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  • ..Oh trust me I think -I'll- be the one being yelled at. x3;; Especially since I really want to practice Spy more. I'll hop on soon as I can. :'D
    ..Unfortunately I don't believe I can run L4D 1/2 on my laptop. >: It's just barely good enough for TF2 so.. blarh, maybe some day I'll have a competent computational unit-



    ...You've probably seen this but ho. ly. shit.
    Full length fan made Megaman movie.
    A bit campy/hokey but dear gods. :'D I've just finished watching and... haaaahhh
    U.N. Owen was Skymin?!

    ....I'm sorry that's all I can think of when I see your avatar. x3;;

    ..Also! I missed your birthday >: dyahhh, but happy very late birthday!

    ...ALSOalso! You have TF2? : D kyahhh I haven't played in -AGES- but I need to start collecting TCoDers on Steam and playing again so-!
    Mind an add? <: I may not be on Steam tons since only my laptop runs the game and I'm usually on the home desktop, but I could make a point to~ Or just add Sablechu / Dragon9O... I use the tag Sablechu but the actual account is ye oooolde and has that crappy base name and I'm not sure which you actually have to add. (Yes that's a capital 'o' people always took that awful name gods know why- ahem)
    Okay then. I'm Cuddlefuzz, so if someone called just that adds you, it's most likely me.
    I'm studying the strategies and stuff so I can (Sort of. Kind of. Not really.) know what I'm doing when I get the game and a new compy~

    I can't stop calling him Scoot. Scoot scoot scoot scoot. Cuanta Vida made me love him even more than I did before, eheheh >w>
    Yayyy jump on the Touhou Project boat :D You should definitely check ou Imperishable Night, Subterrenean Animism, and UFO when you get the chance.

    And check out Touhou 12.3; it's not danmaku, it's a fighting game, but it's still lotsa fun, and I'd love someone to play with other than my best friend >.>

    Also: Mei-Ling is <3
    Quick Question: If you still intend to bring back Rift, will you be making some kind of formal announcement on the thread itself?
    No, he's entirely clockwork. He eats scrap metal, no rust if you can help it, and don't get him too wet, he stops functioning when completely submerged.

    Oh, and he's a shiba inu.
    Hey, would you like a clockwork puppy? Arylett said she wanted one but then she ate him and I attacked but had to teleport away when her guards came. Poor Glenn... :(

    So, this one's name is Sheldon.
    Soooo... If you buy like thirty of those dragonteeth thingies and the put them in a dinosaur skeleton would it come alive and do your bidding?
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