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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Danni, sharing toys is the first step to Communism! *scare chord*
For years I’ve suggested that racism was in decline and yeah, there are some, you know, incidents that still happen with regards to racism, but most of the claims I’ve said for years, well, they’re not really real. But I realize now that I was wrong. For I now too feel the pain of racism. Racism has been dropped at my front door and the front door of all lighter-skinned Americans. The health care bill the president just singed into law includes a 10 percent tax on all indoor tanning sessions starting July 1st, and I say, who uses tanning? Is it dark-skinned people? I don’t think so. I would guess that most tanning sessions are from light-skinned Americans. Why would the President of the United Stats of America — a man who says he understands racism, a man who has been confronted with racism — why would he sign such a racist law? Why would he agree to do that? Well now I feel the pain of racism.
(...these people believe in reincarnation?)
(...people take these people seriously? D:)
1) These people are seriously not right in the head. Disagreeing with a political stance does not give you the right to hit a little girl in the face with a sign.
2) Skymin is very pretty.
Cirrus said:How the hell can you be generally against tax? Tax is kind of necessary, it's not like "oh hey which would you prefer, keeping all your money or giving some of it to us? What do you mean you want to keep it!?"
From hereTelephone and e-mail threats have escalated to vandalized gas lines, envelopes containing mysterious white powder, bricks thrown through windows and threats of sniper fire against children and grandchildren.
To be honest, our taxes are quite low compared to most other developed countries.
and the police will carry you away for no reason and you'll be locked up forever with no trial.
I'm just wondering... how many others on this topic actually have to pay taxes, in the USA?
To be perfectly honest, I'm willing to bet that these protests wouldn't be half as big, or even existent, if Obama was white. Sure, you've got like three black Tea Partiers, but you know, African Americans aren't a hive mind. Conservatives exist within their ranks, even crazy ones (case in point, Alan Keyes). Just because a few of them join the Tea Party doesn't make their movement "diverse".