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  • not much. shit is going down in the Vampire: Masquerade game I'm in right now. I've been aquarium-ing. And I found my old Pokemon Yellow earlier today.
    Pretty well! Haven't worked on it a lot recently due to NaNo and a few other projects, but it's still there!
    Well, technically I'm an EMT-B. For short, I'm a step below a paramedic (EMT-P). I drive the ambulance while the paramed is in back with the patient, and if I'm needed I assist the paramed with treatment. I just have a little less training than the paramed.

    Pararescue's a hard trip. Superman class is pretty insane. I mean it's not Ranger School, but it's still brutal as fuck. Dive school does NOT sound fun.

    Combat control is pretty legit though.

    You ready for the ASVAB?
    When they went through my medical records and found out I have aspergers syndrome. Kind of sucks, because I'd gone through some of the preliminary training stuff already. Now I can't join any of the branches. So I'll stick to being a civie medic.
    Respect for your military respect.

    I was joining the USAF myself a couple years back, but I couldn't join sadly enough. Still a huge supporter though.
    well, dunno. :S
    I've been thinking that I should probably switch to something like pidgin or one of those other alternatives because I'm not all that interested in skype after finding out how many cool features it lacks (I mean, NO CUSTOM EMOTICONS that's just bullshit) :U
    actually, I think messenger is going down some time next year? It's still working.
    The old accounts should apparently work on skype so I guess that's what I'll have to start using O:
    seriously dude where are you are you even here anymore where did you go?
    get on msn or something ok?
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