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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

((And now...the one...the only...ME!!! :D))

"I think we're lost," Jeremiah said confused, looking at a map of Johto. He and his Pokemon were travelling, looking for Olivine City.

"What do you mean, lost?" Rocky asked.

"I mean I'm not sure of our exact location at the present time," Jeremiah answered. "I think we may have passed Olivine.

"You mean have gone around it, or through it already?" Goddess asked. "If we'd gone through it, we would have at least seen some sort of ruins."

"Maybe we completely avoided it," Merlin suggested.

"I agree with Merlin," Jeremiah said.

"You do?" Merlin said, astonished.

"Yes, because if we hadn't had completely avoided it, we'd be there by now," Jeremiah said. He and his Pokemon stopped. They'd come at an 'intersection'. The clearing parted in three other directions.

"I say we go left," Rocky said. "Left is lucky."

"How the hell do you know that?" Goddess asked Rocky, exasperated.

"They start with the same letter?" Merlin suggested. "Don't you have a compass?" The other three stopped and looked at Merlin.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Rocky asked.

"Because you have low brain capacity," Goddess said. Jeremiah took out his compass and checked to see which way would take them south.

"We're going left," Jeremiah said. They went left and continued walking.

"I told you so," Rocky boasted to Goddess.

"Are you sure you're reading the compass correctly?" Goddess asked.

"I think he knows how to read compasses," Merlin said. Goddess shot a glare at him.

"Yes, if you look, you can see the remnants of the lighthouse," Jeremiah said, pointing in the distance. Sure enough, about a mile away from them, they could see the ruins of Olivine. The continued to talk and bicker all the way to the lighthouse.
Re: After the End

Staro shrugged. "I suppose,'' he said, ''But we should be realistic about our goals. We can't simply rewind the Earth's destruction.''
Re: After the End

"Guys, I don't really know what to expect... If what the clone said was right, then, we can, at the least, fix the land, and clear the water, and make it so plants will live again. We can't bring back everybody that was lost, and I'm pretty sure that the PC system is.... gone... But, We can make this world worth living in again, help cure some of this depression. We can fix what is possible to fix, then, live our lives, so that whoever comes after us, will have lives worth living."
Re: After the End

"Yeah, that's right. So we can fix the beaches. I win, Staro!"

The boy grinned and hugged Balloon tight to his chest.

Serena sniffed the air curiously, stroking Flake with her two tails. "If I may," the Espeon said, "Are we going to rest here for a while or immediately set out for Sinnoh? If it is the latter, I could ask the Sun for directions now."
Re: After the End

"We're going to rest for awhile. We need to find a way to climb those towers, and I can't think of one, at least, not one that we could really accomplish. I worked with people, I never really climbed rocks, nothing anything close to that size."
Re: After the End

Beryl nodded in agreement with Meredith. "I was barely allowed outside my own house. A steep grade is something I am unaccustomed to, let alone a stone tower," he said.

((Sorry to not move the plot along much, I was just at a wedding for a while and now I have to go to another town until Friday))
Re: After the End

The pokemon center was mostly empty. The Nurse Joy looked like she hadn't had anything to do for ages and ages, and when people came in, she nearly rushed them down. When they said they were simply looking for a place to sleep, she sighed deeply.
"Only time people come here anymore is to fight Jasmine. The ports are empty, so no sailors, and the lighthouse is pointless now... Shopkeepers are all dead, or they left. So I just sit here, read mail from the family.

Meredith had booked herself and Beryl a single room, and then another room each for each person, though Joy had mentioned that there was enough rooms for each pokemon, they were so empty. Still, Meredith hoped Beryl would decide to spend the night with her.

Blip was playing with Cal's Spheals, by transforming into Pablo, she managed to keep enough edge on such mind-boggling games such as "rolling" "Barking" and "shooting water at stuff."
Scizor sat with Staro, attempting to make normal conversation, discussing things such as the weather (which never really changed).
Natalie was creating small thunderclouds, for her own entertainment, but would often follow around the other "young" pokemon, for a sort of Kinship, particularly, with the only other 'Shiny' that was there.
Re: After the End

Thorn went into her room and bounced on the bed, along with Swirl, Claw, and Blaze, while Magma rolled his eyes in utter bemusement. "Why the hell do you do stuff like this?" he inquired.
"It's fun!" cried Blaze, who was his closest friend.
"It makes me feel frustrated that I can't bounce," he retorted. "I can only crawl slowly over everything on the ground."
Everyone stopped bouncing and crawled onto the floor with him, trying to stop him whining, until Blaze took his mind off it with a game that involved making fireballs in the air in various shapes.
Re: After the End

Cal thanke dMeredith for getting him a room and went up to it, allowing the Spheal and Flake to stay downstairs and play. Pablo, Serena and Houndoom came upstairs with him. Houndoom lay down in the middle of the room to get some sleep, Serena sat on the windowsill to watch the sun and Pablo found some A3 paper in a drawer on which he began to paint randomly. Cal sat down on the bed and wondered what to do.
Re: After the End

((Is it alright to bump this? I don't want it to die =[))
Re: After the End

(sorry, work, personal life, and such, have really drained my creativity. if anyone has any "personal" adventures, go ahead, it might be a bit before I'm really in the mood to RP anytime soon. Meririn has control of my characters, if need be)
Re: After the End

Meredith went wandering. The town was a wreck, shambles of homes, the smell of the air. The only buildings not in disrepair were the pokemon center, and the Gym. She avoided it completly, but considered trying for a badge later. Eventually, She came across a traveller. Not a huge occourance in itself, execpt... he had a Golem. She called him over, and explained what they were trying to do, and how they needed a rock type.

