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  • I'm clearly keeping a very close eye since there hasn't been a DQ warning.

    Take your time, really.
    I've searched the 'verse for a precedent on multiple uses of Protect, and I found this. Is there any particular algorithm you used for it? From what I can see, there was a 50% chance that the second attempt would work, and the chance reset after the second attempt was successful?

    Also, I'm thinking that if crab guy pulls off this one-action Solar Beam, the chances of a successful second Protect are gonna go down further.
    Haha! Well, I think I'll give Tommy a slightly more optimistic end. That'd be a crummy way to go. I'm... strangely emotional about Dotcom and Tommy fainting? Like they're characters in a book and I'm killing them off O_o
    I'd say 5% plus the extra energy is well worth the advantages of pinching a move from your opponent's repertoire.

    I could squeeze it in, but it'd come with a higher energy cost and lower accuracy.
    It's a long-duration effect, eh.

    Not in very close proximity, no, but there's some water on the other external segments of the Victory Road. They're, like, one cave away each?
    I guess the other way I could interpret Dotcom's commands is as "if Tommy used a move matching [description] prior to this action, use this?" Could that be a way that a Pokemon handles vaguely circular commands, if they're technically faster than their opponent?

    For the record, I did the rolls and according to my previous thoughts, Dotcom waits it out on both actions one and two, and nothing happens till action three. xD;

    Sorry these reffing questions are so late after the last post!
    So, the first time there were slightly circular conditionals, I gave Dotcom a 50% chance of attacking without waiting, because Tommy was explicitly ordered to wait and therefore I thought wouldn't give up on moving second. For consistency's sake, I'm going to do that again for this round since it's kind of the same thing.

    I haven't done the rolls yet, but in the case of Dotcom rolling to NOT attack without waiting, then would neither Pokemon do anything? Because Dotcom's not doing anything and Tommy's explicitly waiting? The other option I'm thinking of is having Tommy give up on waiting and attack first, then Dotcom attacking.
    Aww, sorry about that. Maybe I'm better in like, Pokemon Art Academy or Great Detective Pikachu or something.
    Ahh that's actually a good way to remember those! I think that trend makes sense and it would also be easier for me to keep track of that way haha.
    Okay a few more little questions but nothing too big this round!

    Does the type Damage Modifier come into play before or after stat boosts? It's listed after stat boosts in the Damage and Energy guide but that seems like a lot.

    And does recoil damage get rounded up or down?
    ...Ah! It seems I was. I was interpreting Mimic as a Snatch-like move. And in the process of checking that, I also discovered that Darumaka cannot learn Mimic! You are a crafty one.
    Hmm, okay. My original interpretation for both yours and Stryke's commands were "use the first listed move unless something goes wrong," but reading through again, they are definitely conditionals dependent on the other conditionals. Do you have a particular way that you recommend handling it, or is this where I decide how I'm going to handle things as a ref?
    :D Yay I caught a thing. I'll post in the Question Box for future precedent but have Tommy notice, then.

    Hmm. Does the fact that Tommy and Dotcom both have conditionals on the third action result in neither moving? Since the conditionals are dependent on the other's moves?
    Okay, more questions!

    Can Toxic poison stack in any way? Should Tommy suffer at least a few extra points of damage for being repeatedly Toxic-ly poisoned? I know in the games, repeated Toxics would have no effect, but I'm not sure how liberal the ASB interpretation is.

    If so, would a bit of extra Toxic damage interrupt or hinder Focus Punch?

    For that matter, I'm assuming regular toxic damage applies at the end of the action, so regular toxic/poison damage shouldn't affect Focus Punch.

    Encore's description states that it ends if the victim realizes it was being deceived. Are there any criteria for when a Pokemon realizes it has been deceived? As in, does getting punched in the face make Dotcom realize he's been deceived?

    If so and Dotcom does break free from Encore, does Tommy realize that before it chooses an attack? Or would Tommy not realize that Dotcom's no longer under the effects of Encore until after Dotcom attacks with something other than Toxic?
    That was ambiguous, yes, but I think it's most reasonable to assume she meant both.
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