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  • (lol, that explains a lot. the whole thing was meant to be a reference to this scene. that's okay though!)

    <include iostream.h>

    ...trying to remember what it was has lead me to the conclusion I'd be better off starting from scratch. Are... are all the old teams from the old forums archived somewhere? ?~?
    But maybe this year's test was harder?

    Augh I wouldn't know this I haven't participated in a math contest since middle school ;~;
    well, if it's differentiated by grade level, then going up grades should not affect your ranking, so if you need experience with the tests or something like that to get good at it, then that is disappointful.
    ... well I wouldn't know 8D; I could ask him what he got when he gets the results or... you could stalk him, idk, can you? I think you can?
    D: That happens a lot and it sucks majorly, every time. Especially on an exam on a question worth a ton of marks ugh

    Naw, you got higher than him on that... other test, forgot the name.
    (I can just buy some at the local liquor store or something then, can't I? Seems like it would cost less)

    (I probably will. And that quote is utterly beautiful)

    Cloud! *points*
    Yeah, sort of.

    How many sacrifices must I make before the gods are appeased?
    *avoids eye contact* Well, I like to think (and sometimes act!) like it's fermented, but that doesn't always mean it is.
    But is it free without charge? Something tells me my paycheck would be affected.

    (I see. My dad wants me to take piano lessons in the summer, but I have terrible coordination when trying to do that sort of thing)
    That's a... dastardly good plan. Fermented berry juice is a personal preference of mine, eheh. Makes me want to ref again, but I'm so lazy.

    (ooh, which one? :D)
    Very good Fluttershy :3

    At the time at least you could have custom colored/marked pokemon and custom moves if they weren't deemed gamebreaking. And I was a lot younger and got impatient. Maybe I'll try it agian, though.
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