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2009 Tea Party Protests: For or Against?

Are you for or against Tea Parties?

  • I'm all for them. Something needs to be done about the American Government.

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I could care less. It's the USA's business about whether or not taxes grow higher.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • No way! These people should realize that high taxes aren't that bad.

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • It's great that they are doing this for something they believe in, but I honestly don't mind the tax

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
It's really bad news when you walk into a rally and this is the first thing you see:


Yes, this is the exact sign I saw.
Healthcare reform is the most monstrously conceived communist plot we've ever had to face. It's all a plan to introduce foreign substances into our precious bodily fluids!

(...these people believe in reincarnation?)

(...people take these people seriously? D:)

(...wtfh, Glenn Beck???)
For years I’ve suggested that racism was in decline and yeah, there are some, you know, incidents that still happen with regards to racism, but most of the claims I’ve said for years, well, they’re not really real. But I realize now that I was wrong. For I now too feel the pain of racism. Racism has been dropped at my front door and the front door of all lighter-skinned Americans. The health care bill the president just singed into law includes a 10 percent tax on all indoor tanning sessions starting July 1st, and I say, who uses tanning? Is it dark-skinned people? I don’t think so. I would guess that most tanning sessions are from light-skinned Americans. Why would the President of the United Stats of America — a man who says he understands racism, a man who has been confronted with racism — why would he sign such a racist law? Why would he agree to do that? Well now I feel the pain of racism.

It's funny because black people (surprise) do tan.

One of my friends said that the tea party protests weren't racist (that's why they shout nigger at Congressmen) and that the reason there were only white people at the protests is because "there aren't lots of black people in Missouri". Even though black people in Missouri made up 12.04% of the population in 2005 and tea party protests happen in places besides Missouri... like, you know, Washington D.C., a place that does have a lot of black people (55.6%). Uh huh.

I am disgusted by this movement that basically seems to be "anti whatever Obama says". I'm not even one of those "Obama is awesome people" and their attitude and ignorance... ugh.
(...these people believe in reincarnation?)

(...people take these people seriously? D:)

Oh, yes. When asked about the sign, the Tea Partiers did not refuse to condone the crazy with the Hitler sign, nor did they even try to disassociate themselves from him. Instead, they actually proceeded to TRY TO POINT OUT WAYS THAT OBAMA WAS SIMILAR TO HITLER (apparently Hitler wanted universal health care). And I don't mean some of them. I mean ALL OF THEM WHO WERE CONFRONTED WITH THIS. Behold.
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Skymin, Hitler wanted not only health care, but health care for the Jews, Homosexuals, Retarded People, Gypsies, ect.! Because the Nazis were well known for their equality.

What do you mean I'm being a moron?

These people are nuts.
Glenn Beck is full of lol. He dedicated two shows to the subliminal communist-fascist-progressive (wtf?) imagery in the Rockefeller Centre, where the HQ of Fox's biggest rival, NBC iirc, is. Then Keith Olbermann pointed out on Countdown that while NBC's HQ is indeed in the Rockefeller Centre, so is Fox's. Nice going there, Glenn.

As for that video of the protest, I have two things to say;

1) These people are seriously not right in the head. Disagreeing with a political stance does not give you the right to hit a little girl in the face with a sign.
2) Skymin is very pretty.
Hitler did indeed promote healthcare.
This is clearly the reason why we remember the Nazis as being bad guys.
Oh, hey. Obama eats food. Guess who else ate food? HITLER

How deliberately fucking obtuse do you have to be? Especially to call people like Barney Frank Nazis? Ah, yes, the famous gay Jew faction, well known for the privileges they enjoyed in the Third Reich.
How the hell can you be generally against tax? Tax is kind of necessary, it's not like "oh hey which would you prefer, keeping all your money or giving some of it to us? What do you mean you want to keep it!?"

Also, it's unfair that they're called Tea Party, I came here expecting to see some kind of protests by people who just want to drink their tea, damnit.

The REINCARNATION sign makes me lol. I love the idea of someone making that and not cracking up.
1) These people are seriously not right in the head. Disagreeing with a political stance does not give you the right to hit a little girl in the face with a sign.

Exactly. You saw how when we hit someone in the face with a sign by accident, we immediately apologized. When they hit a little three-year old with a sign, all we get is "NO SHUT UP I DON'T LIKE YOUR LIES."

