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Alraunne vs Full Metal Cookies

3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Seventeen
Alraunne (XOO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 19%
Energy: 22%
Status: not going out without a fight. +3 Defense, -2 Sp Atk, confused (mild)
Attract ~ Vine Whip ~ Vine Whip

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 83%
Energy: 74%
Status: "This purple goo better not stain my fur!! ...oh wait. Never mind.". -1 accuracy
Ice Beam/Chill ~ Ice Beam/Chill ~ Ice Beam/Chill

Anthy looks up weakly at Apollo. That barrage of Ice Beams sure didn't do her any favours... she's not quite done for, but she doesn't think she can take too many more hits like that one charging on Apollo's horn right now. Apollo lets out a cocky smirk as he charges toward Anthy, swinging his head in the air and letting loose an enormous bolt of frost from the sphere of energy sitting atop his horn. The blast smashes right into Anthy's head with a fantastic burst of ice crystals that rain down all over the arena. Anthy is knocked backwards several feet by the freezing blast, overwhelmed by the sheer power of the attack... that was no ordinary ice beam, she thinks as she struggles to pull herself to her feet. However, that last supercharged ice beam was too much. With a groan of pain she slumps to the floor, landing face first in a heap of leaves and lying still. The vine securing her to the ground wilts and shrinks back into her bulb. Apollo turns to his trainer with a cheery grin, and Alraunne recalls Anthy bitterly.

Alraunne (XXO)
Anthy (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 0%
Energy: 22%
Status: Knocked out!

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 77%
Energy: 67%
Status: celebrating his first kill. -1 accuracy
Ice Beam

Terrain Notes
Everything in the courtyard is covered in a carpet of leaves.

Final Notes
- forgot to factor Overgrow into the damage for Leaf Storm last round; Apollo's HP has been modified accordingly.
- that Ice Beam was a critical hit, dealing just enough damage to push Anthy over the edge. D'aww.
- Alraunne sends out her last Pokémon and then attacks first next round.
I choose you, Boo!

If Apollo uses Protect, use Double Team. If he uses Protect more than once and you already have Double Team up, chill.

Dark Pulse/Double Team ~ Shadow Ball/Double Team/Chill x2
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3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Having recalled Anthy, Alraunne plucks her third and final Pokéball out and throws it into the arena. It bursts into a cloud of red light, which turns into a purplish haze and... doesn't do much else, just hanging in the air just in front of Apollo. Suddenly a face appears in the centre of the gaseous swirl, and Boo the Gastly surveys the arena- looks like his kind of place! His approving gaze falls on Apollo, and he frowns. What's this Nidoran's problem? He's shaking like a leaf. Supposing this is to be his opponent, he grimaces threateningly, and Apollo tries to regain his composure before the round starts.

Round Eighteen
Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: feeling right at home.
Dark Pulse/Double Team ~ Shadow Ball/Double Team/Chill ~ Shadow Ball/Double Team/Chill

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 77%
Energy: 67%
Status: preparing for the last leg of the battle. -1 accuracy
Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch

Boo starts the round by charging a darker purple glow around himself... and then getting knocked brutally to the floor with a fierce, sudden lash from above. With an uncharacteristic yelp, he floats back up to his former altitude, wishing he had some appendages to rub his aching head with. He looks around angrily for his cowardly assailant, but sees nothing but Apollo sitting innocently on the ground and smiling up at him sweetly. Shaking his head (or should that be his body?), Boo charges up his purple aura once more, until he becomes engulfed in a cloud of dark energy. He scowls furiously down at Apollo, his eyes glowing red and his face contorted into a mask of hatred. His fury seems to feed the aura, which glows and expands as his apparent abhorrence of Apollo grows. Eventually the aura bursts, washing over the arena with a terrible, ghostly screech, picking up leaves and flinging them every which way as it rushes ever closer to Apollo. The Nidoran attempts to flee, but the aura outpaces him and blasts him with a jolt of awful, ghostly energy. Terrible pain and a thousand despicable emotions rush through Apollo's body as the attack burns at his hide, eventually letting up and leaving the poor Nidoran twitching in pain and probably scarred for life.

THWACK. Again Boo is truck viciously on the top of his head, right about when he's going to attack. Growling in anger, he floats up and scans the arena furiously once more, but sees nobody who apparently had attacked him; just Apollo, sitting quietly on the leaves, still a little traumatised. At least that hit hurt a tad less than the last one... with a scowl, Boo starts to gather a blob of shadowy energy before himself, forming a quickly-inflating ball of impenetrable darkness. When it grows to about the size of his body, he nudges it, sending it spinning across the arena towards Apollo, with whom it impacts, bursting into a cloud of shadows with a loud explosion that knocks the Nidoran several feet across the arena.

