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Best advice when you have a crush: just spit it out. I silently crushed on Shadey for aaaages and it took him taking the initiative in suggesting we go home to my place before I was convinced enough he liked me to tell him. If the unending love and proclamations of his cuddliness over the last four years hasn't clued you in, I'm very, very glad I did so. Take the chance! If they don't like you back, it's not as if you would've been any better off not saying anything and never knowing.

(...although if you crush on somebody who doesn't really know you, take the time to get to know them first. You can hardly expect them to like you if they don't have any basis on which to do so.)

Oh, also? Some general established relationship advice. Feel free to disagree, as this is all just my personal observations and thoughts, but.

I firmly believe that the key to a good relationship is honesty. If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it's a must that you can feel completely at ease just being yourself in their presence; having to put on a persona around your significant other is just going to be suffocating before long. This includes being able to freely talk about anything you feel the need to talk about, including problems you have with one another, and trusting them to understand.

Obviously, this has to go both ways: they also need to be able to trust you to understand. Be sympathetic, tolerant and open-minded towards each other. Be able to argue when you disagree without tempers flaring. (Not arguing at all is usually not a good thing - unless you've somehow found your exact duplicate in opinions, that's because you're bottling up your disagreements, which falls under putting on a persona. However, your significant other making you truly distraught should be a very, very rare occurrence; if you genuinely hurt each other on a regular basis, either get out of the relationship or have a very serious discussion about why this is happening and how you can change to accommodate one another. Do not brush that off with "couples argue all the time"; they do, but it's very emphatically not that kind of arguing if it's a healthy relationship.)

If anything they do makes you uncomfortable, talk about it; also look within yourself and be sure that if anything you do makes them uncomfortable, they can talk to you about it. Never react with hostility when they are honest with you, even if you're upset by what they tell you; you can tell them you're upset, but always, always appreciate that they chose to come forth and be honest, because punishing them for being honest only encourages dishonesty. Trust is to know you can be honest with somebody and they can be honest with you in return, not to simply have blind faith that they would never do/think/want anything worth being dishonest about. People don't work that way; if you think your significant other is a perfect angel incapable of doing any wrong, you're only setting yourself up to be disappointed.

If you can feel completely comfortable with one another, you don't even need to have that much in common to be able to just have a great time with them and enjoy their presence in general, and that's what makes for a lasting, loving relationship.
Vixie ♥;462777 said:
Hiikaru and I are just over two months now. In a way, it feels like it's been way longer. They're absolutely amazing.

♥ ~~~~~

Vixie is amazing, too, of course. I'm really glad she asked me~ ♥

Best advice when you have a crush: just spit it out. I silently crushed on Shadey for aaaages and it took him taking the initiative in suggesting we go home to my place before I was convinced enough he liked me to tell him. If the unending love and proclamations of his cuddliness over the last four years hasn't clued you in, I'm very, very glad I did so. Take the chance! If they don't like you back, it's not as if you would've been any better off not saying anything and never knowing.

(...although if you crush on somebody who doesn't really know you, take the time to get to know them first. You can hardly expect them to like you if they don't have any basis on which to do so.)

This this this this this this this.

I was going to post about the same thing. What's the worst that can happen, honestly? They feel a little weird about it for a while? If they end up avoiding you, they're either not very nice in the first place, or they're not sure what to say about it, in which case, just ease back into your friendship.

At the very least, it opens the possibility of having a relationship. Even if you both like each other, if no one says anything, nothing's going to happen.

Alternatively, maybe they don't like you - but that's okay. You can still say "well, hey, I'd still like to get to know you better", and who knows? Maybe they'll develop feelings for you, too.

You can't know unless you try!

I've never really been interested in anyone romantically. I'd like to be, some day, but as for now I have no plans or attractions of any kind.

Not in a relationship with anyone... and very little prospect of there being any whatsoever since I'm not crushing on anybody in my immediate vicinity. So... yeah. I'm boring. Wish I could actually meet people... but you know, most of them turn out to be the opposite orientation of liking girls because I think my love life hates me or something.
I don't think I've ever liked someone not already in a relationship. :( It is the tiniest bit frustrating. (Though I've got slightly better at telling them about it).
I'm in a relationship right now. We hit a rough patch not long ago, but he matured a bit and we stayed together. It's been a little over a year now.

Worst thing ever, when you like a guy, you know he likes you. You go out for nine months, then he breaks up with you because he likes your best friend better and wants a chance with her.... even though she's dating someone already.
I'm seeing this guy but he's not my boyfriend (though he asked me to be his girlfriend a while ago o:).

Best advice when you have a crush: just spit it out.

