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  • New Mandela Effect:

    I swear I read that Victini was based on the concept of radioactivity, but the bulbapedia article doesn't say anything about that.
    It's just something I remember people talking about when Gen 5 came out that there is no evidence for now.

    Same thing with me thinking Iris being Drayden's adopted daughter. Apparently they just live together and have no legal familial relationship?!
    Kung Fu Ferret
    Kung Fu Ferret
    I thought Drayden was her grandfather
    I think she just calls him that because of his age. Like how in Japanese (and even sometimes in English!) children call adults who are the same age as their parents aunt and uncle even if they're not related.
    Hello, how goes it? you know... i posted in the SMB club! if you wanna go back to it :smile:
    Oh too bad! i have 1 and 3, i would have gotten 2 but my mother doesn't like the name Marie so i can't have it, but i know the game pretty well so feel free to post in my club :smile:
    That's an odd reason not to let you have a game!
    Making myself laugh reading through old entries in my dream journal
    what's the weirdest dream you've had murkrow?
    @haneko the ones I find most surpirsing is when I have dreams where me in the dream is cleverer than the real me.

    In one dream, I was in a Japanese lesson, and the teacher was showing us how to work out the meaning of Kanji based on which radicals make up the character. Having a background in mathematics, I noticed that there was some Group Theory behind it and started working out the meanings of the kanji using maths. Obviously that isn't a thing IRL but the individual bits of reasoning I remember from the dream did make sense (such as 8 and 9 not having prime factors in common, therefore their lowest common multiple must be 8*9 = 72).

    Other dreams I have involve jokes that actually make sense. For example I was with a bunch of Hobbits having a party, one of the snacks we had were Mini Cheddars and I said "if we're Hobbits, then these are more like regular-sized cheddars".
    If only kanji *were* that simple
    When I was younger playing gen 1 pokemon games I didn't know what the "KO" in "One-Hit-KO" attacks meant. I thought it was a typo or something. I also didn't realise they were always OHKOs, and thought that message came up if you fainted a pokemon in one hit regardless of move you used.
    Man, same. My tiny Icelandic child self was so confused by so many things in the Pokémon games.
    I was half asleep in the morning deciding if I should get up and fell asleep again and started dreaming.

    The dream then came up with the phrase "sleep is good because you can watch stories and feel like it's Friday afternoon"
    I just searched "have search engines gotten worse in the last couple of years" and one of the results from the first page was a post from /r/relationships
    • Haha
    Reactions: qenya
    Nice. (And for what it’s worth, they certainly have!)
    Current relationship with search engines: complicated

    (would format this like a r/relationships post but I got nothing LOL)
    @Bluwiikoon I (29M) have used a search engine (23) for as long as I can remember, but now it's not doing for me what it used to. I'm no longer "feeling lucky". Should I move on?
    I've seen quite a few profile posts here recently embedding images from discord, but none of them load for me :(
    • Sad
    Reactions: Zori
    Does imgur work?

    It does!

    The discord links do load if I open them in a new tab. It's just embedding that doesn't seem to work
    Thats strange... :/ i'll try to use things other than discord next time
    Is there a name for the thing in fiction (usually tv/film) where a character uses a specific gender pronoun for a character who is unknown to them instead of using they/them, solely because the writer wants it to be more of a surprise later when it turns out to be someone of a different gender?

    The closest thing I can find is "pronoun trouble" on tvtropes, but it's still not quite right. That's more for when there's an in-universe reason for playing the pronoun game. I'm talking about when the only explanation is "the writers forgot that people use they/them naturally"
    I think I know what you mean, but I also don't know a specific term for it. :( If you know a series that does that, perhaps browse its page on tvtropes to see if it's been pointed out anywhere?
    Gender Reveal?

    Sort of, but it's more that nothing about someone's identity is known, but their gender is still assumed. All of the pages on that page seem to be situations where we know or see a character to some extent but their gender is unknown or ambiguous
    I don't know you to well but you seem really cool. What are your interests?
    I love most of those things (mathematics is fun when it's statistics, but i'm reeeeeally bad at other math.)
    What video games do you like to play?
    (I also kinda like sci-fi and programming although i don't know too much programming)
    I like things when I'm good at them, but don't have enough time to become good at things. That's where things are with things like programming.

    I play a variety of games I guess. Most recently I've been playing a lot of Minecraft and Crusader Kings 2, but I also like JRPGs and puzzle games.
    I love JRPG's and Minecraft, although i haven't played minecraft in a while.
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