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Search results

  1. Eeveelution

    In Progress Days at the Cave of Dragonflies

    This chapter's shorter, I guess. But next time will be the start of the first big story arc, "Show Biz!" Sorry about only featuring two characters so far; there's been lack of reason not to. Also, so far no boys have submitted characters. (Usually it's been the other way around for me. :P) Also...
  2. Eeveelution

    Requests Open Eeveelution's Spriting Elements & Moron Rehab

    Re: Eeveelution's Spriting Elements Cryptica, does this work for you? Or should I make the glow more aqua-y?
  3. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    I dedicate the following chapter/episode-thingy to Billy Mays. RIP Billy Mays. Chapter 8: Sick (of Television) *in bedroom wearing pajamas* Me: I can't believe I got a cold today of all days... That was so sudden, too, especially since it was when Ten introduced me to her baby brother One...
  4. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    Chucho, I assume you're referring to Kyle and all of the siblings. Well, Ten and I have big families as a key part to the story. That way it is hard to run out of ideas and I will rarely have an idea shortage. Also, I use Kyle for the random bursts of idiocy he provides in a story I write on...
  5. Eeveelution

    Ninjas Sister

    Awww, that's horrible!! I can't believe it made her cry... *sigh* Maybe you could just tell us the ending or something? But you're not a freaking jerk. Sometimes we do things without really thinking. I was once suspended on another site for posting without thinking in the boards. After that I...
  6. Eeveelution

    Find your Pokemon.

    Full Name w/o Middle Name: Magneton Full Name: Suicune (YES!!) First name: Psyduck Middle name: Ditto Last name: Tyranitar (And my last name's a fruit!) Eeveelution: Meganium (Again, WHAT!?) Kristen (the name I use in most games): Smeargle Kimono Girl Kristen (username on another site): Abra...
  7. Eeveelution

    Real Life Mary Sues?

    That would mean all those popular stuck-up people would be self-created Mary Sues. But it kind of does work that way in my house, in a way. I'm the only kid here, so there's no competition for my parents' center of attention.
  8. Eeveelution

    Requests Open Eeveelution's Spriting Elements & Moron Rehab

    Re: Eeveelution's Spriting Elements Okay, I've added two new types of Sprites to order!! They are REVAMPS and DEVAMPS as you can't have one without the other. I am also...
  9. Eeveelution

    Real Life Mary Sues?

    Mary Sues are often considered in literature to be a bad thing that authors should avoid; they become favorites of the author, and are considered to be more like a fantasy than real. But lately I've been wondering: can Mary Sues occur in real life? My last name is a fruit that I like (I only...
  10. Eeveelution

    Ah, I've waited years...

    Ah yes, congratulations! I kind of know how you feel since my mom's computer is very old, and I've been using it for a while due to my basement computer being unusable because of viruses. While hers does have Windows XP, at least yours had speakers. (This one's so old it doesn't have anywhere to...
  11. Eeveelution

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    Simple: the dub voices. Until those, I was an avid fan of the Anime. But when they changed the voices, Ash seemed like a little kid, the girls sounded way more mature, and the Professors? I'm not even gonna go there. Also, Team Rocket was originally so serious, but now they're just comic relief.
  12. Eeveelution


    Welcome! I'm Eeveelution, and I can be found all over the site. And yes, Ampharos is cool.
  13. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    Here's another Chapter. Chapter 5: *Whine Whine Cry Whine* Ten: Eevelu, I got Three to review the contract, and- Me: Wait, isn't Three only seven years old? Ten: Yes, but he knows more about law then I do. Me: Then why was he playing in the road yesterday? Ten: Because he was bored, duh! Me...
  14. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    Now for some more!! Chapter 3: Family Meeting *Me, Leafe, Espia, Glacia and Umbre meet* Leafe: Espia, what were you thinking!? Espia: I was thinking that mom left you in charge while she's away and you'll do anything for soup. Glacia: ...Am I the only mature one in our family? Umbre: Nah...
  15. Eeveelution

    In Progress Welcome to Insanity!

    This was inspired by Charizard Morph's story Ninja Sister. In this story, I am sent a random box with a, well, just read to find out! The only character who's real is me, though. I have no siblings or neighbors with eight siblings. Characters: Me (Eevelu) Glacia, my older sister Leafe, my older...
  16. Eeveelution

    Grocery Store!

    Surprisingly Rin was there, but wasn't for sale or rent. So I got you the old guy in the next aisle. Can someone get me Missingno at the grocery store?
  17. Eeveelution

    Grocery Store!

    I tried to find it, but the Cup-O-Ramen factory that supplied it closed. I got you a bathtub of oatmeal instead. Someone get me a new planet from the grocery store or else.
  18. Eeveelution

    Differences between men and women

    Well, my mom says that she once left me alone with dad for a while, and when she came back he was begging me to stop crying, even promising me a car if I did. (I say he owes that car, even if it was mom who made me stop. Well, I stopped!) But men are physically stronger, that I'll admit. But we...
  19. Eeveelution

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Yes, but they might add it. There is a giant new area by Cinnabar Island, after all.
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