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Crazy Linoone
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  • Nah. I'm so cool, I floor it

    Oh God I need to stop. ((Pst, I'm such an awesome stalker, I know approximately where you live))
    no why is the Linoone in your signature drowning in awesome sauce :(


    Depending on what you're planning to do with your life, that can either be a very good thing or a very bad thing.

    I am the greatest of all conversation stalkers. Fear me.
    :3 Tearing your hair out in frustration yet? (BTW, don't take anything there seriously)

    Bulba! Bulb, bulba, Saur!

    But I conversation-stalked and saw that you took the AP Calculus exam two years ago or something? :S
    Alright, then :3

    "N is usually used as a toss-away variable in math equations when solving for unimportant things (while x is usually for more important things), which is symbolic as well."
    Wow, I never thought about it this way before.

    Are you doing a Pure math/Physics major in University?
    I'm curious: did the pornographic verse get used?

    Also, would you be interested in being a judge for an ASB contest? The theme for appeals will be mathematics: each battler picks a different theorem (or theory) each round and centres their attacks upon it.
    Oh. Okay. If you know of any one who would be good for my first battle (so pumped!) please let me know. Thanks.
    I just want to say, you rock. I agree with every comment i've ever seen, your signature made my head explode the first time i saw it, (out of joy) and the avatar. Ooh, the avatar. You rock.
    WHY YES I AM ALIVE. I revive once every few months to reply to your comments, because I <3 you so much, yes.

    Let's see... We have at least three half-Chinese half-white, and one really weird guy who's three-quarters Chinese and one-quarter Indian. They seem to fit in rather well with the Asian group, except for one of the half-Chinese.
    I'm always like, "There's a Quagsire out against my Mow Rotom, but obviously he'll expect a Leaf Storm, so I will use Volt Switch to scout the switchin!" And the person totally reads me and I get choicelocked into an electric attack against a Ground Pokemon... OTL FAIL LIKE A BOSS.
    ... that is true! MOM LET'S CONVERT ALL OUR MONEY INTO GOLD. And now I'm reminded of this comic. Also future children lol children annoy me ): I'd be a terrible mother.
    ... maple wine? Is there such a thing? I'd rather just drink the syrup.
    My grandpa is the master of chicken wings. Also orange chicken lol I've had some of that, but it's pretty meh.
    ... School has now been going for a month and I feel terrible. ;~; School why do you exist
    onomnom chicken heart. And duck gizzard. Never had duck balls, but my parents don't even let me eat the butt so I'm pretty sure they'd never order duck balls.
    Oh, we usually order around 6 dishes when we have five people because my brother is a food-tank and plows his way through everything. That guy can /eat/.
    It was pleasant to watch. :D Not pleasant for my brother to deal with though, probably.
    CHUGALUGALUG watch me die from diabetes.
    Legs? What are those? I've long since eaten them since I was too lazy to walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.

    FOOD MOAR FOOD. I haven't been eating much lately because I got this terrible sore in my mouth that's right up against my teeth and it hurts when I talk and aaa ): It's been there for a week and hasn't even started to heal yet.
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