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Alraunne vs Full Metal Cookies

3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Six
Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 61%
Energy: 48%
Status: zzz. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
chill/Silver Wind ~ chill/Silver Wind ~ chill/Silver Wind

Full Metal Cookies (OOO)

Roger (M) <Mold Breaker>
Health: 32%
Energy: 42%
Status: zzz. +2 Attack, +1 Defence, asleep (mild), poisoned (3% damage per turn)
Sleep Talk/Night Slash ~ Sleep Talk/Night Slash ~ Sleep Talk/Night Slash

Tock peers down from his tree at the sleeping Roger. He seems to be sleeping much more lightly now; he could awaken any minute. Again, Tock whips up a gust of wind, imbued with a sparkling silver energy. He flicks his wings and sends it spiralling into Roger, striking him with the mysterious energy. Roger growls in his sleep, and suddenly leaps towards Tock, baring his fangs. However the branch is slightly too high for Roger to reach; his leap falls short and he tumbles to the ground without hitting. As he hits the ground, his eyes snap open, and he looks around the arena groggily... what's going on? Where did Tock go? Why is he in so much more pain all of a sudden...?

As Roger accustoms, Tock starts to form another gust of wind from the safety of his tree branch. The air positively glows with sparkling silver energy, which forms a massive gale and rushes across the arena into Roger. The unsuspecting Enculli is battered mercilessly by the wind, torn asunder by the glowing aura, and finally blown across the arena into a rock with incredible force. Squirming back upright, he growls before grimacing in extreme pain... something about that last attack really took it out of him. He may not be able to hang on much more... determined, he crawls forward, flinching in pain, and charges dark energy in his claws. Again, he hops up to the tree. Again, he misses, and flops back to the ground with a growl of fury.

Chuckling cruelly, Tock stirs up the mysterious wind once again, hurtling it towards Roger; the Enculli moans in agony as he is again flung around by the wind, and what little strength he has left it cut down critically. By this point, Roger can barely stay conscious. His vision blurs, and every muscle of mis body cries out in pain when he moves. But, again, Tock is perched just above his reach as he flings himself into the air to attack. Roger crashes to the earth again, totally drained. He doesn't have the strength left to even flip himself upright. He lies pathetically on his back groaning, as the poison coursing in his veins saps the last remaining traces of life from him. Tock peers down, making sure Roger is unconscious, before hooting and hopping on his branch in celebration.

Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 61%
Energy: 30%
Status: celebrating an unexpected victory over Roger. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Silver Wind ~ Silver Wind ~ Silver Wind

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Roger (M) <Mold Breaker>
Health: 0%
Energy: 29%
Status: Knocked out!
Leech Life ~ Night Slash ~ Night Slash

Terrain Notes
Tock is in a tree near the centre of the courtyard.

Final Notes
- Tock wasn't commanded to leave his tree, so he remained out of reach of all direct contact moves this round.
- Roger's Sleep Talk became Leech life.
- He then woke up.
- Tock's second Silver Wind was a critical hit.
- Full Metal Cookies sends out and attacks first next round.
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:c Poor Roger...

Well, now I'll send: [Zarin] Eevee (M) <Steadfast>

Start with a Calm Mind, then start using Dark Pulse; if Tock protects, then Calm Mind some more.

Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse / Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse / Calm Mind

mmm, body mods are delicious.
Hmm... Let's try a previous tactic that worked. Annoying, sure, but it worked so...

Hypnosis! If you get the Eevee to sleep, he'll be susceptible to Dream Eater this time. If you pulled off Hypnosis and Dream Eater, then Chill for a bit. Do all of this from up in the tree if you can manage it.
However, if you did not get him to sleep, Faint Attack and... hmm... Wing Attack. Feel free to leave the tree in this scenario.

Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater(Health)/Faint Attack ~ Chill/Wing Attack
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Recalling the lifeless Roger with a frown of disappointment, Full Metal Cookies picks another Pokéball and hurls it to the floor at the foot of Tock's tree. From it bursts a cloud of red light which moulds itself into Zarin the Eevee. Zarin looks around and shivers nervously before spotting his target in the tree. The two lock eyes and exchange menacing growls as the round begins.

