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Vipera Magnifica
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  • One does not simply obtain HA Pokémon in ASB.

    They're given away every now and then. For example, the free Kalos Pokémon with a HA that everyone could get now. And also, a choice of HA Pokémon is a rather common prize in tournaments.
    Happy birthday! Enjoy this beer, since you can legally have that now. (There's not really a beer here.)
    I am Very Mortified by that Vile Misunderstanding of acronym-talk's Valuable Merits.
    The appropriate response would have been something like "My fhanks".
    Hey, did you get that contrary snivy? There's a distribution right now. The code is pokemon497.
    Ah, I see. It's really kind of a shame how some shinies are so lame (Blaziken didn't even get a neat shiny as a Mega even though Garchomp did :C).

    I'm pretty sure you could find a 0 speed Ditto somewhere on the internet, some people have RNG'd for those and are probably willing to clone theirs. I even managed to hatch a 0 speed shiny Numel with a 4 or 5IV (0 speed) Numel and 6IV Ditto, so it's not impossible like that either.
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hatching pokemon eggs forever. There's always another shiny that I just *have* to get.

    You sure you don't want to breed a shiny (insert whatever pokemon here)?? It would totally look cool in battle and make everyone envious. ;D
    Yeah I'd say that's close enough. It probably doesn't matter much whether a stat is 28 or 31 if you have a regular battle with the levels set to 50. :O
    aww, well. maybe if we get the chance to we can check it out haha. i should probably add you on Wii U, actually. my Nintendo ID's Astral Aqua!
    yeah, but even Galamoth's not too bad with the right accessory, he just becomes an endurance test at that point. i just like farming for Crissaegrim to make that fight go by much faster lol (it also really helps when playing a save file that alters your stats haha)

    have fun with Bayonetta 2! both games are easily two of the best action games that i've ever played. once you finish Bayo2, let me know if you're interested in doing some Tag Climax stuff and maybe we can play when i've got a day off, i've yet to touch any of the verse cards for it haha
    haha, yeah. i love the sheer amount of secrets the game has, and some of the coolest items with extremely low drop rates

    did you ever get your hands on Crissaegrim? pure beauty right there (ps. if you go back to the colosseum with a clear save and kill the giant skeleton there, you have a chance to get a Ring of Varda. best accessory in the game, and you can equip 2!)
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