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Loving all this "spit it out" stuff, and I would love to "spit it out" but you know, I have an odd feeling that other guys might not appreciate me declaring my undying love for them. Feels bad man :<
I would most likely have a boyfriend , but my Dad won't let me date until I'm 16, so we can't hang out outside of schools and anime conventions.
Loving all this "spit it out" stuff, and I would love to "spit it out" but you know, I have an odd feeling that other guys might not appreciate me declaring my undying love for them. Feels bad man :<

depends, are they homophobic? I had a crush on a female friend of mine last year who didn't know I was bi and I ended up telling her about it (though not directly, because I didn't quite know if she was homophobic) Our friendship was pretty much intact.

of course my advice is most likely terrible but.
Loving all this "spit it out" stuff, and I would love to "spit it out" but you know, I have an odd feeling that other guys might not appreciate me declaring my undying love for them. Feels bad man :<

I don't know, my crush took it well. It depends on the person, I guess. If you're friends, and they're worth it, they'll be cool with it.
They're not homophobic as such, but I just don't have the balls to tell them. Especially as my crush on them culminated in writing seventeen sonnets, two Latin sapphics and a Greek epithet. I think that's classed as "creepy"
Loving all this "spit it out" stuff, and I would love to "spit it out" but you know, I have an odd feeling that other guys might not appreciate me declaring my undying love for them. Feels bad man :<
They're not homophobic as such, but I just don't have the balls to tell them. Especially as my crush on them culminated in writing seventeen sonnets, two Latin sapphics and a Greek epithet. I think that's classed as "creepy"

Yeah. This would be going overboard, if you swamp them with I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER and DRAMA they'll definitely be pushed away. Spit it out, say it, but be a slight bit discrete.
So I finally worked up the courage to tell my crush today.

We were in the hall after band class and I said "... Can I ask you a serious question?" "Yeah?" "I know this is going to sound really out-of-the-blue and random and stuff, but..."

I took a deep breath before responding. "I have a crush on you," I said, looking up at him. "And, uh... I was wondering if you had a crush on me or anything... cause..." and I sort of trailed off. He was sort of flailing for a bit before saying "... That is out of the blue." "I know, and I'm sorry, but..." I replied.

He told me that he would have been interested in trying something out... 'cause he could see that working... had he not just come off a bad breakup (like, literally, a few days before), and he needed time. I told him I could understand that. He apologized, sounding really apologetic, and I said "No, it's fine. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything, but..." and I shrugged. He said that maybe if he hadn't just come off that breakup it was a possibility, but at the moment not really. Then we had to go separate ways to our classes.

Well... him saying he would have been interested in trying something out was more than I expected. A lot more. But on the other hand...

Last I checked, he doesn't - didn't - have a girlfriend. The most damning evidence was that he had said "I don't have a girlfriend" about four months ago, and he claimed the relationship prior to the breakup was nine months. I don't see why he would have lied about not having a girlfriend, so it appears he more likely than not lied today. What I'm trying to determine is why - was he just trying to tell me he didn't have a crush on me by saying he wouldn't be interested in trying something out because he'd just come off a breakup, or...? I dunno I'm rather confused ; ;
Maybe, he said he didn't have a girlfriend because he thought you liked him?

either that or he's just being nice but after the movie thing and also this he's dropping hints to give up. your choice.
Maybe, he said he didn't have a girlfriend because he thought you liked him?

he wasn't even talking specifically to me at the time; I just happened to overhear it. Plus I didn't like him at the time.

either that or he's just being nice but after the movie thing and also this he's dropping hints to give up. your choice.

Yeah I know but :C
They're not homophobic as such, but I just don't have the balls to tell them. Especially as my crush on them culminated in writing seventeen sonnets, two Latin sapphics and a Greek epithet. I think that's classed as "creepy"

Awww! I know I'd fall for you if you wrote beautiful poetry for me, and I'd probably feel like writing poetry back. I think that is cool you wrote all that~
i know miss-never-been-kissed shouldn't give advice, but how about writing the object of your affections a note? it gives you time to think about what to say and make sure you don't sound like an idiot. i hope it goes well.
I've been in one before but not in one currently. Though I'm rather sure I have tons of social issues, which is why I shamelessly ask girls out. x3
They're not homophobic as such, but I just don't have the balls to tell them. Especially as my crush on them culminated in writing seventeen sonnets, two Latin sapphics and a Greek epithet. I think that's classed as "creepy"

Nah, writing poetry about the object of your affections isn't creepy, it's actually pretty cool, but i wouldn't unload all that on him at once.

Girls have always been flattered when I write stuff for them, Sabrina in particular really loves the things I write for her; 2 poems and 2 songs, plus three of my fictional characters are based at least in part on her; one of them is her, since the story is a pastiche of several weeks of my life combined into one with some people taking each other's places and certain events exaggerated plus an original central plot to provide the main conflict.
Yeah, but SEVENTEEN SONNETS is over the top. I write poetry too, sometimes about my gf, and it's very flattering, but overload is bad, especially at the beginning.
I believe that was a "pune" or play on words there, Tarvos.

Sapphos of Lesbos, creator of the sapphic, is also the creator of the word "lesbian", with good reason; she wrote love poems to other women.
I moved 40 miles from where I used to, and any of the girls I like either live somewhere else for college, or prefer women over men ;_; That, or they're already in a relationship :/

That said, when I get a job around here, or start school, I'm sure I'll meet someone. I mean, gawd. I've lived here since September and I haven't made a single friend D:
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