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  • I don't remember that VM... or see where it was. :o It is a mystery.
    Are you just talking about joining it or did you say something saucy and then chicken out and delete it?
    I noticed your VM to Butterfree. I've noticed the mafia hack not liking people doing things too. I sent a PM a little bit back, but haven't heard anything about it.
    oh cool!! I actually barely remember how kingmaker mafia actually works... orz

    I would totally be up for getting back into mafia. it is certainly very nice that you were inspired by me. :')
    Yes? That was deliberate. I thought you were saying the difference looked huge on your end or someting.
    I have an ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL DETAIL for you to work into your move flavour editing: apparently Aromatic Mist only affects one ally (and can't target the user).
    I'm... I'm so sorry you've left the slacker lifestyle behind.
    On the other hand, congratulations on the new income. :)

    Completely seriously, though, I hope you like your new job, whatever it is. They're hard to come by in this economic climate.

    I mentioned that you were helping out with the ASB web app and blazheirio wants to know if you'd like to join the ASB organization super extreme extravaganza social group.
    lmfao IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT. (the only part of the game that got grating was 'oh no, quark has radical-6! yeah yeah who cares we've been over this, lads.) i loved how dio was so. blatantly evil it wasn't even remotely a surprise
    same!! i put off doing the true ending for like, a week, because i knew that was going to be the end of it and i didn't want it to eeeend :o( (all my theories were always wrong. so wrong.)
    i just noticed hehe!! i knooow, i just finished it recently. waaah, luna. although tbh i finished the game and had to sit in a corner whispering 'whaaaaat' for like. a day. oh game. why did you mess with me so
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