Seriously. Don't pine in the dark like me. Just do it to get it over with.
I've been single since MD broke up with me... in November-December? I don't like being alone. I feel like I'm not doing anything important with my time.
Best advice when you have a crush: just spit it out. I silently crushed on Shadey for aaaages and it took him taking the initiative in suggesting we go home to my place before I was convinced enough he liked me to tell him. If the unending love and proclamations of his cuddliness over the last four years hasn't clued you in, I'm very, very glad I did so. Take the chance! If they don't like you back, it's not as if you would've been any better off not saying anything and never knowing.

Hiikaru ♥;462789 said:
This this this this this this this.

Seriously. Don't pine in the dark like me. Just do it to get it over with.

Maybe I like being a total coward OKAY? >:C
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Maybe I like being a total coward OKAY? >:C

>:( Don't disagree!!!

Also why did you edit my post to put an exclamation mark after the period???

You have to overcome your fears! You can do it! (what are your fears?)

If you don't tell them, you tend to just sit around waiting for them to sweep you off your feet and going ":C" in the meantime, and that's not very useful or very fun. If you like them, say it!

And then post on the forums about how it went. :o
Hiikaru ♥;462832 said:
You have to overcome your fears! You can do it! (what are your fears?)
I can't say I know what my fears are. I think it's just my inability to talk to people in general, providing I don't already talk to them on a regular basis. And about two years ago the girl I like and I took different subjects at school and so barely ever bumped into each other any more. Since then we started talking less and less so now I guess I'm afraid that since I waited so long it'll make me look weird since I should have just forgotten about her by now, like I'm obsessed or something.

If you don't tell them, you tend to just sit around waiting for them to sweep you off your feet and going ":C" in the meantime, and that's not very useful or very fun. If you like them, say it!

But... but... those things I just said!
I can't say I know what my fears are. I think it's just my inability to talk to people in general, providing I don't already talk to them on a regular basis. And about two years ago the girl I like and I took different subjects at school and so barely ever bumped into each other any more. Since then we started talking less and less so now I guess I'm afraid that since I waited so long it'll make me look weird since I should have just forgotten about her by now, like I'm obsessed or something.

But... but... those things I just said!

Why should you have forgotten? It's perfectly normal to remember miscellaneous people from even years back - especially if you used to be friendly with each other! It doesn't seem obsessive, it seems... normal.

At least tell her you miss her and you'd like to hang out again, if nothing else! (But you should really say you like her, too)

Talking to people is difficult, but it's kind of something you just have to work on. You should try playing out some different scenes in your head and see if you can get a little more comfortable with the idea, and possibly talk to some friends about it, if you're able to. Anything that makes it seem a little more normal and a little less "oh nooooo" is a good thing to be doing.
With encouragement... I'm going to see if it's at all possible to tell my crush I like him on Monday.

it will probably end up being a bit of a non sequitur since none of our conversations can lead to that kind of thing, but I'll be sure to preface it with something mentioning how "out of the blue" it is so that it's not... that bad... I guess. Er. Wish me luck.
With encouragement... I'm going to see if it's at all possible to tell my crush I like him on Monday.

it will probably end up being a bit of a non sequitur since none of our conversations can lead to that kind of thing, but I'll be sure to preface it with something mentioning how "out of the blue" it is so that it's not... that bad... I guess. Er. Wish me luck.


I'm glad you worked up the courage to at least consider telling him, and I hope it goes well for you! You can do it, Leafpool! :D
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for over a year now.^^ Hehe, I love him so much. Though we don't really argue that much, we tend to just bicker. Is that normal?
It's very normal (I would assume, anyway). I've never seen a successful relationship where they both just got along absolutely perfectly in every way imaginable.
I firmly believe that the key to a good relationship is honesty. If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it's a must that you can feel completely at ease just being yourself in their presence; having to put on a persona around your significant other is just going to be suffocating before long. This includes being able to freely talk about anything you feel the need to talk about, including problems you have with one another, and trusting them to understand.

you might die

You won't.

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for over a year now.^^ Hehe, I love him so much. Though we don't really argue that much, we tend to just bicker. Is that normal?

Depends on what you mean by "bicker" (this word has angrier implications than some other words you can use), but since you specified that it's not arguing, it's probably fine. My parents have been together since forever and they still have disagreements, and this is normal and healthy in a relationship. You don't need to agree about everything there is.

Just make sure you're respecting his opinions - and that he's respecting yours, and that neither of you gets carried away or gets hurt by it. The next time it happens, consider how you feel about it. Do you feel okay, or do you feel hurt? Ask him if he's okay when you two disagree. If you're both okay, then it's okay. Otherwise, talk about it, see what you can do to make it okay, because you should always be able to talk to each other.

It sounds like you're doing well together, though! I hope you have even more happy years together.
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