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  • I am. What happened was that I got caught up in The Sims 2 and by the time I realized I'd forgotten about it. It had been a while and I always get embarrassed when I do stuff like that. Eheh...

    Can I replace one of my characters, though? They'll be from Forgiven-verse, I just will find a way to retcon them in and Bara out.
    I've been very unmotivated to write anything in any RP, not sure why, thought.

    On the other hand, have you begun playing Cave Story yet? I want to know what you think about it. :D
    I think I found an opening for my plot without the epic fight I'm going to jump at it.
    Then you should definitively play it, about everything in the game is awesome, the music, the weapons, the characters(especially Sue) and most boss battles, except the one against Misery, because it's so damn annoying.

    You can download it here it also includes the translation patch.
    Hey Skymin, have you heard of Cave Story? It's a great Freeware Game that got so popular they made a PSP port and are making a WiiWare version.

    I think you'd like the game, TVTropes refers to it as a "MetroidVania" game, which is pretty much what it feels like, except I'd say "MegaKirbyMetroidVaniaMan"
    Crud, leave it to me to le [/Le Olde] l3
    I loved the fast forward blooper reel of Needle Man though~ Aaagh Poke. Poke. POKE. Aaarh Poke... POKE!! GAAHHHH poke. I feel so useless when I play compared to him though~ I want him to do 9 I still can't beat anyone besides Galaxy and Splash. D:
    Say.... another random bit of useless text on my part, but have you ever watched RoahmMythril on Youtube? :3 Since we're talking about those master robots~ He does all No Damage Buster Only runs with some nice commentary. For effect check out Needle Man and Quick Man of his runs to feel terrible about your own skill at the game. :3 ...At least until the outtakes x3 Which is awesome on it's own for him to post~
    I think now might be a better time for my plot. It means I won't distrupt the main ideas too much.
    Dear gods Quick Man. ;-; He's not the hardest in the game, he's the hardest in the -series-. Everything about him stage and all is sadistic, the bloody spaz.
    But it's true Bubble Man was troublesome. He throws so many projectiles around and his buster shots are made worse by the fact that I can barely see them. <_<
    The easiest award to me goes to Heat Man though. Generally he never even fires off a shot when I fight him so it's halfway to a game of Jump-Rope. Except the rope is on fire..
    Look up in the sky- It's a bird, it's a plane~ It's Air Man bitch and I'm bringin' the pain~ I got a fan installed, in my grill, no lie~ I'm gonna blow your ass straight off the map - Goodbye~

    Hehehe~ :3 I just caught this line last night too, best ever~ xD Once again though poor Bubbleman ;-; Wryyyyyyyyyy.....

    (Shit, I'm just as useless as Bubble Man; Wow that's fuckin' pathetic my leaves jammed your fan- DEAD.)
    So, that totally gave me all the ideas I knew were there but couldn't find, when I was scanning through the stage in my head. xD Haha, I went and rambled and posted it on the challenge board. :3 Hope I did well, you can yell at me for edits if I didn't xD;;
    And ehehe... I figured that it would be your choice of stages~ Can't say what tipped me off?...
    Okay, okay, I'm bugging you a lot but totally have an idea but no idea how to execute it. :D Megaman stage..... stage. Like... I was thinking Bubbleman's Stage but I dunno what added effects to the arena that would have and..... yeah~ Any ideas? On stages, effects for them... (Talking about ASB ofcourse xD;; )

    I swear that's one of the best things I've ever seen.

    ..Hehe, I actually took note to that and checked the challenge board beforehand. xD; I remember for whatever reason you being on it, but ended two days ago. :'D
    Great~ Sure to be fun. Any ideas for arenas? Seems like whenever I think of something I sort of tilt my head with a "Naaahhhh lame"
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