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Alraunne vs Full Metal Cookies

3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Praising Tock on a job well done, and a little guilty for working him too hard, Alraunne pulls out a Pokéball and returns Tock with a flash of red light. Zarin yelps as his paw sinks through the ether mid-poke and he collapses on his face. Alraunne plucks another Pokéball and confidently tosses it at Zarin's feet, where it bursts open to release Anthy the Bulbasaur. She looks around the arena and shivers a little, unnerved by the creepy surroundings. Gulping a little, she turns to Zarin to see him fixing her with a confident, battle-ready stare, which she tries her best to return. The referee waves his flag and declares a start to the eleventh round.

Round Eleven
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: inspecting the arena nervously.
Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Rock Smash

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 65%
Energy: 65%
Status: sizing up the newcomer. Badly poisoned (3% damage this round, raising to 4% next round)
Dark Pulse/Calm Mind/Attract ~ Dark Pulse/Calm Mind/Attract ~ Dark Pulse/Calm Mind/Attract

Zarin is first to move, and sighs as he hears his first command- Dark Pulse. Lovely. He tries to bring up some hatred, but finds he's running out of things to hate. Finally he decides to focus on how much he hates using Dark Pulse. Forcing all that hatred into a cloud of purple energy, he spreads it once more across the arena, smashing it into Anthy and burning her with the tremendous force of his rage. Anthy cries out in agony; the dark energy is supplemented by the ominous surroundings, but there was definitely something else that made it so painful... shrugging it off, she smiles sweetly at Zarin, complimenting him on such a strong attack, and on what light work he made of Tock. She clearly didn't stand a chance against Zarin... hopefully he'll go easy on her. She finishes her sweet talk with a coy wink, and Zarin feels himself going red. Turning his face away to hide it, he tries to keep his mind on the battle, and ignore how sweet and charming Anthy turned out to be...

Growling, he tries to summon up some more hate to throw at her, but with Anthy around he finds it quite hard to feel hatred. A considerably weaker purple glow hangs around him, and feeling absolutely awful, he fires it off at Anthy. The caustic energy hurts far less than before; the Bulbasaur barely flinches. Grinning through the still-considerable discomfort, she gives Zarin another wink. Oh, holding back for little old me huh? You old charmer, Zarin. She strides up and pats his shoulder with her foot, and Zarin goes even redder; he recoils and tries desperately to snap himself out of the feelings he's beginning to have for Anthy. Nice as she is, this is a battle situation. There'll be time for niceties later on... if she'd ever talk to him again if he beat her.

Sighing, Zarin summons up the hate he now feels for himself for doing this to Anthy, forming a barely luminous glow around himself. It flares up momentarily before shooting out across the arena like so many times before, striking Anthy in a particularly vulnerable spot. Clutching her skin where it made contact, she lets out a wail of pain and collapses, twitching an convulsing violently. Zarin gasps in horror and runs across the arena to help her; however, before he gets there he hears a series of cracks and a loud rumble coming from the house. He looks over to see a pillar on one corner of the balcony crumbling and giving way. As Full Metal Cookies cries out and flees behind the referee for cover, a huge chunk of stone breaks free and tumbles to the ground, smashing Zarin directly on the head. The Eevee wails in agony and grabs his head as the stone rolls over him and across the arena; he gets up and staggers across the arena, waiting for his vision to stop being foggy. Slowly he realises it's not the impact; eerie green fog has risen, and he can barely see his paws in front of his face.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 66%
Energy: 92%
Status: nursing her wounds.
Captivate ~ Captivate ~ flinch

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 41%
Energy: 44%
Status: rubbing his sore head. Badly poisoned (4% damage this round, raising to 5% next round), -4 Sp Atk
Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Terrain Notes
A section of the balcony crumbled away, and there is now a massive chunk of it lying in the battlefield. Fog has risen and accuracy will be cut by 25 until it is cleared.

Final Notes
- The RNG gods hated everyone this round :/ In fact apart from the first two flinching rolls I don't recall rolling anything over 10.
- Zarin's first and last Dark Pulses were critical hits.
- The third one also made Anthy flinch.
- The balcony crumbled and the mist rose both at once this round; the stone hit Zarin.
- Alraunne attacks first next round.
Ouch, Anthy! You did well, those critical hits were just unfortunate. Dark Pulse should be a bit less threatening now, though, and that was our goal.