Round Seven
Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 61%
Energy: 30%
Status: celebrating an unexpected victory over Roger. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater(Health)/Faint Attack ~ Chill/Wing Attack

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Kind of nervous.
Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse / Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse / Calm Mind

The two continue to lock eyes, staring each other down in a bid to intimidate each other for the upcoming battle. As soon as the round begins, Tock's eyes glow red, and Zarin becomes truly transfixed on his eyes. He tries to focus on attacking, but the glow of Tock's eyes exudes a soothing, sedative effect and by now he is feeling too drowsy to stand... with a wide yawn he flops onto his side and falls fast asleep.

Tock chuckles darkly and closes his eyes to tap into his psychic energy. With it, he weaves his way into Zarin's mind, searching for his dream. Eventually he finds it; it seems to be a Hoothoot lying on the ground being savaged by an Eevee. Tock tears it out of Zarin's consciousness, and the Eevee shudders uncomfortably as a purple aura floats out of his head and into Tock. Zarin mumbles and whimpers in his sleep as the Hoothoot absorbs his stolen dream.

Feeling revitalised from Zarin's dream, Tock peers down at the sleeping Eevee. Watching him twitch uncomfortably, but soundly asleep nonetheless, he decides he's no threat and to get some shuteye. He closes his eyes and begins a short nap, and his deteriorating energy levels begin to replenish.

Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 65%
Energy: 34%
Status: napping contently. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater(Health) ~ Chill

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 91%
Energy: 100%
Status: sleeping fitfully. Asleep (moderate)
asleep ~ asleep ~ asleep

Terrain Notes
Tock's still in his tree. Zarin is asleep on the floor just beneath the branch.

Final Notes
- Short reffing is short.
- Zarin was asleep the whole round.
- Dream Eater reduced the severity of Zarin's sleep condition, due to Mikelogic which would take several lines to adequately describe.
- Aaaagh sorry this was so late, I've been getting so behind on reffings D:
- Alraunne attacks first next round.
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Chill + Roost ~ Air Slash

(erm, if Chill doesn't count as a combo-able move, just make those separate actions :B)
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Bleh. (also Zarin is shiny, minor nitpick~)

So. Sleep Talk if asleep, and Dark Pulse if awake.

Sleep Talk / Dark Pulse x 3
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Eight
Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 65%
Energy: 34%
Status: napping contently. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Chill + Roost ~ Air Slash

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 91%
Energy: 100%
Status: sleeping fitfully. Asleep (moderate)
Sleep Talk / Dark Pulse ~ Sleep Talk / Dark Pulse ~ Sleep Talk / Dark Pulse

Opening one sleepy eye reluctantly, Tock listens to his commands and immediately shuts it again for another, longer nap. Still fast asleep, Zarin stirs, lifting a paw in his sleep and slapping it against the earth and scooping a small pile of mud ineffectually across the ground. As Zarin curls back up and goes back to sleep, Tock opens his eyes, his wounds gone but still feeling groggy from his sleep.

Deciding to go on the offensive again, Tock flaps his wing through the air in a crescent and forms the air it swings through into a blade, which shoots into Zarin and leaves a gash across his back. He grunts in his sleep, before stirring violently and climbing to his feet. Tock hoots, startled, as the apparently fast-asleep Eevee stands up and leaps forward several feet, then collapses to the soil. Tock hoots quizzically- that didn't seem to achieve much, he thinks, as Zarin curls back up again.

Tock perches in his tree, bored. He's used up all his actions and the round's still going... still, he doubts Zarin's going to use anything that'll hit him this ti- he squawks and almost falls out of his branch as Zarin fires a starshaped beam which races up to the tree and hits him square in the beak. He hoots down at the Eevee angrily as he stirs for a few moments before awakening, and staring groggily up at Tock.

Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 94%
Energy: 27%
Status: "wahaha, I am the stalling master". +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Chill + Roost ~ Air Slash ~ none

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 84%
Energy: 88%
Status: slightly groggy.
Mud-slap ~ Tackle ~ Swift

Terrain Notes
Tock's in a tree and stuff. Eight round and I still haven't rolled for the balcony or mist things to happen :/

Final Notes
- changed Zarin's sprite to shiny. HAPPY NOW FMC
- Zarin's Sleep Talks became Mud-slap, Tackle and Swift respectively.
- he then woke up at the end of the third action.
- Full Metal Cookies attacks first next round.

okay Zarin, baby. He's getting tired; just keep attacking him! Use Dark Pulse all round, but if he Protects or Detects, the first time use Wish, and all other times, Calm Mind.

