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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

"It was a school full of rich kids. There were at least three kidnapping attempts a year. The barbed wire was to keep people out, not in," Beryl said.
Re: After the End

"Oh... Right... Kidnapping.." Meredith trailed off, having seen the results of some kidnappings... Things that made the people who lived envy the dead.. Those were things that never were never going to leave her mind.
"Nobody ever came after you, did they?"
Re: After the End

Beryl rolled onto his back to think for a bit, one arm around her shoulders, pulling her onto him. "It might surprise you, but very few people outside the family were actually aware of my existence or my lineage. I had very strict rules governing where I was allowed to go. If I defied my parents' wishes, they would take away my Pokemon for a week. I never had anything happen. My parents paid quite a lot of money to have me, they weren't going to throw it away just for nothing," he said. "Anything criminal ever happen to you?"
Re: After the End

"Hospitals have 2 record books, official, and unofficial... sometimes we just "forgot" to write things down, or report them to the Nurse... I never did anything harmful, they always wanted what happened... It was usually only a family member keeping them alive, because they thought that 6 months in a hospital bed, having EVERYTHING done in a tube, was better than going peacefully... Or when a Child messes up, we don't always tell the parents... I've broken the law, but I don't think I've ever done wrong by doing those things. You know? How about you guys? Cal, Staro? You guys do anything like that?"
Re: After the End

Cal, who was almost asleep atop a nearby tree, heard Meredith say his name suddenly. He opened his eyes and blearily looked down. "Huh? Ever broken the law?" he mumbled sleepily, "Um... I don't think so. Well, actually, I dunno... I'm too tired to think..."

"You have done nothing of the sort in my time with you," Serena said vaguely from a few branches above him. Pablo merely shrugged and went back to sleep.

"Actually," Cal frowned, sitting up, "There was something. Something that happened ages ago. I can;t quite remember, it was so long ago... ask me later, when I'm actually awake..."

Feeling a little stupid, he shrugged and Lay back down again, listening to the conversation below.
Re: After the End

Staro's head twisted around when he heard the question asked, and was silent for a moment before answering, his voice quiet.

"Yes... I've done some criminal things. After the Split, I tried to survive on the orphanage food and what little there was to forage...but it wasn't enough it the end. There wasn't enough to go around, so...well, I didn't want to starve...I ended up stealing from people for food, robbing people; at one point I even looted corpses just to survive. I always felt so guilty doing all those things, still do, but I didn't stop. It was the only way to survive."

Falling silent, he stared at the grass in front of him, already regretting what he had let pour out of him.
Should I have said something different...?

No. They have a right to know. And you know it.
Re: After the End

"Hey, you did what you needed to do, to survive. That is all that matters. If you didn't, we wouldn't have made it to this island. Cold as it may seem, the dead don't really care if you take their things, they're dead. Besides, you weren't being cruel, you were jsut doing what you needed to." Sensing he seemed to be conflicted about telling them, she added,
"I have alot of respect for you, Staro"
Re: After the End

Staro nodded mutely, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. After a few moments, he suddenly teleported with a muffled crack to the forest on the other side of the island, completely obscured from view by the thick fronds around him. He quickly floated up to a thick enough branch and lay down, closing his eyes.
Re: After the End

The next day came. Meredith awoke during a purple sky, the moon still out, and only the tiniest hints of red and orange beginning to appear. Meredith was sore, still not used to sleeping out of a bed, her neck really sore, having been at an aqward angle, laying against Beryl. As far as she could see, Thorn had not returned. Then again, she couldn't really see anyone else.... What was it with the people she had met and sleeping in trees anyways? She called out in a low whisper, hopefully enough to get attention from the awake, but not enough to distrube the still asleep.
Re: After the End

Serena was the only one awake in Cal's tree. She was sitting on a high branch, her large eyes fixed again on the sliver of red light on the horizon. She heard Meredith's whisper and flicked her double-ended tail through the air like a whip to make her presence known. Cal, Pablo and the Spheal were all fast asleep a few branches below, and Houndoom was sitting at the bottom of the tree. As for Flake, the Shiny Eevee was curled up on the same branch Serena had been sleeping.
Re: After the End

The Espeon sadly took her eyes away from the rising sun and lightly stroked Flake with her tail before jumping down to meet Meredith. "Yes, my lady?" she asked quietly.
Re: After the End

"How are you? I've been meaning to talk to you... I'm really glad your child is here. I just want to know how you are feeling."
Re: After the End

"I feel great," Serena said, "Better than I have in a long, long time..."

She gazed up at Flake, sleeping peacefully in the tree, and jumped when Claw suddenly appeared. She turned to the Sneasel. "Greetngs, Claw," she said politely, "Did you sleep well?"
Re: After the End

"I feel great," Serena said, "Better than I have in a long, long time..."

She gazed up at Flake, sleeping peacefully in the tree, and jumped when Claw suddenly appeared. She turned to the Sneasel. "Greetngs, Claw," she said politely, "Did you sleep well?"
Re: After the End

"Good," Serena replied, and turned to Meredith. "So, do we have a plan as to how we will reach Sinnoh yet? We ahd various ideas, but which one did we decide on?"
Re: After the End

"Best bet is to Teleport across the ocean as fast as we can. We should Probably head back to land first, though. Do you know what the nearest city is, Serena?"
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