Boo grunts as he feels an abrupt tap on his head, just hard enough to feel it but light enough to cause no pain. Starting to get quite annoyed, he has a final look around the arena for the culprit. Sure, it didn't hurt this time, but it's the principle of the thing. However, for the third time his search turns up only the harmless-looking Nidoran sitting before him. Sinking into paranoia, Boo glances fretfully around the arena one last time... he bets it was the referee. That bastard. He'll get him later. Putting the whole strange series of events out of his mind, he gathers another darkness-lump and shoves it towards Apollo. This one impacts with an explosion just as large as the one before, but Apollo is neither sent flying or even seemingly hurt in any way, bar the ghostly energy burning at some of his previous wounds and making them a little more tender. The round over, the two Pokémon both contemplate what on Earth is going on, and where the heck their nociception went.

Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 65% (CAPPED)
Energy: 80%
Status: increasingly paranoid.
Dark Pulse ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 42% (CAPPED)
Energy: 51%
Status: feeing quite mischievous. -1 Sp. Def, -1 accuracy
Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch

Terrain Notes
Everything in the courtyard is covered in a carpet of leaves.

Final Notes
- both Pokémon hit the damage cap on the second round.
- the third Shadow Ball dealt no damage, but lowered Apollo's Special Defense.
- Full Metal Cookies attacks first next round.
Hmmm. Okay baby, I want you to use Sucker Punch if he tries to attack, if he doesn't, use Shadow Claw, and if he Protects/Detects, Chill. Easy peasy, eh Apollo?

Sucker Punch / Shadow Claw / Chill x 3

Just to mess with him, Sucker Punch him back! When he Sucker Punches you, Disable it. Then, Ominous Wind.

Sucker punch ~ Disable ~ Ominous Wind
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Nineteen
Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 65% (CAPPED)
Energy: 80%
Status: increasingly paranoid.
Sucker Punch ~ Disable ~ Ominous Wind

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 42% (CAPPED)
Energy: 51%
Status: feeing quite mischievous. -1 Sp. Def, -1 accuracy
Sucker Punch/Shadow Claw/Chill ~ Sucker Punch/Shadow Claw/Chill ~ Sucker Punch/Shadow Claw/Chill

Apollo smirks across the arena. Oh, how he enjoyed messing with Boo with all those Sucker Punches last turn. Satisfied with the effectiveness of that strategy, he lifts his paw and begins rushing forward- only to see a brief flash of purple before being smacked roughly and abruptly to the floor. Yelping, he picks himself up and frowns at Boo furiously. That bastard beat him at his own game! Boo grins back mischievously and sticks his tongue out, in a "how-do-you-like-them-apples" fashion. The element of surprise completely ruined, Apollo grumbles and hobbles off to await his next turn.

Sulking somewhat, the Nidoran continues to glare at his opponent, infuriated by his audacity. He stares angrily into Boo's eyes, which begin to glow red... how dare he cut in and steal his strategy? Which was... uh... what move did he use again? Was it... Dynamicpunch? No, that's not right, he can't even use that. Well, it definitely had Punch in it. Despite this sudden memory lapse, he's still annoyed at Boo for... something. Cloaking his claws in a dark, malicious energy, he leaps up at the Gastly and rakes them through Boo's gaseous body. They pass clean through like a hot knife through butter, but despite being incapable of sustaining physical wounds, Boo feels an awful gash of caustic shadow energy burning at his ethereal body, and gives a yell of pain as Apollo drops to the floor.

Shuddering from the nasty sensation of the Shadow Claw, Boo closes his eyes and begins to mutter slowly under his breath. All through the courtyard, gravestones begin to flash and glow purple in response to his whispers, answering in ghostly wails and incoherent moans. Boo's eyes snap open, glowing dark purple, and spirits float from the headstones and circle in the air around Boo. Full Metal Cookies turns to Apollo and gives a few shouts of encouragement; the Nidoran, however, misses the hints, just watching the ghosts fluttering in the air around his opponent in a mixture of terrified revulsion and fixated intrigue. His trainer starts shouting at him angrily, something about getting around to using a damn Sucker Punch already... it means nothing to Apollo, however. Finally, Boo lurches forward, sending the apparitions streaming across the courtyard with a thunderous cacophony of inhuman, ghostly screeches and wails. The spirits savage Apollo ruthlessly with ghostly energy as they soar past with the wind, scattering leaves as they go, and vanish into the ether, leaving the Nidoran sore and traumatised. It doesn't help that his trainer has become furious, screaming at the Nidoran for some perceived disobedience which the poor Apollo still has no knowledge of whatsoever.

Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 52%
Energy: 62%
Status: arrogantly confident.
Sucker Punch ~ Disable ~ Ominous Wind

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 19%
Energy: 36%
Status: not too chipper. -1 Sp. Def, -1 accuracy, Sucker Punch disabled (2 more actions)
Sucker Punch ~ Shadow Claw ~ none

Terrain Notes
Everything in the courtyard is covered in a carpet of leaves.

Final Notes
- Apollo's first Sucker Punch was unsuccessful, since Boo got his attack in first.
- it was then disabled for four actions, thus failing again on the last action.
- Alraunne attacks first next round.
It's down to the wire, Boo!

Ominous Wind all around! If you can still attack but cannot use Ominous Wind for whatever reason, opt for Shadow Ball instead. If he protects, use Double Team instead.

Ominous Wind/Shadow Ball/Double Team x3
Come on Apollo you can do it! Use Shadow Claw and hope for a crit~

Shadow Claw x 3

man i'm totally boring with orders lately.
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Twenty
Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 52%
Energy: 62%
Status: arrogantly confident.
Ominous Wind/Shadow Ball/Double Team ~ Ominous Wind/Shadow Ball/Double Team ~ Ominous Wind/Shadow Ball/Double Team

Full Metal Cookies (XXO)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 19%
Energy: 36%
Status: not too chipper. -1 Sp. Def, -1 accuracy, Sucker Punch disabled (2 more actions)
Shadow Claw ~ Shadow Claw ~ Shadow Claw

Boo grins evilly at the small, panting, slightly pathetic Nidoran standing in front of him. This shouldn't take too much longer, he thinks nastily as he again calls up the power of the spirits inhabiting the gravestones and memorials surrounding him. Apollo barely has the strength to look up as the spectres swarm around Boo, and lets out only an agonised squeak as the wind picks up the flurry of ghostly apparitions and blows them through the courtyard, blasting the poor Apollo with a massive storm of shadow energy. Shuddering, Apollo climbs to his feet, staggering forwards and trying to put the tremendous pain and the horrifying ordeal of being attacked by such a horrid power out of his mind. Weakly, his claw glows with a dark purple energy; slowly the glow flares up until his front leg is wreathed in a thick purple mist. With a weak grunt of desperation, he hops into the air and swipes his claw exhaustedly through Boo's aeriform body. Shrieking in pain as the shadowy energy attacks whatever pain receptors he has, Boo suddenly descends into a chaotic cloud of purple mist, reincorporating himself as the pain fades from his body. Furiously, he stares down at Apollo and readies what he is confident will be his final attack.

Apollo can barely look up as Boo looms over him. He just barely has any strength left in him; he has no idea whether that Shadow Claw was as effective as it needed to be or not. He knows there's no hope of winning now anyway- at least he did his best, he thinks as he waits for the finishing blow. Again Boo gathers the energy of the spirits rife throughout the courtyard, whipping them up into a furious gale of spiritual power. With a victorious grunt he thrusts his body forward through the air, sending the cloud of shadows streaming through the air to deal a final blow to Apollo. As the wind hits Apollo, he gives a pitiful shriek before being picked up and slammed into a nearby rock, the spirits blasting his lifeless body with their eldritch powers before vanishing into the ether.

Alraunne (XXO)
Boo (M) <Levitate>
Health: 38%
Energy: 49%
Status: sad to be leaving the courtyard.
Ominous Wind ~ Ominous Wind

Full Metal Cookies (XXX)
Apollo (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 0%
Energy: 29%
Status: Knocked out!
Shadow Claw

Terrain Notes
Everything in the courtyard is covered in a carpet of leaves.

Final Notes
Not much to say really.

Full Metal Cookies recalls her Nidoran with a reserved disappointment, and Alraunne happily returns Boo to his Pokéball before turning and graciously shaking her opponent by the hand. The referee looks around the courtyard; it's even creepier now than it used to be with no Pokémon around to protect them... quickly he throws a Pokéball to the ground and releases a Kadabra. He whispers in its ear and it nods, raising its glowing spoon in the air. Seconds later, the four are standing around a table in the Eterna City Pokémon Centre. Thanking the Kadabra, the referee recalls him, turns to the trainers, and begins distributing prize money and experience.

Alraunne gets $24, Full Metal Cookies gets $9 and I get $15. Tock, Zarin, Anthy, Apollo and Boo recieve 2Exp, and Roger recieves 1Exp.
And that's that :D Good battle guys, I enjoyed reffing it.
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