Dark Pulse / Wish / Calm Mind x 3
Looks like this is our final offensive, Tock! You've been doing great so far so give this round your all! Do your best to avoid the brunt of the Dark Pulses if you can help it.

(How would a combo with a two-action move and a one-action move work? Would it take up all three actions? Does Sky Attack take up two actions? :B er...)

Take Down + Sky Attack!
(How would a combo with a two-action move and a one-action move work? Would it take up all three actions? Does Sky Attack take up two actions? :B er...)
Moves that require two turns in the games can be used in only one action in ASB, if you so choose.
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Nine
Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 94%
Energy: 27%
Status: "wahaha, I am the stalling master". +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Take Down + Sky Attack

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 84%
Energy: 88%
Status: slightly groggy.
Dark Pulse/Wish/Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse/Wish/Calm Mind ~ Dark Pulse/Wish/Calm Mind

Breathing quite heavily, Tock reluctantly begins to flap his wings, lifting him out of his tree. As he ascends, a golden glow surrounds him, growing brighter and brighter. With a hoot, he screeches down through the air, visible only as an enormous, glowing ball of light. Zarin yelps as the Hoothoot draws closer, engulfed in light, and attempts to run away but is far too slow. Tock slams straight into him with tremendous force, knocking him along the ground and crashing hard into the earth himself. Shakily, Zarin gets to his feet, and Tock likewise picks himself up from the crater he created, totally exhausted and also hurt by his own attack. Growling in pain, Zarin's anger materialises as a thin film of purple light all around his body. As it lights up his eyes in a sinister dark glow, he lets out a growl and unleashes it as a colossal wave of darkness which washes over Tock and tears at his skin maliciously.

Too exhausted to attack, Tock simply sits back as Zarin charges another sinister layer of dark energy, staring at Tock evilly with his now-purple eyes. With a vicious snarl Zarin unleashes a wave once more, battering tock with an evil wave of power.

For a third time, the Eevee covers his body with evil energy, focussing all his consciousness on utterly destroying his opponent. The cloud builds up to a tremendous size, turning a deeper, darker purple than ever before. Tock turns round to his trainer, panicked, waiting for a command; but the command never come. Zarin lets loose the wave with a vicious, hateful snarl, and it crashes into Tock with an unearthly, ghostly screech. Tock feels its malevolent potency much more than before, but experiences only a moment of terrible agony before the pain cuts off strangely.

Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 59% (CAPPED)
Energy: 12%
Status: doubting how long he'll hang on. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Take Down + Sky Attack ~ none ~ none

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 68%
Energy: 70%
Status: glad to be getting the upper hand.
Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Terrain Notes
A small Hoothoot-sized crater has been formed in the soil under the tree. Tock and Zarin are standing on opposite sides of it.

Final Notes
- Tock is back on the ground and can be reached by physical/non-projectile attacks again, unless he is commanded to go back up there.
- Tock was given no commands apart from the combo so he was idle on the last two actions.
- Zarin's third Dark Pulse was a critical hit, but Tock would have hit the cap anyway.
- Alraunne attacks first next turn.
Wait, I thought Combos ate up two actions?... I figured he would've been out of energy by the end of that one anyway and was just cutting my loses, but...

That was great, Tock! Focus right now on doing as much damage as you can with what energy you have left. If the Eevee uses Protect at all, use Sunny Day. If it Protects more than once and you already got a Sunny Day off, well... not a whole lot you can do. Toxic until you get a Toxic on it, and after that, every chance you get, use Sky Attack.

Toxic/Sunny Day ~ Toxic/Sky Attack x2
Okay Zarin. If you think you can get in a Sub, do so, and then continue to Dark Pulse. If you don't think you can before you get Toxic'd, just go and Dark Pulse.