So the fog has risen, huh? Try to fire a Leech Seed and Seed Bomb combo at him. If he uses Protect or creates a substitute before you can act, use Ingrain instead. If you see him running towards you to attack, he's probably using something Physical so try to Charm him. If he does not, use Magical Leaf. Close with a Magical Leaf. If he uses Protect at all after the first action, use Ingrain- unless you have already used Ingrain once, in which case go with Growth.

Leech Seed + Seed Bomb / Ingrain ~ Charm / Magical Leaf / Ingrain / Growth ~ Magical Leaf / Ingrain / Growth
Hmmm. This could prove troublesome... Okay Zarin, start the round with Facade, then used Attract on her, and finish with... oh, Return! Hopefully this will work.

Facade ~ Attract ~ Return
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Twelve
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 66%
Energy: 92%
Status: nursing her wounds.
Leech Seed + Seed Bomb / Ingrain ~ Charm / Magical Leaf / Ingrain / Growth ~ Magical Leaf / Ingrain / Growth

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 41%
Energy: 44%
Status: rubbing his sore head. Badly poisoned (4% damage this round, raising to 5% next round), -4 Sp Atk
Facade ~ Attract ~ Return

Peering through the mist with great difficulty, and holding his still-sore head, Zarin staggers through the mist looking for Anthy. As luck would have it, he finds the Bulbasaur just a few feet away, and limps up, milking the pain of his poison for all it's worth. Anthy growls warily at first, but slowly calms down as she sees the state her enemy is in, barely able to walk from his severe poisoning. Perhaps she should go easy on hi- her thoughts are disrupted as Zarin slams her in the face with his paw, knocking her sideways, and begins to stamp all over her head and neck. She squeals in pain as the Eevee hammers every inch of her body, subjecting her to all the pain of the Toxic he's suffering from, before kicking her full force and knocking her back upright. Groaning, Anthy pulls herself to her feet and growls at Zarin. That dirty double-crossing cheat. Furious, she fires a volley of projectiles out of her bulb straight up in the air. Zarin hears an eerie whistling sound above him and looks up to see a cluster of seeds and tendrils rushing down towards him. Getting up to flee, he is knocked back down as the bomb smashes onto his sore head with an ear-splitting crack. Seeds rain down around him in all directions, but some stick to his face; trying to wipe them off he realises they've sprouted, boring roots into his fur. The sprouts begin secreting tiny green droplets of energy made from Zarin's sapped life force, which float off across the courtyard and are absorbed by Anthy.

Rubbing his head again (those seeds are getting pretty itchy, plus he just had a bomb fall on him), Zarin secretly curses Anthy before putting on a charming grin and swaggering up to her. He begins to fire off a number of lovely compliments- how lovely her bulb looks tonight, the beauty of her red devil eyes... in fact he's so absorbed it takes a while before he realises he's actually mistaken a rock for Anthy in the mist. Snarling in embarrassment he turns away to the real Anthy, who is pointing and snickering at him. She then frowns in determination, ready to pull off her next command... er... what was it again? There were so many... thinking quickly, she uses the first one that comes to mind, giving Zarin her prettiest smile and a cute little wink. Zarin can't help but be endeared by this attempt at beauty, and all thoughts of accidentally chatting up rocks vanish from Zarin's mind, replaced by Anthy's almost-gorgeous smile. Anthy looks around at her Trainer, who frowns at her disapprovingly; Anthy flinches and looks at the ground with a guilty sigh. She knew she'd mess up. She feels slightly better as Zarin's face garden yields another small orb, which heals up a scratch or two of hers as she gratefully absorbs it.

Zarin thinks about his commands grumpily. Return? Yeah right. He's in a terrific mood right now after all; he feels like death warmed up, he was just almost killed by his much-lamented lack of Indiana Joneseqsue boulder-fleeing prowess, his head hurts like hell, he nearly tried to enter a meaningful relationship with a rock, and he has a freaking windowbox on his face. With a frustrated growl he fumbles blindly through the mist until he finds Anthy, and gives her a half-hearted slap, too depressed to try especially hard and admittedly still rather captivated by her smile to want to hurt her. Slinking off in a huff, he curses as the poisoning wells up, almost making him throw up with the pain and the sickness in his stomach, while the sprouts throw more of his health away at Anthy.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 48%
Energy: 80%
Status: still ashamed for messing up her orders.
Leech Seed + Seed Bomb ~ Charm ~ none

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 22%
Energy: 28%
Status: "FML T-T". Badly poisoned (5% damage this round, raising to 6% next round), -4 Sp Atk, seeded (1% damage each action), -2 Attack
Facade ~ Attract ~ Return

Terrain Notes
The courtyard is shrouded in mist, reducing accuracy by 25. Will probably clear of its own accord in a few rounds unless assisted.

