff girls actually take quite a bit of skill if you ask me. (If that makes sense.)
    I think I was to, but after a couple of them I just became an addict. It's improved my writing vastly, and given me buttloads of characters to draw, and sometimes steal for comic ideas. (Muahaha)
    Meh. I'm open to anything. Except if I make Mitch much younger, I have to give up his epic man stubble. D:

    Whatever the case is there, I think I'll have Mitch open up to Blazaria at some point. Let her see him shed a tear.
    And then I read your visitor message to me and it dawned on me that both of us seem very much confused. Good to know. :3

    So is there any particular reason for Blazaria's interest in Mitch beyond 'Why is he so reclusive?' You know, is it supposed to evolve into anything else in your mind?
    WAITWAITWAIT, I just realized Route 28 is in Kanto. -.-' Me no know nothing about me Pokemon Geography.
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