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  • ... Yeah.

    Long story short: res and I agreed to not buy Derpy's bellsprout, as to not start a bidding war. res consented to me getting your bellsprout (which has a lower ID number than its), in exchange for me selling my sableye for $10.

    After Omskivar bought the bellsprout, res gave it a volbeat. It then said that bribing him wasn't entirely necessary, and it probably could have given him less. Under the impression that res was doing it just to get rid of Derpy's bellsprout, I agreed.

    res didn't have the money to buy my sableye, so it wanted the offer put on hold. I told it that might be a thing that happens.

    Later, Omskivar decided to hand over the bellsprout to res--it considered cackling maniacally. Kusari said that it should have been able to bid for the bellsprout (it was convinced not to with an entirely irrelevant deal--we all wanted the bellsprout), because I had stole the nickname it wanted for a shuppet.

    Eventually, we came to a deal. We're sharing Derpy's bellsprout.
    ... Okay, so it turns out I'm going with your bellsprout! If you aren't upset about me being sort of fickle, could you put it on the Market?
    I'm going to post pictures of my sculpture, and what I won if I place. So.

    And yes it is, but I don't play that much due to my slow XP. And it's not on my aunt's 7, which is what I'm on right now, so.
    ... Am not quite sure yet! I've sent her a PM, she hasn't responded yet.
    How about $7? It's more than you pay for a bellsprout, actually--assuming you didn't make a horrible deal with someone else to get one, this would be a profit for you. I'd like to check with Derpy to see if she's selling, though--if res wants to buy a bellsprout too, then it's obviously more important to get the lowest possible ID number.
    Well, I really want a female bellsprout, but res beat me to buying one. :| I'd like one with a smaller ID number than the one it has--then, mine will technically be older.
    that's a terrible defense, since the mafia would know who you are anyway -- you are not one of them. I am quite sure you're not mafia, so dying by lynch is strictly worse than revealing yourself -- even if you are a power role, at least then you've replaced the kill by one of the town's own choosing.
    Are you going to a camp this summer?

    But! Yeah, they have the best animals; like wallabies, cavies, emus, and just everything. It's the best! :D
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