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  • Pokemon, The Fairly odd parents, avatar, The simpsons, Spongebob, back at the Barnyard,
    Speed racer, and three delivery (youve probably never heard of that one)
    No, not THAT kind of nowhere XD I have neighbors, you know. what I mean is I'm like 10 mins away from the city, and I'm not old enough to drive.......(lawlz, where the heck DOES courage live, anyway? XD)
    Not really. But I convo stalked you and typh, And I'll tell you what I told typh: that was the most hilariously random and epic thing I've read in a while. And I cant hang out with my friends, I live in the middle of nowhere out in the country. Literally nowhere.
    I cant wait till school starts. I miss my friends. Also I cant think of any good jokes without them.....

    Saria or Ruto?
    (I wish Notory would come back. I fear something bad has happened to her...or she got blocke.....T_T)
    Mewhmew has been banned?

    ...My whole online world is crashing around my ears. Don't let anything happen to you, Skroy.

    Digital or analog watch?
    (I only have like 5 friends that are boys. The rest are girls. Lawls, I just realized were having 2 conversations at onec, one serious one goofy....)
    OMG Order of Ecclesia... Best Castlevania since Symphony of the Night... I've been working on a Hard Mode level 1 play of it too... Much easier said than done. Echoes of Time has copy protection, to keep pirates out, so you'll need to find a fixed version of it, or put in some cheat to bypass the protection so you can play it. If you can't find it though, I can always send it to you via email or something.

    Yeah, I'd been watching videos of BlazBlue since it came out in arcades in November, and the moment I saw her, I knew I was maining her. I also like to use Bang, since he's got the best Install ever, Rachel, cause I've recently taken a liking to trap-based characters (In the form of Testament from Guilty Gear), and Noelle for her Chain Revolver combos.

    But that's what most people say if they don't play fighting games much D= If you practice, you'll get better. Slowly but surely! =D
    Yeah. He was really worried. And "take it" i am Mehw in real life, but since he got banned i cant call myself mehw or everyone will think i'm him and I'll get banned. :(
    No. Im AFRAID not im afraid. (the other thing... You know -c-c- :[ im crying, what if sh... No. No. No.no.no.no.no.no.

    Kanto, Jhoto, Hoen, or Sinnouh?
    (I'm more used to talking with girls. Most of my friends in real life are girls.)
    XD Pidgeons can read? lawls.

    Heart Gold or Soul Silver?
    (if notory got blocked then it would be real boring...And we would be playing this picture questions game forever until we got lives and forgot about tcod...T_T SHE MUST COME BACK)
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