Final Notes
- Zarin's Attract missed.
- Anthy was given too many different commands on the second action so I had her pick one at random.
- what with Zarin not being a happy bunny at this point and his Attack reduction, Return only did a couple of points' worth of damage.
- Full Metal Cookies attacks first next round.
arg :C

Okay. CHill first, then use Frustration twice. If she protects or detects, then Chill again.

Chill ~ Frustration/Chill ~ Frustration/Chill
Aww, Anthy! Looks like he feels terrible... Try cheering him up a little?

Synthesis ~ Charm ~ Giga Drain
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Thirteen
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 48%
Energy: 80%
Status: still ashamed for messing up her orders.
Synthesis ~ Charm ~ Giga Drain

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 22%
Energy: 28%
Status: "FML T-T". Badly poisoned (5% damage this round, raising to 6% next round), -4 Sp Atk, seeded (1% damage each action), -2 Attack
Chill ~ Frustration/Chill ~ Frustration/Chill

Zarin grumbles, not only feeling ill and sore but also quite exhausted. Grumbling, he slowly tucks his paws underneath him and lies wearily on the ground, wrapping his tail around his body and curling up tight. With a quiet sigh, he shuts his eyes and begins a short nap for the duration of the round. Seeing Zarin relaxing, Anthy decides to have a break too, settling down herself to begin collecting sunlight in her bulb. Little more than a dim glow pierces the mist, but the leaves on her back do their best to absorb what does get through. Within the thylakoid membranes inside their cells' chloroplasts, the light is picked up by accessory pigments, and passed through the photosystem to the primary pigment reaction centre. Excited by the energy of the photons, electrons are captured by electron acceptors and passed along electron carriers through the process of photophosphorylation and release energy as they go. That energy in turn pumps protons through the thylakoid membrane, and this sort of thing carries on as the referee gives up on trying to follow everything going on in the Bulbasaur's body and grudgingly accepts the fact that he will fail Biology this year. One Calvin cycle later and the bulb releases HP, healing Anthy's wounds. Anthy gets up, feeling better, though not much due to the low availability of light. His HP gain is supplemented, however, by a small green orb that grows out of Zarin's face and floats over to her. Zarin squirms from the itchy feeling as his health is sapped, and with a yawn, he gets up too, feeling slightly refreshed. The two resume battling, oblivious to the enormous confusion the ref is now suffering.

Panting, Zarin growls miserably. He feels a little more lively from his rest, but not very much, and he's still as hurt and worn out physically. Not to mention, that damned Anthy's healed. Terrific, he's never gonna win this now... with a snarl he peers through the mist for something to vent his anger on. He just needs to hit something, that'll make him so much better... he leaps towards the first shape he sees, paws outstretched, and connects with it with great force. Anthy shrieks and tumbles to the ground as Zarin slams into her side, knocking her onto her back and pinning her to the ground. With a vicious smirk, Zarin lashes out with his paw and smashes Anthy in the jaw. The Bulbasaur lets out a wail of pain and tries to lift her arm to hold her mouth, but Zarin is blocking her, pushing her down forcefully and painfully. Zarin snickers, until he catches Anthy's eyes, and suddenly notices, she's crying! He gets off her at once, allowing her to lift her foot to her throbbing jaw, and suddenly becomes overwhelmed by guilt. Why did he do that? Anthy wasn't doing anything to him and he just went crazy and thumped her! He looks back sheepishly to see Anthy rolling onto her feet again. He gives her a piteous look, and Anthy returns it with a grin. Zarin cracks a grin; at least he didn't ruin her beautiful smile. She gives a coy giggle and Zarin completely forgets about hitting her; in fact he doesn't even notice his health draining away again through his parasitic growth.

