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Suicide Game! =D

A detective without a name because I am too lazy to invent one picks up the locks of hair, which are made of some sort of strange pixie sticks dust because that is what Pokeghosts would have as hair. He turns to me, Arylett, Crime Scene Investigator, and I take off my sunglasses badassedly to investigate the locks with my DNA Hunting Tools. I start sniffing the locks of hair because that's totally how I investigate stuff, since I'm apparently a dogwoman of some sort, and then I snort it up my nose on accident. It causes me to become high, and in my irrational state of mind, I start hallucinating that demons are attacking me and crawling all over me. I try to attack the demons, actually attacking myself, and then grab a large and giantic sword from the crime scene whilst my partner watches haplessly and tries to stop me. However, I impale the largest demon, which really, just ends up me impaling myself, and I die.

I drop a pen.
I find a puppet on the ground, it seems to cry "I want to be a real boy!" but I disregard the strange occurrence because I was probably high because apparently my pixie stix hair has hallucinogenic effects. The puppet turns into an evil malevolent voodoo puppet of sorts, and starts speaking in tongues. It them attacks my head, but instead vaporizes in the toxic chemicals that make up me, PokeGhost *Evil Laugh*, but then I read Aryletts comment and die and look at her with poorly drawn eyes.

I drop my sense of smell.
I just sudenly seem to die somehow from another persons' sense of smell. D:


Have fun. :D
While walking in the grand canyon, a guy drops bloody fingers. I observe them for a minute, then walk by, without realizing I walked off the grand canyon.

I drop a blue's clue
I pick up the clue. And then... WILD STEVE APPEARED! Me and Steve duke it out for a few moments, and after I defeat him, he tells me his life story. I don't really listen to it because it involves lots of snorting Pokeghost's crackhair and going to rehab. We keep picking up clues until it starts to piece together one thing: Steve must ____. The clues were left by a murderer and we are at the crime scene. Me being an epically badass dogwoman investigator that I am, I get out my sunglasses as I'm about to examine the final clue, HOWEVER though... it seems the murderer put a tiny bomb on my sunglasses and they explode. Then I die.

I drop the colour purple.
Vukoon dies because he despises the color purple, since it is the color of the aliens that tried to kill him, and so he draws out his Energy Sword (which isn't actually his, Minors don't get Energy Swords) and slashes at it, but the color purple is actually a mirror and the energy sword bounces off it and hits Vukoon in between the eyes.

He drops a can of yellow paint. With spikes on the bottom and an exploding paint brush taped to the side.
Um... *gets hit in the head with a random spiky paint can, that then explodes for some inexplicable reason*

I drop my headless body.
Onoez it be a corpse.


I drop a napkin with some cookie crumbs on it.
I accidentally inhale the crumbs, which seem to have traces of 'crackhair' on them. I get high and jump off a cliff, but I go yeep and get impaled on a large rock. Ouch.

I drop some of Phoenix Wright's hair
I pick up the hair, and Phoenix himself come up to me and snatches back his hair/wig and places it on his head. He then shoots me in the head.

I drop a playing card.
I pick said tomato up, inspecting it and declaring it safe to eat. I then place it in my soup, which I eat. I then get yelled at by my mother, who says soup is bad. I get an Emo-Fail and go on strike towards tomatoes. I am then run over during the race to the supermarket to crush the tomatoes.
I pick up a void of nothingness, and by doing so, the very lack of anything in this void, including the Space-Time Continuum, corrupts my mind because a lack of space-time in a point is impossible, but happens right in front of my eyes. The void seems to tantalize me and hypnotizes me and coaxes me into the void. I walk into the void and cease to exist.

I drop my depth perception.
The SIM card is actually a weapon of the Secret Agent Sim, who is also a Sim in the Sims game. He manipulated your mind into making you drop the card, so that I would pick it up, and implanted it into your phone to make it think it was yours. As I pick up the card, Agent Sim knows that I am the Chosen Flamey Woman Thing, and that somehow I have the ability to bring him to real life instead of inside of The Sims where people always make him do ridiculous things and laugh at his pain. So I pick up the card and I am sucked into The Sims whilst Secret Agent Sim, in his glee and revenge, kills me in The Sims by turning off Free Will and making me drown myself in the pool.

I drop a peanut.
It turns out that the peanut is actually an alien that exterminates me by forcing peanuts down my throat until I fall backwards off a cliff.

I drop my singature banner.
A bunch of fire types drop out of nowhere. A bunch of fighting types counter, however Blaziken, Monferno, Combusken and Infernape all sit around chatting, and as such get burned to crisps. I also get killed.

I drop a void of nothingness.
In the void I see a light. It turns out to be an oncoming train, which runs me over.

I drop a copy of "Infinity on High" by Fall Out Boy
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