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  • She most likely kept her sanity due to the fact time in space is much different than the time on Earth/Ponyville and it wasn't as long to her as them. And she was plotting her revenge the whole time so they kept her focused and such.
    I don't think you would get any hate PMs since you'd know who they were xD. Don't worry I don't hate, it's stupid to hate on someone for their opinion anyway. You have avoided the bandwagon whooo! I like Luna c:

    No. Can't say that I have ever used that alias. I've basically only used Blinkingsky, Skyman, or something similar to those.
    I have PO but I am among the "lost ones" who couldn't upgrade to Version 2 cuz of Android
    You were somewhat of a mentor to me and I believe you were a competive battler as well.
    Oh, yeah! You're Cypher, right? I don't think we've talked much, actually. I mean, I've seen some of your posts, but only recently have I seen newer posts from you.

    So, how's life been for you?
    Just wondering, were did you get that avatar? I NEED a new avatar BADLY! I got this one off of google. It might even be copyrighted...
    Yeah :/ I've been really scattered lately; haven't been getting much done. D:

    How's life? (:

    I'm going to try and log on here a bit more often; haven't been to any Pokemon forums in quite some time.

    Also, I'm definitely going with my old avatar again. xD
    Whoa, sorry I haven't messaged you in forever D: I got distracted with a few other things. How've you been lately?

    In reply to your last message: That sounds awesome! I've wanted to get into competitive battling for a while now, but I haven't ever gotten around to it. :/
    Ok, awesome. I'll send you a friend add next time I log on there.

    Competitive League sounds cool. So is it like wifi battles and that sort of thing?
    Same username as here. I might start an intro thread; I didn't this week because I was really busy.

    Btw what is your username there?

    Ah, okay.
    Oh, I see. Yeah, I've seen those before on some forums.

    Card of the day, cool. How do they decide which card to use?

    edit: And I just joined PokeSun. :D
    I am! It's just that some things are sort of iffy at the moment and there are a few people due to be reffed in front of you... hopefully it won't take too much longer?
    Yeah, that would be cool. ^^

    What exactly is a Portal? I think I've heard of it before, but I can't remember the exact definition.
    Oh, awesome. :D Now I want to join, lol. Although I'm on way too many forums already.

    Does it have a companion site, like tcod does?
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