With a huge grin still plastered on his face, Zarin thinks through his commands again... Frustration? But... he's feeling pretty good, now. Sure he feels sore and tired and stuff... but Anthy's gorgeous smile is still fresh in his mind. Shrugging, he decides to just go up and try patting Anthy on the shoulder, but just hard enough that it could look like an accident that he hurts her. Strolling up, and smiling sweetly at Anthy, he gives her a light, friendly pat on the shoulder... then another... then pretends to slip, bashing her a tad roughly on the leg. Anthy yelps and glares at him crossly, and he backs off, feeling a little bad again. Anthy glares at him furiously, and decides to get her own back. Tiny beads of green fluid ooze from Zarin's wounds, composed of life energy; they float across the battlefield and dissipate through Anthy's skin into her body, along with a smaller orb contributed by the Leech Seed plant on Zarin's head. The Eevee wails as his vitality is ripped from his body, and slumps to the floor slightly, panting in short, rattling breaths, barely managing a yelp as his poisoning eats away at him ever more furiously. Anthy smiles smugly and triumphantly; he won't last much longer.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 68%
Energy: 59%
Status: already celebrating her victory.
Synthesis ~ Charm ~ Giga Drain

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 7%
Energy: 35%
Status: dead on his feet. Badly poisoned (6% damage this round, raising to 7% next round), -4 Sp Atk, seeded (1% damage each action), -4 Attack
Chill ~ Frustration/Chill ~ Frustration/Chill

Terrain Notes
The courtyard is shrouded in mist, reducing accuracy by 25. Will probably clear of its own accord in a few rounds unless assisted.

Final Notes
- the mist reduced Synthesis' effectiveness. And the description was copied from my textbook, I'm failing that exam for certain T~T
- Zarin's bad mood gave his first Frustration a base power of about 8.
- however, Charm cheered him up, and his second only had about 6 base power.
- Alraunne attacks first next turn.
Mm... just keep from getting hit, Anthy. If he tries to damage you, Protect. If not, use Defense Curl.

Protect/Defense Curl x3
goddamn why do i keep forgetting about these someone needs to start kicking me >:C

Uh. put up a Wish for the one who follows you into the battle, then Reflects and then, uh, Yawn! I guess.

Wish ~ Reflect ~ Yawn

Eevee needs light screen.
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Fourteen
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 68%
Energy: 59%
Status: already celebrating her victory.
Protect/Defense Curl ~ Protect/Defense Curl ~ Protect/Defense Curl

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 7%
Energy: 35%
Status: dead on his feet. Badly poisoned (6% damage this round, raising to 7% next round), -4 Sp Atk, seeded (1% damage each action), -4 Attack
Wish ~ Reflect ~ Yawn

Gasping desperately and struggling to stay upright and alert, Zarin moves as gingerly as possible to avoid aggravating his nasty wounds. He gives a weak and desperate sigh; he can't carry on at this rate. Someone, something, for Arceus' sake please help me, he mutters, before continuing the endless struggle for consciousness. Anthy, meanwhile, takes advantage of Zarin's hesitation to attack him to take a little break. He nestles onto the floor and curls up slightly, partly for comfort and partly to shield him in case Zarin's pulling some dirty trick. As he makes himself comfortable, another orb of Zarin's dwindling supply of health drains into the Bulbasaur's back foliage.

Despite Anthy's cautiousness, Zarin couldn't attack even if he meant to. Right now his priority is defense... closing his eyes, trying not to collapse or fall asleep as he does so, the Eevee concentrates, and opens his eyes again to find himself surrounded by a translucent dome of pale purple energy. Zarin smiles at his new little energy fort as his eyelids slowly slip down... he snaps them open at once and shakes his head vigorously. What is he doing? No time to sleep now, this is a battle! He sure is sleepy though... ignoring Zarin's stall tactics, Anthy continues her nap, glad to be unhindered by having to look through that bloody fog. Stupid stuff, can't even see her tendrils in front of her snout... and what's worse it's so cold in this courtyard! Shifting a little on her makeshift nest, she rolls up tighter, huddling up to trap her own body warmth and banish the chill. So cosy is she, she barely feels her scratches getting better as the sprout on Zarin continues its contribution.

