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  • Did you ever get any other messages with regards to working on ASB? We're still kind of discussing what needs to be written by who.
    Hey, yeah, that'd be great! I'll have to ask the others first, and figure out what they're already taking care of, but yeah, we're kind of overwhelmed despite there being seven of us, hahah.
    Hi :3 Wanna be friends?^^;

    ..."He must win"? o.o' ...i thought pronouns weren't ment for joking...unless that type is okay o_O; *is confused XD;*
    No problem? The mafia subforum's had better times, really; inactivity, lack of games, etc. (which reminds me that I really have to post in mine but). For a while the Song Choice mafia games basically dominated the forum, or at least it felt like it, but now Colours and co. have mostly left TCoD to my knowledge. So has Phantom; the main players are mostly gone. There are enough people left to play games, but...

    Considering everything, I'd be inclined to agree!
    Oh, sorry. :( Well, some return is better than none, I think? It shouldn't be too awkward to just say things--I'm sure most people would be glad to have you back! Depending on exactly how long you'd stay, though, you may or may not want to consider making another introduction thread. (Which I know is still up for question, but uh right.)

    Who's Online is a wonderful thing!

    Also if you think you might be able to have the time there's something I want to ask you about! Will PM.
    ... Hey, MF! :o You're back? I haven't seen you online in a while.

    So, any particular reasons for disappearing (I don't mean to sound accusatory with this)? I know we never spoke /that/ much, but.
    Hey you remember that Meowth guy who used to hang around here

    Well I'm back, hello
    Great, as soon as the others confirm and your team sends in commands, I'll get started on it!
    Do you mind if I ask for a new e-ref for my battle with bulbasaur? Or are you still interested in reffing it?
    That`s quite alright, whenever you can. After I sent this, I read the Absence Sheet and saw you`re post. Hope you had a nice trip!

    p.s. i love your avatar...
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