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  • ooh you interacted with my Pokémon! how did you find my gpx+ account anyway :O
    Well, you can go check on them, and if they're still open (which they should be, because refs are not supposed to DQ players who posted in the absence sheet) then just go ahead and post.
    Yeah I made a post about it. If you have the right materia, the fights aren't too bad.

    I am playing a few other games right now, but the next Final Fantasy game I play will probably be X.

    ASB is definitely fun. I mostly like thinking up strategies and building my team, but reading the battles is always fun.
    Me? I am looking into graduate schools, learning some Japanese, and playing video games. I beat FF7 a couple weeks ago, by the way. Even beat the superbosses.

    Don't worry too much about ASB... the point is just to have fun. Join as many battles as you can, and both you and your Pokémon will get lots of experience.
    Healing Wind isn't really that useful now that I know to use Cure-All. I'm trying to use Yuffie more now. I know what happens in the inn but I missed out on being able to enter because I guess you can only go in before Cloud puts the dress on and I didn't know that. :/

    I just made it off the Shinra cargo ship and am in Costa deal Sol now.
    I played quite a bit of FF7 today, and I actually made it to the world map. My favorite characters? Well, Aeris is really useful, especially her Limit Break. Red XIII is pretty great too. The whole quest to dress Cloud as a girl was pretty amusing. Unfortunately I missed out on being able to enter the Honeybee Inn :/

    I swim for exercise, but not competitively. I used to, though.
    I liked the first two hours of FFVII, which is all I played, and I remember it because it was little over a month ago. I just don't want to start playing it at home because I am prone to being interrupted and it seems you can't pause in the middle of battles. I could just play it at night when everyone else is asleep, but of late I've just been so tired from getting up early to drive my brother to swim practice that I've been going to sleep fairly early.

    (whenever someone on here says they talked to someone via VM, it makes it sound like I am the middleman. It probably doesn't help that I once changed my username to Visitor Message.)
    Hey, uh, could I convince you to trade Lord of the Fireflies' Unburden Treecko for my Damp Mudkip and/or some amount of money, if your trade with him is still going through? I totally understand if you'd rather keep the Treecko, I just still don't really want my Mudkip... n_n"
    Wow, the Persona, Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy games are all games I really want to play but haven't yet. I have FFVII on my laptop, and I played a little bit of it, but haven't had a chance to play it in a while.

    I wasn't really into Tolkien when the LotR movies first came out, and my memory of the movies is pretty fuzzy. I saw the recent Hobbit movies, and those were pretty good. I may try reading the books at some point. And I also saw the new Mission Impossible; it was pretty good. I've only seen that one and the previous Mission Impossible (which was even better btw).

    If you already like SU after three episodes, then you're really going to like it once you watch more. The show just gets better and better.
    It is quite good so far (I'm halfway through the first book), although it may take me months to read the series, as the books are very long and I don't read too quickly. Most of my friends have seen the tv series, and I don't want to start watching that as it will spoil the plot of the books for me.

    So what are your favorite books/movies/games?
    Oh, thank you. I'm not really a writer by trade, so I never think of my writing as being any good. I'm glad you like it though.

    I'm not really doing anything significant right now, just reading A Game of Thrones and doing laundry.
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