Full Metal Cookies peers through the fog toward her Eevee, concerned by the fact that he doesn't seem to be acting... she sees him slumped on the floor, unresponsive. Worried, she attempts to go and see if he's alright, but the ref forbids her from stepping onto the battlefield during a round, in case she gets caught up in one of those nasty Defense Curls or trips on a Bulbasaur or something. Zarin, incidentally, is not alright at all. He's slumped on the ground, fighting his agonising wounds and two clashing voices in his head. One represents his tiredness screaming at him to take a rest, for goodness' sake, and the other his allegiance to his trainer commanding him to get up and fight. Hearing Full Metal Cookies calling his name, he reluctantly and slowly drags himself off the ground and resolves to make one final move. For her. Opening his mouth and baring his fangs viciously and confidently, he lets out a monumental yawn, a long, loud gasp of total and utter knackeredness. Anthy's ear pricks up, and she can't help but emulate the yawn... she's starting to get pretty cosy here on the ground, and a nice nap down here sounds pretty sweet to her. Nuzzling up again, she curls even tighter and sets her mind to sugarplums and crap. Zarin gives a heavy sigh of relief. Finally, he's done here... the pain's all about to stop, he can go have a rest now... he doesn't even care about the sprout draining life he doesn't have to spare as he curls up for a well-earned rest. However, he passes out sooner than expected as the poison inside him builds up to chronic levels, and his little body gives in at last. The ref finally permits Full Metal Cookies onto the battlefield, and she runs up to the unconscious Eevee, recalling him to his Pokéball where no further harm will come to him.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 71%
Energy: 56%
Status: victorious! And sleepy. +3 Defense. Will fall asleep in 1 action due to Yawn.
Defense Curl ~ Defense Curl ~ Defense Curl

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 0%
Energy: 1%
Status: Knocked out! made a Wish (will take effect in 1 action), Reflect in effect (3 more actions).
Wish ~ Reflect ~ Yawn

Terrain Notes
The courtyard is shrouded in mist, reducing accuracy by 25. Will probably clear of its own accord next round. There is a Reflect shield on Full Metal Cookies' side (3 more actions), and Zarin's Wish will be granted next round (1st action).

Final Notes
- poor Zarin :( He was pretty close to an energy-faint there too.
- unfortunately I rolled a 3 to determine Wish's duration; I'm assuming you were trying for some sort of phoenix-like recovery for Zarin there, so sorry.
- Full Metal Cookies sends out and attacks first next turn, and in accordance with her own requests will be kicked for sloppy punctuality.
I'm gunna use Apollo, my Nidoran Male now!

Okay honey, your first battle, but don't be nervous. Get her with a Sweet Kiss, then use point-blank Ice Beams for a while.

Sweet Kiss ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam
Anthy, this'll be a tough situation to get out of...

Put up a Light Screen as quickly as you can. That's the most I can ask of you, really.

Light Screen ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Pulling the final Pokéball from her belt, Full Metal Cookies hurls it into the radius of the Reflect shield left by Zarin. With a burst of light, a male Nidoran emerges from it as it splits open. The little rhinoceros-rabbit peers around through the mist. He's not sure where he is or why it's so foggy, but it's creepy as hell here. He spots his foe, Anthy, huddled in a small hollow in the earth. He growls at it, its lethargic lack of aggression striking him as a touch odd. The referee begins the round, and Apollo readies himself to attack, while Anthy sluggishly drags herself up onto her feet.

Round Fifteen
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 71%
Energy: 56%
Status: dying for a nap. +3 Defense. Will fall asleep in 1 action due to Yawn.
Light Screen ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: slightly nervous.
Sweet Kiss ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

Apollo blinks, trying to see anything through the fog. It's too thick to see Anthy clearly through it, so he hops towards the nearest blurry shape he can find. As he draws nearer, he finds his hazy blob of choice turns out to be Anthy. He scurries up and smiles at her charmingly; she backs away a little, unnerved by his friendliness. It seems like some form of trick to her... Suddenly, without warning Apollo lunges forward and plants a gentle kiss on her nose. Anthy yelps, and Apollo giggles and scurries away into the fog again. The Bulbasaur frowns. What was that about? Apollo seemed more... fierce just a moment before. If indeed a Nidoran can be fierce, as opposed o adorable. Wait, adorable? She thinks he's adorable...? Well... she guesses he is a little... she's so focussed on being bewildered that she forgets about attacking completely. She realises her mistake suddenly and growls in frustration, bashing herself lightly on the head... and accidentally punching her own nose. Squealing in pain, she backs off, covering her face. Moments later, her tiredness catches up with her; her eyes flutter for a while before dropping closed, and she keels over on her side and falls fast asleep. Apollo grins victoriously, before staggering backwards with a surprised yelp as a sudden burst of white light appears before him, cutting straight through the fog. It materialises into a mysterious fairy-like Pokémon, with strange, long yellow appendages and a crown-like crest on its head. The three humans gasp in astonishment. Is that... Jirachi?! As they each rustle through their pockets for a spare Pokéball, the glowing legendary charges a ball of even brighter yellow light between its palms, which it throws into the air above Apollo. It bursts into a shower of sparks, which scatter all over the Nidoran. Apollo absorbs the sparks; they have pretty much no affect on him at all. Confused, Apollo watches as Jirachi soars into the air and disappears into the night sky, avoiding the three Pokéballs that fly towards it as it goes. The fog regathers, and once again the arena becomes next to impossible to see through.