Yes, these people are crazy. I love the little red-headed granny. "YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT? IF TAXES WERE CUT WHY AM I PAYING THEM?!" Gave me my only line in the video. :)

2) Skymin is very pretty.

D'aww haw haw. :3

Cirrus said:
How the hell can you be generally against tax? Tax is kind of necessary, it's not like "oh hey which would you prefer, keeping all your money or giving some of it to us? What do you mean you want to keep it!?"

Inorite? I wonder if they realize just how many things their tax dollars pay for that aren't promised by the Constitution (things like running water, electricity, police, firemen, agriculture...need I go on?)
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Some friends and I once protested a pro-life event that Sarah Palin spoke at, and yeah, the "stereotype" of ignorant republicans seems to be for the most part pretty accurate. Maybe the idiots are just more vocal, but we got a lot of people talking about the bible, and how gay people are an abomination, and how global warming isn't real, and etc. It's pretty overwhelming.
My "favourite" thing about the most extreme people within the pro-life movement is how much they enjoy sending death threats to people and their children.

Telephone and e-mail threats have escalated to vandalized gas lines, envelopes containing mysterious white powder, bricks thrown through windows and threats of sniper fire against children and grandchildren.
From here

It's not very pro-lifey, is it?
I'm just wondering... how many others on this topic actually have to pay taxes, in the USA?

To be honest, our taxes are quite low compared to most other developed countries. Everyone wants more services, but complains when they have to pay for them. What are we going to do, ask people to build their own roads, fund their own schools, police their own communities?
To be honest, our taxes are quite low compared to most other developed countries.

The way my conservative parents make it sound, other 'developed countries' are godawful places where S̸̛͢͠O͜͞C̕Ì̷̧̀͡À̛̛͘̕L̛͘͟Í͏͘͟Ş̛M̸̨ rules, the government takes your money away from you just to keep you under control, you don't actually have rights, and the police will carry you away for no reason and you'll be locked up forever with no trial. We sure don't want to be like them!

Don't tell them that it's £1.20 a litre for petrol ($10 for a gallon of gasoline) over here, while you pay something like 40p a litre ($2.50 a gallon). Rough, possibly outdated prices, but still.

It's true, the high taxation of things like fuel disproportionately affects poor people, but in the hands of a decent government (so we could be waiting a while), the money in taxes could be spent on making railways and public transport in general both decent and affordable. So it'd not only help everyone (the poorest within society in particular) but it'd also help save the planet a little.

Honestly, though, I think UK taxes should be higher (particularly at the top end of earners, though I realize the huge problems with taxing rich people). I think it's absolutely ridiculous that the RNLI and Air Ambulance are funded by charity.

and the police will carry you away for no reason and you'll be locked up forever with no trial.

To be fair, UK/European police wouldn't carry you away at gunpoint, and when you're locked up, you won't be executed by your own government ):
I'm just wondering... how many others on this topic actually have to pay taxes, in the USA?

I do, and I'm about to file my first set. Honestly, they're not that big a deal, especially considering all the things they pay for. And since Obama's instituted a pretty substantial tax cut for the working class...

To be perfectly honest, I'm willing to bet that these protests wouldn't be half as big, or even existent, if Obama was white. Sure, you've got like three black Tea Partiers, but you know, African Americans aren't a hive mind. Conservatives exist within their ranks, even crazy ones (case in point, Alan Keyes). Just because a few of them join the Tea Party doesn't make their movement "diverse". The vast majority of this movement are old white people. And look at how much activity this is riling up in the South. You've got that "Confederate History Month" fiasco in Virginia that conveniently didn't mention the whole "slavery" thing, people talking of seceding, Texas amping up its insanity...
To be perfectly honest, I'm willing to bet that these protests wouldn't be half as big, or even existent, if Obama was white. Sure, you've got like three black Tea Partiers, but you know, African Americans aren't a hive mind. Conservatives exist within their ranks, even crazy ones (case in point, Alan Keyes). Just because a few of them join the Tea Party doesn't make their movement "diverse".

This, a buhmillion times. I'm also pretty willing to bet that some (not all) of the stubborn opposition by Republicans in Congress to anything Obama says is because he's black. My wonderfully idealist friends seem to think we live in a ~colorblind~ world, but I'll eat my hat if there aren't Republicans who just don't feel right working under a black man. It says so much about my country, unfortunately. People are always saying that we are so amazing and progressive because "Oh, a black man is our president!" Well, if people don't want to work with that man because he's black, that's not exactly a great thing.
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