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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

"Awww." Meredith found this reunion so joyful, and obvious sign of was was to come for them. She pulled herself away from Beryl, to go over to Serena.
"I'm so happy for you, Serena."
Scizor was touched Deeply by Cal's sentiments.
"I simply do my best to make up for what I've done wrong... As it turns out, that is trying to fix this world. Happy as I am for this reunion, we should get some sleep."
Re: After the End

Ferien's mouth broke into a grin. "I'm Ferien! This Eevee beside me is Parth," he introduced.

Parth looked Flake over. "Did you fall in snow? You're all gray coloured," he pointed out innocently.

Ferien elbowed the brown Eevee. "Silly, that's because he was born from an Espeon, not a Leafeon," the Ralts said, acting knowledgeable.

Parth accepted this as fact. "All right! Hey, we have enough for tag now!" he said, running over and tapping Flake with his tail. "You're it!"
Re: After the End

"Actually, I'm a Shiny Eev-" but he was cut off when Parth tagged him. He laughed excitedly and ran off after the others, aiming to get that wierd white Pokémon with a green helmet.

Meanwhile, Serena smiled at Meredith. "Thank you, my lady," she said, her voice still overwhelmed with happiness.

Cal heard Scizor's words behind him. He turned and noddd with a smile. "Meredith, it's really getting a bit dark. Maybe we should just wait for Flake, Parth and Ferien to get tired, then find somewhere to sleep?"
Re: After the End

"Find who?" Serena asked, concerned. She looked around and saw the only Pokémon not present was apparently Cloud.

Alarmed, she send out a Psychic message around the island. "Cloud? Cloud, where are you?"
Re: After the End

"Did you ask that Mew? He seems to know where everybody is. Just ask. I think he sleeps in that cave over there." Meredith pointed off to where she had seen Beryl enter earlier. "Where's that Skarmory, anyways?"
Re: After the End

Mewtwo picked up Thorns approach the moment she stepped into the cave. He quickly solved the problem, telling her that, as far as he could tell, Her Pokemon was at least on his island, but giving that he didn't know it that well, he couldn't be sure. He wondered why, if he could solve almost anything instantly, his powers being beyond any human measure, why could he not extend the ability to keep the world green beyond this small paradise.

Meredith snuggled close to Beryl, looking at the sky. it was still blotted out with smog, even in this wonderful place. Her thoughts were elsewhere. Rather, her thoughts were not directed to the sky, countless miles above, but right beside her, on the green haired youth. Beryl, who had stood by her made her feel special in ways she couldn't understand. 'Nobody really does', She guessed. One thing worried her... That when this was all over, Beryl would go on to do his own thing... and leave her behind... That, even though they were together... Dating, as much as was possible under the circumstances... Was she only there to keep the group together? To be a surrogate family to all these people?
"Beryl... What do you want to do... when we fix everything?"

Scizor had taken up sleeping in a tree. Blip had taken to sleeping on his head. Strange, how that worked, her form melting and fitting to Scizor's head.
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Re: After the End

Beryl looked over at Meredith. "Well, I'm going to get back into the Eevee breeding business again. What about you? Do you have a hospital job you'll get back to?" he inquired. The young man watched her face with curiosity. He wondered where she would go if she could go anywhere.
Re: After the End

"Not really... I could probably get a job at a care home, or something, you know, working with older people... But... I'd rather go.... oh, nevermind.."
She turned beet red, and turned away, thought not coldly, rather, just to avoid him seeing her blushing so deeply.
Re: After the End

Which brought her face into full view of Staro, who quickly turned to the side to avoid being seen and heard chuckling. Humans and their romances... He then teleported to the other side of the tree, and shifted until he was comfortable, and then settled down to sleep.
Re: After the End

Beryl blinked. "You'd rather go where?" he asked, leaning over to look at her.
Re: After the End

(sorry, changing into "he quickly solved the problem, telling her that, as far as he could tell, Her Pokemon was at least on his island, but giving that he didn't know it that well, he couldn't be sure.")

"I'd.... rather stay with you... Beryl... I'd give up anything else that I could have had... as long as I'm with you." She turned even redder, from a combination of what she was saying, and the fact she said it MUCH louder than she had intended, and looked around to see that she had attracted attention, reminded of how Her and Cal had met, with her tripping right into the midst of them on the beach by her home.
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Re: After the End

Beryl turned red, too. "I'd be happy to have you, Meredith. You're good with Pokemon and you're a nurse - you'd be quite the asset to have around. Besides, I'm starting to fall in - I mean, we should go to sleep now, we have a big day tomorrow," he said, the last part quite hastily.
Re: After the End

She smiled. Parts of Meredith were doing jumps and flips because what Beryl had almost said, and the other part wanted to hit him over the ehad with a pitchfork for sayuing that the only reason she would stay around was to be a nurse... Of course, she was really only a health care aide, but still. She compromised and only said,
"Beryl, are you ever going to be comfortable around women? I mean, you'd think your parents would have introduced you to *some* member of the fairer sex."

Quilava had followed Thorn, catching up only as she left the cave.
"Did you find out where Cloud is?"
Re: After the End

Beryl shook his head. "We moved around too much for me to ever make any friends. I had a cousin on my mom's side who was female, but she isn't a shining example of your gender. Meeting her was always a learning experience. For example, you can get pregnant at twelve, and there are people who get babies drunk to make them stop crying," he said. "It didn't help that I only ever went to boy's schools, where I got picked on because I was into girly things like breeding and contests. I also sucked at everything sporty except for running. I learned how to do that well pretty fast. I can also scale a brick wall with barbed wire on the top in less than ten seconds. The only problem was that Eevees are not as fast as a person."
Re: After the End

Thorn was more relaxed now that she knew Cloud was alive, and in reply she started to sing, "Somewhere. Beyond the sea. Somewhere, waiting for meeeeeeee. My lover stands on golden sands..."
Re: After the End

Quilava was upset that Thorn seemed to be ignoring her, and shot a quick blast of fire at her. When that obviously got Thorn's attention, she yelled up at her.
"Hey! Sorry to interrupt your singing, but, where's Cloud? Did the clone know?"
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