In the aftermath of Jirachi's appearance, Apollo is stunned in awe, barely noticing that whatever it did to him had no noticeable outcome at all. Eventually, she snaps out of it, and making a mental note to tell all of his trainer's other Pokémon about this later, he starts charging a ball of pale blue energy at the tip of his horn. Facing the way he thinks he remembers facing when he used Sweet Kiss, he fires the orb in a beam of icy energy into the fog. Luckily, it strikes Anthy directly. The Bulbasaur grunts slightly in pain and shivers in her sleep, now coated in a heavy layer of rapidly melting frost. Suddenly, she stands up in her sleep, and begins to run across the battlefield towards Apollo. The Nidoran suddenly feels something come out of the mist and knock him roughly to the ground. Apollo squeals as the force of the attack knocks him flying; in fact it's so reckless, Anthy goes tumbling along the floor herself, dealing herself some slight bruises in the process. The momentum is reduced considerably as Anthy passes through Apollo's shield, but it still packs a punch for both concerned.

Picking himself up and shaking the dust off him, Apollo turns to where Anthy would have probably landed, who judging by the snores emanating from the mist is still fast asleep. He's slightly unnerved by this; it's enough to tackle people in your sleep, but to still be sleeping afterwards? Shrugging this off, he begins to charge another icy horn-beam, shooting it into the mist again and hoping for a hit. Again he strikes lucky, the shaft of ice crashing against Anthy's head and showering her body in frost and dew. Squirming in pain, Anthy moans softly, rolling over and smacking her foot against a patch of soil dampened by the meltwater running off her body. A glob of mud flies up from the puddle as she hits it, which hits Apollo right in the eyes with a wet slap. Apollo lets out a disgusted yelp and tries to wipe the mud off his face with his paws. He manages to get most of it off before it stains his fur, but in the process, he rubs a great deal of it into his eyes. As if the fog wasn't bad enough, he can now barely open his eyes without them stinging... luckily, the fog, which has been thinning slightly the past few rounds, suddenly and eerily vanishes, leaving only the darkness to obscure visibility, and taking Apollo's protective dome with it.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 43%
Energy: 45%
Status: having some quite peculiar dreams. +3 Defense, confused (moderate), asleep (mild)
confused ~ Take Down ~ Mud-Slap

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 94%
Energy: 86%
Status: "ze goggles, zey do NUSSING!". -1 accuracy
Sweet Kiss ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

Terrain Notes
The fog has lifted. Accuracy has returned to normal.

Final Notes
- Anthy was fully confused first action. (Reffing a Pokémon hitting itself while casting Light Screen is hard.)
- Wish did nothing because Apollo was at full health.
- Anthy's Sleep Talks became Take Down and Mud-Slap respectively.
- Alraunne attacks first next round.
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((Wait, what? I think you have mine and FMC's remaining Pokemon mixed up.))

Sleep Talk x 3 / Leaf Storm x 3

Leaf Storm if you wake up
You can do it, Apollo! Ice Beam, but if she wakes up and goes to attack you, use Sucker Punch.

Ice Beam / Sucker Punch x 3
(Indeed I have, Alraunne. Fixed.)

