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  • It was about everyone meeting you at the rooftop in fifteen minutes, you telling us all to make fires and then you kneeling beside your name and David's name scrawled into a wall with the number of kills you guys had underneath them and you adding some more to your list, saying "I'm still kicking, David".
    Well, to be honest... What was planned on happening is the zombies somehow get through the walls of the Sacramento safe house, and we have to live in the wilderness, which brings out the real "zombie survival" part of all this.
    Dunno when this'll take place, but it has to be before we get back home. Maybe it can go on while we get there.
    Yes, all posts deleted by anyone but admins are only soft-deleted, so I can simply restore it. Just give me the link.
    Your post seems to have been swallowed again, which means responding to it is tricky. Why do the forums hate you so much did you devour its children or something.
    Charizard2K? XP It doesn't ring a bell. You were probably there, I just don't know if I remember you or not. I'm sorry! D=> I'll remember you now, okay?
    Hello =] I'm not sure if I remember your username, honestly it's been AGES since I was on here. I was last here Circa.... probably something like 2003-4, honestly I'm not sure which. =P Like, it has been a very VERY long time. XD I'd be surprised if anyone at all remembered who I was.
    I actually forgot that place existed until you said this! Yeah, I haven't been on since my registration, really.

    And I'm like trying to get more active here again, but I feel like my maturity has gone down a level to be honest. I guess I'll just be sticking with the Cupboards for now, really.
    He never did much, though. I think he was pretty much just the token black guy. His wife/girlfriend/sister/friend who stayed behind in the CDC was much more of a character.
    I think there was exactly one conversation where he tried to drive Lori into the ocean and she made him turn back to the highway. But that was pretty much it.
    I guess, but it hasn't been discussed much. Lorri kinda respected her because she saw the sense of it and tried to tell that to Maggi, who totally hates her. Rick had no hard feelings against her, neither did the kid. Weren't she and Darrel buds for a while? And she had no real interaction with Glen or Hershal...T-Dog has no character involvement with anyone of any nature...And yeah, that's all I can think of. I don't think they mention the group thinking she's nuts much.
    (Maybe they'll all just die and it can be all about her!)

    Don't read the comics, so I'm unsure as to how she's an outcast?

    (If it's spoilery don't tell me please).
    Yes! After Dale died and Glenn got kinda boring, Andrea was so my favourite character. And then she was left behind and I was like "No, they're gonna drag out her death to make it unbearable" and then they didn't! And they also made her awesome. Before, she was just kind of "I'm awesome, believe it," but her solo run was the first truly badass thing she ever did. Also, she had an awesome top on. Like, the best furry cardigan ever. My mother wants to own that top.
    Favourite episode by far. They stopped going wholly by characters and started to develop a bit more of a flare for surprising plot twists by the end of this season: Shane is a zombie, They're all infected, There's a safe-house-looking place, There's some black female 'Queen of the Walkers' (as my family named her) and Andrea is 100% awesome.

    Lots of surprises. Season 3 will be awesome. Fwee.
    (I knew you watched it, you called them Geeks like Darrel).
    Which season finale, 1 or 2?
    Because 2 was just hilarious and intriguing.

    Well, it seems that Roleplays and Serious Business would be our main point of contact, then, because I do mostly Pokémon things here. Cool, fast-forwarding Phantom, a-go!

    Also, if I don't respond, it's because I've fallen unconscious. Because tired.
    I was thinking this was the first RP I've seen you in. The only other place on this site I've seen you in was Serious Business. Which makes sense, because Roleplaying can be very Serious Business indeed.

    My characters tend to be preachy as well, but that's more of my failing then it is theirs.

    Yes, Ulqui herself's been pretty inactive in running this. I swear if she doesn't post soon Axelle is getting devoured. By James, if there's no zombies around.

    Not a fan of fast-forwards, really, though I guess for a couple of hours (they walked away from the city for a while) would be okay, if that's what you have in mind.

    Yes. It would be the height of poor zombie defence planning to just have guards on the walls and sort of hope that hoards don't come. Because god knows zombies never travel in hoards :B
    I am now imagining a son of a monkey crap.


    Anyhoo, I didn't see anything wrong with it. It got people out of the city, which has been a goal for at least a week so. At this speed, we may encounter a Geek by Mid-June.

    Stupid forums being down, butchering activity.
    Hey, just to let you know, your post in Momento Mori seems to have been deleted? The one where they left the city? T'was there earlier, and now is gone. You might want to, I don't know, be aware of it or something. It's just odd, and I'm just alerting.
    But you can be born good and have a rich history behind you. Although I agree that the cooler characters are always the ones that overcome their evil nature. And then there's pure evil.

    You could also put characters and people in the D&D classification of Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Good/Neutral/Evil, that adds some spice! In Fate/Stay Night, Kinoko Nasu establishes the alignment of the Servants with the D&D system, but his choices don't look too obvious most of the time.
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