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  • Did you have both Fennekin's and Fletchling's tabs open at the same time? Could've been that.
    It's not competence, rather countering your things. When I have to command first, I'm horrible.
    Not really.
    When I read Fire Spin, I was like, Fletchling learns Fire Spin? I played X with one, and it never learnt it. It seemed weird, but I didn't question it, because for all I knew it could've easily been an egg move.
    Hmm... I didn't think of that. Plus I'm still stuck in the game mindset, so I had forgotten tutor and egg moves are allowed as well x3

    (Sorry. For some reason, the site posted this to MY page instead of yours.)
    Overall ranking:

    "Ties will be broken by highest individual ranking on either table."

    Points ranking:

    "Ties will be broken as such:
    a) Number of battles completed. Whoever has completed more battles will be ranked lower. This is reversed for ties on negative point totals.
    b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
    c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
    d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
    e) Damage differential."

    Percentage ranking:

    "Ties will be broken as such:
    a) Number of points.
    b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
    c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
    d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
    e) Damage differential."

    Total Pokemon knocked out:

    "Ties will be broken as such:
    a) Number of your own Pokemon knocked out. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
    b) Damage differential."

    Damage differential:

    "Ties will be broken as such:
    a) Number of Pokemon you have knocked out.
    b) Amount of damage you have dealt."

    Actually, this is all in the OP...
    Yeah :\ Not that Refrigerate is all that good on it. It doesn't get many useful normal type moves, especially special ones, to really put it to good use.
    Nothing was explained though :\ On the news page, all you see is 'Want a promo? Come get stuff!!!"

    Snow Warning is decent. Buffeting damage... Though you kind of need a team that can make use of it... Not yet. I kind of only have $1 right now. x3 Waiting until Friday for the allowance thing.
    I did, but Symbiosis... meh. >.> Not as useful as their base ability...

    Now I feel like crap. x3 I've wasted a chance at something awesome... Oh well. Win some, lose some.
    It would be useful if Selfdestruct/Explosion hadn't been nerfed.

    ... I did. >.>; Both promos were open on the page. I didn't know I could get a Kalos starter with their HA... *Chose Flabebe* Crap...
    That's via mega evolution. Normal 'kips get Torrent/Damp.

    Mine didn't o.o If it had the option of having its HA, I would've chosen Bulbasaur, Torchic, Chespin or Froakie.
    I do. :3 I do lurve me sum Murdkipz.

    That and it's one of the few starters that has a better basic ability than its DW ability.
    Because they like each other. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way about me. I don't consider myself attractive.
    I was probably let down because my crush is expecting him to do something. Since it's Valentine's and all.
    just heartless

    it was over text mostly because I planned the asking to be at three (to avoid awkwardness throughout the rest of the day, see?)
    She pulled the card because apparently Wallace likes her back. That's what my female friend told me.
    Everything except Magikarp, Feebas and baby bugs.

    She was very nice. When I asked her, a flash of a smile was on her face. Then she said she couldn't (she didn't specify why). I said 'oh', turned around and left; I think she said thank you, but I wasn't sure (since I couldn't see her). Later, I texted her that if she couldn't this weekend it could be any other, and if she couldn't go to the movies (I assumed the issue was her parents), it could be anything else she were comfortable with. Then, she told me the issue was someone else (as one of my female friends had earlier told me). I had, at the beginning, christened this someone else as Wallace (like the gym leader) because apparently he's perfect and whatever. At the very least, in the let-down text she told me I was 'really nice'.
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