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Search results

  1. Automata heart

    Alice's adventures in wonderland art book

    its really just anything inspired by alice in wonderland. it doesn't have to be good, just interesting.
  2. Automata heart


    Manga artist or anthropologist. or fashion designer.
  3. Automata heart


  4. Automata heart

    i caught you!! mwahahaha!

    i caught you!! mwahahaha!
  5. Automata heart


  6. Automata heart

    Stuff You Love

    do i have to say it? vocaloid. if i could, i would sing "love is war" from the highest roof-top in town. but i can't sing, and i don't have a megaphone.
  7. Automata heart

    Alice's adventures in wonderland art book

    hi. i'm sakura. i am getting together as many people as i can to put together an alice in wonderland inspired art book. anyone want to contribute?
  8. Automata heart

    What Pokemon move would you learn in real life?

    attract and confusion, confusion is good cause then i can just confuse everyone so i can run away. attract because it sounds kawaii. and maybe rest. oh, and transform for cosplay and teleport for teh lulz.
  9. Automata heart

    FML moments

    the time a wild cacturn beat almost all my team. (all exept my hm slaves about level 50) then, getting it down to like 3 hp, throwing a pokeball at it, and the f***er breaking out. i got it, named it faye (it was a girl, if it was a boy it would have been spike after spike in coyboy bebop) using...
  10. Automata heart

    Ash's Tan

    he started out lilly-white, and now has quite a tan....? anyone's thoughts welcome.
  11. Automata heart

    if ur home and get this, can u call me on my landline? danka (thanks in german) saku-chan.

    if ur home and get this, can u call me on my landline? danka (thanks in german) saku-chan.
  12. Automata heart

    i love your pic. rin-chan is sop kawaii!~

    i love your pic. rin-chan is sop kawaii!~
  13. Automata heart


    i know miss-never-been-kissed shouldn't give advice, but how about writing the object of your affections a note? it gives you time to think about what to say and make sure you don't sound like an idiot. i hope it goes well.
  14. Automata heart

    New Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus

    meh, i'm gemini, and no new sign is going to stop that.
  15. Automata heart

    KYAAAA~! so happy, onee-sama is back and not dead!!

    KYAAAA~! so happy, onee-sama is back and not dead!!
  16. Automata heart

    i need a hug. my onee-sama (big sister) left facebook!!!! T__T

    i need a hug. my onee-sama (big sister) left facebook!!!! T__T
  17. Automata heart

    are you high?

    are you high?
  18. Automata heart


  19. Automata heart

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    "nero-homo-oshins" "the word is negotiations nee-chan."
  20. Automata heart

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    Robert. i'm the family combo breaker. its tradition to name the eldest child's eldest son robert. i was the combo breaker after like 6 gens. in the end, i wasn't a dude, (although my first birth papers say i'm a boy.) in the end i was Elizabeth after my fathers mothers mother. i love my name...
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