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New Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus

Mine hasn't changed at all, so it doesn't affect me. (Mine was pretty accurate in the first place anyways, according to everyone ever.) Regardless, I'm not really into that stuff.
Okay, let's clear some things up here:

A. Ophiuchus is not a new sign.
B. The zodiac signs are not changing. See this.

Ah, I was wondering why people were all up in arms about this all of a sudden. This Parke Kunkle guy rocked the boat. I've known of Ophiuchus for a long while but basically knew that
Hasn't Ophiuchus/Serpentarius been around since forever, but it just wasn't used in the 'modern' zodiac? I think I read somewhere (a while ago, when I first heard this news) that there are at least three different zodiacs, the 'modern' one (based off of equinoxes or something), and two others based off the constellations, which contain the Ophiuchus sign.
so I didn't really care.

My Ophiuchus-excluded star sign of Taurus only suits me coincidentally, though. I know too many people who are nothing like their signs to take it seriously.
I had to laugh when I followed the link from tcod and came across the name "Liora Ipsum." that is all.
If it's been around for ages, why wasn't it included in the first place?

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that it has been included in most serious astrologers' readings of the sidereal zodiac, which takes sun signs into account and which has dates that don't line up with what you're probably used to anyway. Most people only pay attention to the tropical zodiac; Ophiuchus has never affected that in the slightest and it should not have Ophiuchus "added" to it. Most people aren't aware that there's a difference, so there are misunderstandings that result in all this pointless flailing around. Look them up, I don't feel like finding links.

Long story short, TO THE INTERNET AT LARGE: If you'd never heard of Ophiuchus before this then the zodiac you follow is entirely unaffected and you can stop caring now. Something like that. Don't quote me on it and maybe just stop caring regardless.

(haha lol I was just redoing my stupid pokémon zodiac images and only just remembered that I'd wanted to include Ophiuchus for lulz/special snowflakes. here, if you actually care, have your "new sign".)
Astrology is silly and hasn't matched up with the actual constellations for thousands of years. Though it would be amusing if everybody's zodiac sign suddenly changed: what better proof is there that zodiac signs don't actually mean anything than seeing that actually you were never the zodiac sign you've been insisting defines you for your whole life?

I totally agree with this. I really don't get why people are taking this so seriously.
The old setup fails anyway because me and my bro Hate each other and it turned out that our signs are serposed to clash. Then it turned out that he was not a gen but a tor, which are serposed to get along real well. (his B-day was on the border line of the two)
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