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S. E.
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  • Yeah, so. Um.


    Quickly drawn picture is quick and missing a lot of details. Hi?

    EV Training is boring, so I go on Shoddy Battle! And still get killed :D Shoddy's a bit disappointing, with the lack of graphics, but that's just my opinion. I like seeing Dragon Claw rip into my opponents >:/

    level grinding sucks, always. I prefer strategy, but I suck at it, and don't know much 'bout Digimon type weaknesses 'cept that Holy is weak to Dark and vice versa. :/

    Also Wind is weak to electricity haha
    The opposite of Pokemon: for Pokemon the anime is somewhat fail and the games are epic, for Digimon the anime is epic and the games are somewhat fail.

    Or not, depending on your opinion. :/
    And then there's plot stuff and consistency fails, but let's not start about that.

    We still, somehow, love it. >:/ Video games are made so the player can beat the shit out of monsters, which is another reason why video game movies fail.
    Aaaand aaaand the lack of proofreading is amazing :< Y'think they'd get someone with a basic knowledge of English to go over at least the plot related stuff, it's annoooooooooyyyyiiiiiing >:/

    I almost had it! But then I fell out of my chair. >:/ I'm too lazy to get up, screw it, I'll write down your FC and forget about it later. Yeah. :D
    'Vee'? :3 Though it sucks that there's only five spaces, otherwise I'd have been Dragon or Valkyrie. :p

    I'll add you once I feel like getting uuuuuup and reaching over to get my DS >_<
    No, actually :3

    It was Mike. I had a random avatar changing spree, since I have.. about another seventy something I haven't used.

    Serebii's Cardex must be some sort of help >_>
    I'm kinda reluctant to battle right now, since I only have Champion Digimon, and well. >_<

    Um, I only have 3 Farm Islands so yeah. It might work, if you don't mind being at a serious handicap :DD Or you could go for a Random Match, and yeah. I have a few DigiEggs from a few minutes ago, so yeah, um.

    FC? Mine's 309459324532, player name Vai. Ha ha.

    I has Gatomon and Aquilamon, and I just need that 190 Speed before I DNA them~
    Why can't there be Halsemon in Dawn/Dusk ;~;
    *cricket* *cricket*

    Hey, d'you have WiFi? We can get together on Dawn/Dusk sometime, maybe.
    I'm usually overwhelmed with VMs so I can't even post, let alone check my CP :<
    Funny story: I know next to nothing about Digimon. I might have watched the cartoon once, but other than that, my knowledge of the series is... well, it's not that good. So I wouldn't fit in to that group very well. It was nice of you to offer, though
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