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  • So true. :< Raidramon ftw~ So now I have to find an animal Digimon that's also Plant/Insect.. kinda like Leafeon, I guess~ Ahahaha no.
    Ironic that I was looking at that when you linked >_< So maybe I'll have a Hawkmon and Gatomon, carrying a bag fulla eggs? :D Gatomon seems to have all the epic Armour Digivolutions, and Hawkmon.. Hawkmon>Halsemon.
    Its just that Nightmare has escaped the Star Rod(That Kirby sealed him in years ago) and everyones gunna need to ban together to defeat him. Even some monsters (Like WolfWrath, Octacon, Kracko, and Kirisakin) are coming to help.
    We haven't gotten far xD I just started it the other day

    Also: WHAT IS THIS FAGGOT TREE :o Funny to think that it can digivolve from this.
    All Lucemon forms are win. Even his rookie form is some form of win. That is all.

    In any case, I'm still searching/stalking DigiWiki so I can find an epic Plant/Insect and Aqua Digimon for.. epic purposes. Or maybe RiTD purposes, depending on what I find. >:3
    No, I like Aquilamon and Hawkmon, but my fail!logic is epic DDD:

    Anyways, I could either steal your idea and just be a Halsemon, or say screw this and be Lucemon. >:3

    Or would that be too overpowered..? Fffffuu Lucemon Falldown Mode or whatever is epic DDDD:
    Yesiknowbutbutbut buuuut D:

    Okay, I'll be suck :D Might as well go fill out that form with my fail!logic, then~

    <3 Halsemon>Silphymon>Valkyrimon~

    Okay, I probably will be 'cause I suck :< So since that was the first thing I was gonna go with, I'm trying to think of something else >_<
    Same here. Even Wolfeh has a lot of competators.
    The only exposure to Digimon I've had is a video game though. Digimon World Dawn.
    I really like my team on there. I have a lochness monster lookalike. X3
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