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goddamit the pun was RIGHT THEREit strikes me
so wait, is the only benefit of the Fruit Vendor that other people can confirm that it exists?i was assuming this was the same thing as the Fruit Vendor from mafiascum.net tbhI have theories about the fruit, but for now I feel like it's best just to accept it as neighbourizer and let RSP do their thingTbh!!
it's a NAI role that gives a piece of fruit to someone each night. recipient is told that they received a piece of fruit. fruit is otherwise useless
I can very much see how strykenix, upon randing it, would think to exclaim "looks like herbe's running a bastard game!" (admittedly this could be wifom tho)
it strikes me that it would be very appropriate for an animal crossing theme game
basicallyso wait, is the only benefit of the Fruit Vendor that other people can confirm that it exists?
spicy tbhtbhbasicallyso wait, is the only benefit of the Fruit Vendor that other people can confirm that it exists?
from skimming their wiki page I gather the main idea is to fuck with watchers/trackers of the opposite alignment, and (if town) to see whether the recipient truthfully announces their receipt of fruitso wait, is the only benefit of the Fruit Vendor that other people can confirm that it exists?i was assuming this was the same thing as the Fruit Vendor from mafiascum.net tbhI have theories about the fruit, but for now I feel like it's best just to accept it as neighbourizer and let RSP do their thingTbh!!
it's a NAI role that gives a piece of fruit to someone each night. recipient is told that they received a piece of fruit. fruit is otherwise useless
I can very much see how strykenix, upon randing it, would think to exclaim "looks like herbe's running a bastard game!" (admittedly this could be wifom tho)
it strikes me that it would be very appropriate for an animal crossing theme game
just interested in how that class would run stategy-wise
when life gives you lemons, throw them at your brother,Bruh imagine if RNP and Stryke were separate this game and RNP was just spamming Stryke with fruit every night
RNP was just spamming Stryke with fruit every night
thanks tbh ;u; it was mawile’s idea c:can I also just say how much I like your avatar, raritini
tarantula(are there bedbugs in ACNH)