3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Sixteen
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 43%
Energy: 45%
Status: having some quite peculiar dreams. +3 Defense, confused (moderate), asleep (mild)
Sleep Talk/Leaf Storm ~ Sleep Talk/Leaf Storm ~ Sleep Talk/Leaf Storm

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 94%
Energy: 86%
Status: "ze goggles, zey do NUSSING!". -1 accuracy
Ice Beam/Sucker Punch ~ Ice Beam / Sucker Punch ~ Ice Beam / Sucker Punch

The mist vanishing has finally enabled the competitors to see around the arena for the first time in four or five rounds. Or in Apollo's case, for the first time ever. The chilling atmosphere is far more foreboding when you can see around the dark, cold, and creepy courtyard, and Apollo almost wishes for the mist back. Swallowing his fear, he wipes tears from his bloodshot eyes and concentrates on the now-perfectly visible Anthy, who still lies fast asleep on the ground just ahead of him. A point of icy blue energy again forms at Apollo's horn, growing and growing up to the size of a grapefruit before the Nidoran gives a slight nudge of his head into the air and sends it streaming across the arena. It smashes into Anthy's side with tremendous force, leaving a huge patch of ice covering her side. Moaning sleepily, she rolls over on her side, crushing the ice under her. With a sleepy mutter, Anthy squirms and a small vine sprouts from her bulb. Snaking its way down towards the ground, it pushes itself into the soil and sprouts a multitude of roots, anchoring it to the floor. It begins to pump what nutrients it can out of the cold soil; since all the plantlife in this courtyard died long ago, that could be a rather difficult task.

Grinning at Anthy, who is now not only fast asleep, but a sitting duck, Apollo charges yet another shaft of icy energy, launching it at Anthy and engulfing her in another glaze of frost, freezing cold enough to seriously affect her body. Shivering profusely, Anthy gives another sleepy groan and stands up. Apollo is startled, and staggers away from Anthy; though moving about seemingly freely, she's still quite definitely asleep! Noticing she's not attacking, Apollo lets curiosity get the batter of him, and hops over for a look-see; suddenly, Anthy spits up a glob of purple goo right onto Apollo's head. Apollo yelps and scurries away, wiping the gunk off with his claws. Luckily, it didn't seem to do him any damage. It was just absolutely disgusting. As Anthy settles back down, he shoots her a disgusted look, and spots the roots anchoring her flashing green.

Anthy stirs again; however, this time, her eyes snap open. Murmuring groggily, Anthy takes in her surroundings; huh, where'd the mist go? She stands up and tries to stretch her legs with a little wander, but something tugging at her bulb stops her. She looks round to see herself stuck to the ground by a big, strong vine. She frowns in bewilderment, but sets that aside. She hardly needs to move for this next move after all. She starts to warm her attack up when BAM! Something sharp hits her in the chin and knocks her to the floor. She hears Apollo snicker as she pushes herself back up. That cheat! Using such a lousy underhanded shot like that. Well she'll show him. The dead grass around Apollo's feet begins to ripple crazily as the branches of the dead trees twitch halfheartedly. Apollo smirks. What's she using, huh? Grass Wiggle? His confidence is soon cut short as he looks up to see a horrific but breathtaking sight. An enormous cloud of leaves, rushing through the air from the other side of the Chateau, from Eterna Forest! The huge sheet of fluttering green, brown, red, and yellow arboreal appendages swirls violently through the air and wraps itself around Apollo, forming itself into a tornado of leaves and mysterious green energy blowing around in a circle at tremendous speeds. Finally, it stops, the green power spreading across the arena and littering the courtyard with stray leaves. Apollo picks himself up off the floor, furious at Anthy, who grins at him smugly. That'll teach you to play nice, she seems to say. It used up a lot of energy to summon that tempest, but it seems to have done the trick. As Anthy contemplates a job well done, her vine flashes as it draws up what nutrients it can from the Chateau soil.

Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 19%
Energy: 22%
Status: not going out without a fight. +3 Defense, -2 Sp Atk, confused (mild)
Ingrain ~ Toxic ~ Sleep Talk/Leaf Storm

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 83%
Energy: 74%
Status: "This purple goo better not stain my fur!! ...oh wait. Never mind.". -1 accuracy
Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Sucker Punch

Terrain Notes
Everything in courtyard is covered in a carpet of leaves. *picks one out of his hair and flicks it over his shoulder* Anthy is anchored in the middle of the courtyard by Ingrain and can't move more than about a few feet in any direction.

Final Notes
- Anthy's Sleep Talks became Ingrain and Toxic respectively.
- Toxic failed, since Apollo's Poison-type.
- she woke up between the second and third actions.
- Full Metal Cookies attacks first next turn.
I'll keep things simple... Ice Beam the whole round, unless she protects/detects, then Chill. Yes I am uncreative.

Ice Beam / Chill x 3
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