".... Will you give us a hand, none of us are any good at mountain climbing?"
Re: After the End

Jeremiah stared at the group of trainers.

"To tell you the truth," Jeremiah said, "Rocky is afraid of heights." Upon saying this, Goddess and Merlin burst out laughing. Rocky glared at them. "What's so important in the towers anyways?"
Re: After the End

Meredith told them all she knew of Sinnoh, The battle between legendary pokemon that destroyed the world, how, where the twisting towers of rock met, there was a way to find the God of pokemon, and perhaps it could revive the legendary pokemon. All she left out was where the clone of Mew lived.
"It's not easy, We're a fairly large group, but none of us have any experience climbing... It's dangerous, but it's probably the only chance there is to fix this world." She motioned to the dying landscape.
"This can't be the way the world ends, and I intend to do everything i can to prevent that being the case!"
Re: After the End

(trying to move this along, hope you don't mind, everyone."

The traveller had accompanied Meredith to the pokemon center. He had yet to agree to join them, but Meredith was hopeful. Or perhaps, simply foolish. She knew from the beginning this was a long shot, but after so many successes, she did'nt want this dream to end, not when they were so close, and not simply because they didn't know how to climb a really big rock. With the traveller(Meredith had forgotten to ask his name in her excitement at finding someone with a rock type.) within proximity, Meredith decided it was time for her other goal to get some attention. She marched, the bravest face she could muster, straight towards the room she and Beryl were supposed to share and.... turned around, and found Cal.

"I dunno what to do!!! How do I tell Beryl that I love him?! Like, really do!"
Re: After the End

Cal was taken aback by the sudden question. "I... don't know," he said, still a little confused, "The best I can think of is to just say it, I suppose. Preferably when you're alone with him. But I wouldn't really know..."
Re: After the End

There came a small explosion from the Pokemon Center (no it did not explode, just the noise).
"Flame, you idiot," snapped Magma. "What the hell were you trying to do?"
Flame blushed. "I wanted to try making a life-size Onix to win after you made that mini-Kyogre."
"Remind me who Kyogre is again?" piped up Swirl in his squeaky, tiny voice. He was still young, and rarely spoke.
Magma hesitated, before replying, "He was. He was the one who created the seas."
"I remember now," Swirl said. "And Groudon pulled up the land, and Groudon and Kyogre fought and nearly tore the world apart, but Rayquaza decended from the sky and sent them to sleep, right?"
"That's right," murmered Flame.
Swirl sighed. "I wish that the legendaries were still alive. I want to have big adventures. I want to see Suicune running with the north wind, and Ho-Oh flying over the rainbow."
"Well, they're dead now," said Claw. "You won't ever have adventures like that. The world is finished."
Thorn broke in. "There's still hope, remember?"
"You believe that the world can be restored by a stupid goat? Face it, nothing will ever be the same again."
"You're not even old enough to remember what the world used to be like," Thorn mused. "With green grass and colorful flowers growing everywhere, and clear, blue water. Poke Balls were cheap and there were no extinct species. If you've seen what the world used to be like, you have to hope that it'll come back someday."
"You and your stupid hope!" Claw screeched in reply. "Hope won't get you anywhere! Hoping is just wishing. Wishes don't come true. In the real world, you need wits to survive!"
"Claw-" Thorn tried to interrupt.
Claw ignored her. "I'm through with putting up with your stupidity! When Arceus doesn't come, or when he refuses to restore the world, don't come crying back to me!"
And Claw stormed out of the room.
After a brief silence, Swirl asked, "Does this mean we won't ever see Claw again?"
Thorn sighed. "She'll come back again, alright," she muttered.
"She'll be back..."
Re: After the End

Scizor stopped Claw as soon as she left the center.
"I heard you all. You were rather loud, I must say.You shouldn't leave. I trust in my Lady Meredith. She has been right this whole time, and I believe that we can fix the world. Wishes can come true. Thats what Jirachi did. The legendary pokemon were able, supposedly, to do things that were, to anyone else, impossible. Don't give up so easily. If we had done that, we'd all have died by now.
Re: After the End

((Please, don't die.))

Serena stared at the sunset yet again as she had every night for... as long as she could remember. She bowed her head, and the gem on her forehead began to glow. "Mistress of Light, tell me please, what is in store for us in the future?"

She opened her eyes and found that the sun was not just a red semi-circle on the horizon, but had turned into a huge glowing ball which filled her vision...

A series of flashing images in quick succession, some depicting familiar humans and Pokémon, others showing things completely different to anything she had experienced. And then...

Serena jerked awake as the last sliver of sun disappeared. She didn't know whether to be excited or terrified by what she had seen, but either way she knew that their journey was not going to come to an end any time soon...
Re: After the End

(When was the last time I came here?!)

Meredith stretched out. it had seemed like she had been doing nothing for the longest time. Almost forgetting what the world was like, her heart sank as she looked out the window. Even after a year... it still seemed impossible for this to be the life she lived. Walking through the rooms, she saw Serena.
"Anything interesting going to happen?"
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