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Search results

  1. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    FUCK I CAN'T SEE *falls in hole* I drop the SIM card to my phone.
  2. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    Onoez it be a corpse. OWAIT ITS WORSE IT'S A DEAD CORPSE *shot* I drop a napkin with some cookie crumbs on it.
  3. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I stick my finger inside, curiosity thus getting the better of me. Once inside, I find it nigh impossible to remove my finger from its immediate vicinity. I am forced to cut it off to get it out, but then the wound becomes infected by those flesh-eating bacteria and I die, due to mostly the same...
  4. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I quickly toss it at my sister, who gets it and proceeds to go all 2 girls 1 cup on me. DX I drop a download for Gate to Hades.
  5. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    *Steps on brain* *Slips* *Cracks head open on sidewalk* *Drops own brain*
  6. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I stand there for a minute, wondering if such a thing even exists. In speculation, I realize that they don't, and that the one in front of me must be a doppelganger of one from a parallel universe. I hack the damned thing to bits with a hatchet, but I miss on one swing and hit myself in the...
  7. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    It's...POINTY!!!! *stabs* I drop my sanity.
  8. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I notice that the sticky note has a small crinkle on one corner. Being OCD, I simply must fixes it. So I do, and place it neatly up on the wall with a quick memo written on it. Later that night, I feel a strange sensation in my fingertips. I turn on the light to see what's going on, and see that...
  9. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    Looks at the piece of paper with the ⌡ on it, and figures out how to get that character into normal text without copy-pasting. I find that there is no way, and I go mad trying, eventually crashing three computers and burning out a modem. Then *pop* goes my mind and I collapse over the monitor...
  10. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I go to give the Cresselia a friendly pat on the head. Turns out, the Cresselia was a homophobic Darkrai who was deathly afraid of men and anything that either had or resembled anything along the lines of a hot dog. The Darkrai opens a Void around me and I am sucked in. I drop I can haz...
  11. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I begin to have a pillow fight with some random people off the street. One of them, a sociopath, chokes me with flying feathers. I drop a pillowcase.
  12. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I drop dead from shock, not the laziness at seeing a post in this thread by Arylett that's so short due to the laziness. Don't worry, though. It landed on my sister and now she won't move. I drop my sister.
  13. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I pick it up and sit on a stump and begin to play. Then the devil comes along with a golden fiddle and we have a fiddling duel, my soul on the line for the fiddle. As the devil rosined up his bow it made an evil hiss, and then a band of demons joined and it went a littl something like *SPLAT*...
  14. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I pick it up and look for first aid for athlete's foot, which I acquired about two weeks ago from swim team cross-training. There is nothing, (what a shock) so I am forced to live for several months with an itchy rash that drives me insane, thus making me cut off my feet and I bleed to death. I...
  15. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I, unable to keep up with the duels due to not being a Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueler, drop the deck in disgust, which lands on a weak section of the dock I happen to be standing on. it snaps one board, which causes the entire dock to buckle and collapse into the ocean thirty feet below, where I am battered...
  16. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I believe that I can rule the world by writing another long winded and implausible post about my triumphs with these two amazing decks, but die of sleep deprivation in the attempt. That's why this is all you're left with. I drop the Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon card.
  17. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I land headfirst on a sharp spike. >_< I drop oxygen.
  18. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I begin to eat the croissant, because I am partial to flaky buttery pastries. ^_^ Halfway through, I bite into something imbedded in the croissant. It is a piece of paper, folded up neatly. I read what is written on the paper and discover that I must finish the snowman before it is too late. I...
  19. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I look at the watch and decide that it's not too girly for me, so I put it on. It begins to rub against my wrist, rubbing off the skin and penetrating my muscle. I remove the watch, but the wound is already quite large and infection is inevitable. I rush to the hospital, where The Doctor Who...
  20. ?

    Suicide Game! =D

    I look at the tissue for a while, expecting something horrible and completely unrelated to happen and kill me, and, thankfully, nothing does. I go to bed safely. While I am asleep, however, a man sneaks in the house in the middle of the night and uses a long set of sterilized tongs to pick up...
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