Substitute (10%)/Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse
3v3 Single
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: 1-hit-KO's
Stadium: Old Chateau Courtyard

Located in northern Eterna Forest is the crumbling old mansion known only as the Old Chateau. There are cobwebs, cracks and thick coatings of dust everywhere to be seen. Should one be brave enough to enter the Chateau they would find a back door leading to the outside. Upon exiting the ancient building, one would see the remnants of an old battleground for Pokemon that once upon a time must have been magnificent, but is now in a state of irreversible disrepair. Large oak trees that stood proud and tall with vibrant leaves now sadly droop their leafless, brittle branches. The once decorative shrubbery, first overgrowing before wilting, stand starkly against the dark forest. A strange greenish haze lingers, further making things creepy and ominous. The chateau looms intimidatingly over the field, the backside having a balcony that is now weathered and crumbling.

-10% chance that the haze will rise up and obstruct the vision of the Pokemon, reducing their accuracy by 25%

-10% chance that a chunk of the balcony's support beams may crumble and fall on the Pokemon's head if they are below it, dealing 20% damage.

-The setting of this stadium is very haunting and chilly, giving Ghost and Dark moves a x1.5 boost.

Round Ten
Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 59% (CAPPED)
Energy: 12%
Status: doubting how long he'll hang on. +2 Speed, -1 Defense
Toxic/Sunny Day ~ Toxic/Sky Attack ~ Toxic/Sky Attack

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 68%
Energy: 70%
Status: glad to be getting the upper hand.
Substitute (10%)/Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Groaning in exhaustion, Tock struggles to prevent his eyelids from sliding together and hops groggily across the courtyard. He reaches Zarin and wobbles precariously on his foot, forcing himself awake as he secretes toxic fluids from somewhere inside him. Zarin chuckles at the Hoothoot as he sways in exhaustion, fighting his body's urge to collapse to the ground, and the Eevee holds back the temptation to start batting at the wobbling owl like a bobble-head toy. Letting out what seems to be a yawn, the Hoothoot spews a foul cocktail of poisonous juices all over the unsuspecting Zarin's head. Yelping in horror and pain, Zarin recoils, wiping at his face frantically with his paws. All he succeeds in doing, however, is rubbing it deeper into his skin as it eats through the tissues of his body and enters his bloodstream. Now feeling quite ill, the Eevee whimpers as the pain wells up in his body. Suddenly, the whimper turns into a murderous snarl, and an odious aura begins to gather around him. Glowing a dark, sinister purple, Zarin focusses his hatred of Tock and unleashes it all as a horrible, evil purple wave of energy. The Hoothoot hoots weakly in panic but is too exhausted to evade it; the aura crashes over him, burning him with its venomous hatred.

A weak glow envelops Tock's body, and the exhausted Hoothoot lets out a weak cry of anger. One cannot tell if the cry is anger at Zarin or one of protest as the brightening aura drains his last remaining traces of consciousness. It flares up into a beautiful golden gleam that lights up the whole arena, before gradually growing weaker and fizzling out as Tock closes one eye, then the other, and momentarily fights to keep them open before letting out a defeated, barely audible hoot and collapsing to the soil. Zarin trots up to the Hoothoot warily, rolling him over and poking him a few times with his paws. After a few prods, Zarin is satisfied that Tock's not getting up, and lets out a victorious bark cut short by a whimper as the poison now flowing inside him gets to work. Tock snores and mutters in his well-deserved sleep, having been pushed further than he could physically manage, now quite unconscious.

Alraunne (OOO)
Tock (M) <Insomnia>
Health: 41%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out!
Toxic ~ Sky Attack (energy fainted)

Full Metal Cookies (XOO)

Zarin (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 65%
Energy: 65%
Status: "wake up sleepyhead, I'm not done beating you up D:". Badly poisoned (3% damage this round, raising to 4% next round)
Dark Pulse ~ none

Terrain Notes
Nothing to note.

Final Notes
- Tock was unable to even use Sky Attack; in my mind a Pokémon at least needs to have the total energy needed to use an attack, otherwise it'd black out before finishing it.
- Alraunne sends out next round, and then Full Metal Cookies attacks first.
- Merry Christmas, guys :3
Hrmn. Go on the offensive! Dark Pulse for the round, but if she protects/detects, use Calm Mind, and if Attract is attempted, then use it first! You're faster~

Dark Pulse/Calm Mind/Attract x 3
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