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  • You aren't. You cannot have enough bees! You may call yourself RespectTheBee-lade, bee-ut that is nowhere near the amount of respect bees deserve! They deserve to stand alone! Bzzz--

    (... I think I've gotten too attached to this bee thing. I couldn't bee-lieve how overjoyed I was with the bees. Unluckily for you, I do not think your appeal score will bee is bees. It will probably bee is As.)

    It was one of the bees-t ones :D! So many of the appeals are great. I'm probably not bee-ing critical enough with all of these bee-ut I will just ignore that for now.

    I forced puns into all of this reply! Bee-tter?
    If he was is bugs/poisons/flyings then it would bee enough is bees. Sadly, he is not.

    (It makes a great utility attack in general, when you consider how you can mess with nerves. And also hint: my appeal will involve eating things! So, yeah. Not quite sure what that means for me.)

    ... Actually, I don't think I'm actually suspicious of anyone. *Shrug* I've just become slightly accustomed to trying to be paranoid about all of ASB.

    Knife outlines from Kusari (not specifically from Avatar, but apparently specifically for me so) and this soundtrack from Blastoise! Avatar and bees are the perfect combeenation.

    I do not regret that pun.
    But you don't have any bees yet! My thoughts are bees.

    (Draco meteor would have been nice, yes... although I would've killed for a psychic more. Psychic is just generally so useful, and almost all of mine are just physical things that are just there. If my question gets answered in a favorable way, though, I'll be in good shape. Shame mine aren't that flashy--the best I can think of is an "entertaining" appeal rather than an "elegant and flowing" one--but. Mine are rather middling.)

    I didn't really mean it in that way; if possible, though, I would think randomizing it until it fit would be better.

    Speaking of things beeing things... there's so much Avatar in my Doom Desire bracket and eeeee <333
    You don't even have an is bugs, how could your pokemon already bee bees?

    (I have! Shell smash, glare, crabhammer, and lick are my moves; not the best but not the worst either. Yours are rage, bide, psych up, and attack order. I've got a vague thing of what you could do with yours, but they're pretty meh.)

    Good point. We're judging each other. Probably a few others are, as well... not the best idea I'd think but better than hand picking the matchups.
    RTB! We're in the Metronome Contest together, sooo...

    Your tournament appeal better bee bees--you have attack order. I am a judge and can make your chance at moving on weep. (Just kidding.)
    Grass King's damage Influencing Centre, its on the first page of ASB Central
    Thank you! A Black Belt would suffice since Sheer force and Life Orb no longer are useful
    Yeah, I suppose so. It was more of an overalll example of things.

    Really? Thanks. :D I actually do have my own; it's in this weird limbo stage where I'm renovating but not actually adding new additions to the squad and yeah. It'll probably be updated eventually by tomorrow, though!

    Yeah. And for the pokemon in ASB, you can get entirely new ideas just looking at them!
    Gosh... I'll say yes but don't expect your score to be great if you use that because it seems so... out of place. Of course, if you can make it fit in with the atmosphere, then go ahead.
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